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RE: Sewing the Stella Sweater

Hahaha, it's such a pleasure to read your post. You have such an adorable way of criticizing yourself :D It just made me laugh..

I haven't heard of the stella sweater before but when I saw yours I realized that I too have one! Just didn't know that it was THE stella sweater, lol.

I love your model picture. You don't care about what kind of posture you make, you just go in front of the camera and pose :D COOL!

Happy sewing and I'm looking forward to the year of Stella sweaters :D

Have a lovely day!


I am so happy I could make you laugh a bit :-D I often think the world can be such a dark place, so its nice to read some fun things which cheer up. And that you also have a Stella: wow what a coincidence (or perhaps fate 😂) I am so happy that I dared to try this fit... as you read, now I am obsessed with it. Tomorrow we have a fabric fair (Netherlands fabric fair with soooooo many stalls) and I will search for a nice flower Jersey. What a pity that fabric is so expensive...
I am now curious of your Stella sweater, will you post it someday?
And with the posing.... I may have written this already, but there are two hearts beating in my breast: one being an exhibitionistic extroverted artist and the other being a gruesome critic of myself. So, often I am not as daring, as I would like to be and often I am ok doing things before a camera/on stage and afterwards I beat myself up.
But nevertheless I am compliment-sponge - so, thank youuuuuuu 🥰🌈💕

Did you find that flower Jersey that you were looking for? I've never been to a fabric fair. In which city is it? I've never heard of something like that in Switzerland..

Oh, well, that is a completely different topic to my usual posts but when I think about it, it would be nice for a change :) So I'll see. But I'll probably posts just a sweater as I try to keep photos of myself to minimum (generally on all social media sites) :)

That is a complicated personality :) So if you're not in the mood to stand in front of the camera, you just go to bed, wake up the next day and there is a big chance that you'll feel differently about it :) That's very interesting :)

My pleasure :)

No flower jersey for me... but I found another beautiful jersey which reminded me of eighties band shirts which I want to combine with black and forest green for a sweater with stripes. If all is ok on Monday with my father (I accompany him to his radiation therapy) I will write about the fabric market. The market tours through Germany and is approx two times per year in every big town.
And with your sweater: no problem, just do what’s comfortable for you <3

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