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RE: Making a new pant from an old one / ジーンズから新しいズボンができました

in #needleworkmonday6 years ago

I agree with you about the temptation of bargains. I have limited budget and I'm on my way finding out a good balance. Fair but 200-300 Euro jeans aren't affordable for me. Second hand can be an option but still there is a size problem ... so I decided to invest my time to make one, luckily I can enjoy the time :)

Talking about organic food there was an interesting experiment by an Austrian bio magazine.

The title Armeleuteessen (poor people eat) was controversial but I liked their experiment to manage meals with bio products with limited budget. Back then I followed them and could make it quite well thanks to affordable bio products in Germany.

But now I'm not 100% sure about mass produced bio products and happy to buy from people I see every week at market even they are not bio producers. I feel also responsible to use my money locally.

I don't know how but I wish this kind of problems are solved in the future with the power of blockchain/crypto. I notice some kind of potential of them :)


So many things to juggle, @akipponn. I agree about the potential of crypto but we're a long way from that ... still better to try than to give up :D
Thank you for the link to read about the experiment. I see there are still recipes around As an outsider it seems to be all part of the 'back to basics' type of campaign - "Zurück zu den Wurzeln“.
It would be really good to help make healthy choices that don't break the bank balance!

Nice. I didn't know that there are recipes. And haha "crypto" cariad says "long way"! I agree with you but I believe in the potential of the technology. We'll see. Until then let's keep on Steemit :D

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