Raising Tadpoles (Day 144) - Frog Feng Shui, Claws, and Shedding

in #nature5 years ago (edited)

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Day 144

Apparently the juvenile frogs weren't satisfied with how I set up the tank decorations yesterday. When I went to feed them today I found that the frogs had managed to pop one of the PVC tubes out of the row I had placed them in and moved it to the other wall. Clearly I had offended their amphibious feng shui! Or, perhaps more likely, the frogs' natural instinct to hide by squeezing themselves into tight spaces for security simply caused one or two of them to try and fit in between the two tubes, accidentally popping the tube out of place as they continued to push further into the resultant gap. Personally, I find froggie feng shui to be funnier but reality isn't too bad either.


One way in which froglets and juvenile frogs differ in behavior is that some froglets will float at the surface to try and get first dibs during feeding time, resulting in them sometimes trying to nibble the hairs on your arms when moving thing around. Of course they aren't able to actually nip you, since aside from their tiny size, not particularly strong bite (for a human at least), and they have no teeth - resulting in them attempting to gum you. Despite the three black claws on their feet, African Clawed Frogs rarely use them, they may use them on occasion if they've bitten off more than they can chew or if they're being used in self-defense, but mostly they just end up sitting there looking neat.


I have also seen their claws being used to help remove shedding skin. African Clawed Frogs will shed once a week, normally it's eaten by the frog quickly enough that the owner is unlikely to see it, but sometimes you may catch them in the middle of shedding, which tends to look like they're shoving a translucent, white sheet in their mouths. A healthy shed comes off mostly intact, the skin coming off in small shreds is a sign of stress and is a sign to check your water conditions and other parameters.

Current Totals:

8 - 10 gallon (Tadpole Tank)
34 - 20 gallon (Frog Tank) [9 froglet, 25 juvenile]

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