Happy Autumn!

Stormy Morning!

Photos by @fishyculture using Samsung cell phone

I went down to feed the cows this morning and it had RAINED! There were almost puddles! Well, not really but there were moist spots in the dirt for certain! The place where the feed bunks had been set up had to be pulled apart so the drainfield for the septic could go in. For now, I am hauling hay to the pasture in a wheel barrow, and cross two irrigation ditches and a creek to get there. This morning, I had a 40 pound salt block in there, in addition to a 80 to 100 pound bale of hay. Some disaster was BOUND to happen and today was the day. Some rotten vole dug a hole in the middle of my path last night. As I staggered down toward the cows with and extra-heavy load and hay piled so high I could barely see, I hit the hole. The wheel barrow just STOPPED and I kept going. Only one step but full force, trying to push a heavy load. One step, into the back side of a flipped wheelbarrow...

OW!!! Shouldn't Someone Have Held My Beer?

The renovation of the HcMansion is coming right along. One of the trickier problems is a missing ceiling tile. Just one, and I cannot seem to find a match for it. Eventually we may do a dropped ceiling but for now, I just want to cover that HOLE. I cut myself a square of cardboard, covered it in spackle and sort of textured it up. I tried to glue all the adjacent tiles (that were droopy) back up. Then I put my cardboard tile up. I will need to do a little more gluing of neighboring tiles and then hit it all with Kilz but it looks OK, I think. It looks a TON better than that hole!

Not bad for a hillbilly makeover job!

I did not even make it a week on the carnivore diet, but it did kick-start me back into a keto state very quickly. I just could not choke back enough meat to fill my caloric needs, it was quickly becoming a starvation diet... nuts to that! It was an interesting experience and I can't say I had any terrible side effects. I had some improvement in joint pain issues, actually. Like I said, I just had to have some SALAD yesterday. My husband is sticking with it still, although he cheats a little. He likes his beer and has had a few dark chocolate chips. He says he is noting improvement in some lifelong digestive issues, so this could be a major improvement for his life. I will keep you posted, if there is anything else noteworthy that happens.

Have a blessed day and be a blessing to someone's day!




Lovely sky. Hope your legs are ok. On diet I say whatever works, if its working for your husband more power to him. I have fought with ceiling tiles some in commercial spaces. Mostly when one got damaged somewhere that was visible, I would try to replace with one that wasn't visible like from a closet or backroom. Then eventually borrowed some from the space next door that was vacant :) Probably not good for my karma lol

That is a great idea, but these tiles WERE the "makeover" from the old tiles that were the big 2 x 4 foot panels so there was no place to scavenge from, only the living room has them. Although I did not think to check the neighbor's... ;)

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Yeah, ouchie! I'm a lover of all living things, but damn those rodents to hell. My grandfather was the same way. I think gardeners just hate rodents, for the most part. They're always up to no good. Always! Almost as bad as crows, or mosquitoes.

Our first year after we got the well in, I planted 100 saplings. Carried water in buckets every day to all of them to try to get them established. They were just starting to take off when the voles started ringing the trunks. So I cooked up some of this vile brew and painted the remaining trunks with it. The little bastards dug an inch under ground and ringed the trunk there.
We hates them, precious... gollum!

You are an amazing person with an amazing partner in your life. Good luck with your healing.

I could say the same about you... you are incredible. HUGS to you and Abbi!

Gorgeous photo!! :-)

Ouch! Damned vole. I hope you heal quickly, and if I were closer, I'd have held your beer for sure.

The worst thing we're dealing with at the moment is a nest of yellow jackets that have set up house in a box on my front porch. Figuring out how to deal with them now. Ouch indeed.

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Well good luck! That can be a serious problem, at least wheelbarrows don't attack in swarms!

At least not yet. ;-)

Hmmmmm . . . . Attack of the Killer Wheelbarrows . . . has to be at least as believable as The Meg.

Ouch! Painful wheelbarrow hit. Darn little hole diggers, have you filled it in for them yet?

Your tile fix worked really well, we have a hole in our landing ceiling where my eldest used an air circulation vent thing as a booster when he was going into the attic and pushed it right through! I dumped some plaster board over the hole a year ago, still done nothing about it - I don't tend to look up when I am walking around the house.

#thealliance #witness

Oh yeah, it got filled in immediately. It will be back though, they always come back... I really need to get the fence back up so I can feed them without the wilderness trek.
I am pretty pleased with the tile, I am not trying to build the Taj Mahal here. It, like the mirror, will add a sense of adventure living there, always wondering it they are going to fall... lol! (At least the tile is cardboard!)

I thought I had it bad walking through the basement and forgot I pulled out the litter box a bit to clean it, I forgot to push it back, got a load of laundry out of the dryer then bam right into the littler box, fell off balance right into the furnace. I had a bruise for so long I finally showed it to my doctor when I went for a examine. He said I must have just bruised a lot of tissue and eventually it would go away. Like months later it finally did.

I find when I want something to stay put using what they call liquid nails is a great option, it's usually about three bucks for a small tube of it.

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