NeedleworkMonday: Frogging and preparing for re-use / Ribbeln und Wiederaufarbeiten

in #needleworkmonday6 years ago

Often you go on working on your projects even if an inner voice tells you that this won't work. For a time you can go "la la la" with closing your eyes, but sooner or later it's clear: this project has to be frogged. Why I use "frog" for unraveling? Well - what does the frog tell you? Exactly: "Rip it!".

Oft verschließt man beim Häkeln oder Stricken die Augen vor der Tatsache dass da einiges schief läuft und mit noch so viel gutem Willen zu keinem guten Ende zu bringen ist. Eine Zeit lang hilft es vielleicht das Problem zu ignorieren aber früher oder später wird einem klar: Das wird nix - das wird aufgeribbelt!

I recently had this situation with a hat I knitted with cotton yarn in slip stitch pattern. I decided to frog it and what better time to do it than while playing Steemmonsters? All this waiting with finding an opponent and waiting for them to be ready can be used ;)

Das hatte ich letztens bei einer Baumwollmütze. Zu eng - also aufribbeln. Und das war hervorragend als Begleitung zum Steemmonster-Spiel. Da wartet man auf einen Gegner und dann darauf dass der fertig ist usw.


Now if you unrip something you normal wind the yarn in a skein and then wet it and let it dry with a light tension to get the curls out. But this would be knitted right again into a slip stitch pattern - not being really smooth would be no problem there. I unravelled row after row, wrapping the two of the three yarns around their balls but the third one I wrapped around a nostepinne, this wooden thing looking like a strange chair leg. With it you can wind skeins into cakes or balls with a center pull.

Normalerweise wird man Garn nach dem Aufribbeln in einen Strang wickeln, anfeuchten und leicht gespannt trocknen. Da ich dies aber gleich wieder verstricken wollte und das auch im Hebemaschenmuster hat mich eine leichte Krause nicht gestört - das fällt bei Hebemaschen nicht so auf. Ich hab zwei der drei Garne erstmal um das alte Knäuel gewickelt und das graue auf eine Nostepinne. Das ist dieses merkwürdige aussehende Gerät - auch Wickelholz genannt - und es tut genau das. Damit kann man Garn, z. B. von einem Strang, zu einem Knäuel wickeln bei dem man hinterher den Faden aus der Mitte holen kann.

That's how I do it (there's probably a more professional way to use it): I use a bit of sticky tape to stick the end of the yarn to the nostepinne's handle. Then I wind the yarn several times a bit loosely around the nostepinne, push these loops up + together and repeat that several times till I have an inner "wall". Around that I wind the yarn in two directions at a time: up and down the previously made layer and at the same time I roll the nostepinne. Perhaps just look at a video to get what I mean ;)

Ich fange ab indem ich das Fadenende mit Tesafilm am Griff befestige (es gibt sicherlich professionellere Methoden als meine) und dann das Garn einige Male locker um das Holz wickele, diese Windungen hoch schiebe und das einige Male wiederhole. Wenn ich eine Grundlage habe beginne ich das Garn in Form einer 8 um das Holz zu wickeln und bewege es dabei von oben nach unten und zurück während ich die Nostepinne mit der anderen Hand leicht drehe. Ist kompliziert zu erklären, schaut euch vielleicht ein Video an ;)


That's how it looks in the beginning. In the next pictures you see how I hold the nostepinne and the yarn - I 'lead' the yarn with the left hand around the nostepinne while turning it with the right. The yarn can have a little tension - afterwards you pull the stick out of the middle of the cake and the tension lessens because the hole get's filled. The last picture shows how it looks now. And yes, I put sticky tape around the cake (well, more an egg). I wouldn't do it with fuzzy mohair yarn but it works ;)

Die Bilder oben zeigen die ersten Momente beim Wickeln, unten sieht man wie ich Garn und Wickelholz halte: Die linke Hand hält das Garn und führt es hoch + runter am Holz, die rechte dreht das Holz. Habt ruhig etwas Spannung im Garn beim Wickeln, wenn ihr das Holz heraus zieht bleibt ein Loch. Das wird ja ausgefüllt vom Garn und dadurch entspannt sich das Garn. Das letzte Bild zeigt wie es jetzt aussieht. Und ja, ich hab da Tesafilm drum gewickelt. Würde ich bei Mohair oder Angora nicht machen aber hier hilft es hervorragend!

Don't fear to admit defeat - because it's not a defeat if you learn from it, that makes it into a win for you. Have great 2019 full of projects that make you laugh and learn - live your life one stitch at a time!1

Also keine Angst vor Niederlagen beim Handarbeiten (und anderswo) denn wenn man aus ihnen lernt werden sie zu Siegen. Ich wünsche euch ein wunderschönes Jahre 2019 voll mit Projekten an denen ihr Spaß habt und bei denen ihr lernt - einfach immer eine Masche nach der anderen nehmen im Leben!

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1 The "one stitch at a time" is a motto I learned from the Sockmatician who taught me everything I know about double knitting and brioche. Take a look at his videos, he has an interesting vlog :)


I love seeing "old traditions" in use with needlework... my Mum used to have a ball winder that I wish I still had, it was a lovely wooden piece too. I also remember fondly as she would have us hold the yard over out outspread hands as she would wind balls of wool by hand.

Thank you for sparking a memory.... sorry about the reason you had to create this post in taking down this beautiful knitting.

All the best in 2019

An dieser Stelle einmal alles gute zum neuen Jahr!

graaaaa... the beautiful hat!!! I love the pattern in these b/w shades. But you are right, if it's wrong, then there is no way around unravelling. But I know too well the process during one lies to oneself :-DDD
Your method to wind the yarn is clever and good you do not have to wet the yarn beforehand (too much work)
A happy and creative new year to you <3

I like that pattern too but you know if it’s right or not. I also like your method of frogging and wrapping it around the nostepinne. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen one of those. I normally just start to roll mine back into a ball by hand...but then my balls come loose and yarn strings are everywhere lol. 🤦🏽‍♀️

Imagine that with three different yarns at once and you know why I'm really, really careful when frogging such a project ;)

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh yes I see!

If I have to wind wool into a 'neat ball', I use my knitting machine wool winder, @muscara :


It's a neat little gadget which I have to confess I've misplaced somewhere amongst my things.

The hat was looking great, but as you rightly put it:

Don't fear to admit defeat - because it's not a defeat if you learn from it, that makes it into a win for you.

Those are very wise words.

I was tempted to buy such a winder but I wouldn't use it enough. My local yarn shop has a a ball winder and I can use that if it's not needed.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, agreed .. all a learning process.
The design is beautiful, the colors and everything are choice.

The wooden pin is cool, I like it. My husband got me a ballwinder for Christmas to replace a broken one. They are handy to have around because I often do not have time to wait for a shop to wind skeins for me. That is because I tend to shop when they are busy or about to close for the night.
Deciding to quit a project and restart it is the hardest part of crafting!

very interesting! I did not know about this device before. It seems very convenient. I also think that the need to do something differently, to redo what I did unsuccessfully, is only part of the educational process. the one who does nothing is not mistaken :)

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