The Most Bizarre, Surprising, and Disgusting Superpowers In The Animal Kingdom. ( Part - 4)

in #nature8 years ago

16. Pink Dragon Millipede (Desmoxytes purpurosea)

The shocking pink dragon millipede or Desmoxytes purpurosea is a spiny and toxic millipede named for it's vivid pink color. Its flashy and unusual pink color intends to warn of potential predators and is remarkable for its ability to produce and shoot clouds of hydrogen cyanide from it's mouth, thanks to the glands that produce it. Because it produces cyanide, it smells like almonds. Now the dragon millipede is a curiously pink insect, and in fact, it's one of the only pink creatures on earth. Now nature that's usually a sign that says, "Back off" and for good reason. See this toxic beauty sprays clouds of almond-smelling cyanide gas, but you're close enough to take a with it's probably too late.

17. Platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus)

It's a one-of-a-kind all-terrain species combining three animals in one. And it goes from cute to killer in an instant. At first glance they make no sense. It's one of only a few creatures that combines traits from birds reptiles and mammals. Freshwater platypus lives in only two places on the entire planet eastern Australia and Tazmania. The platypus is actually a throwback the last surviving mammal anda genus one of the rink asst meaning duck-like snout this family of hodgepodge hybrids roamed the earth millions of years ago yet what makes the Platypus truly incredible is how it remakes itself transforming from swimmer to sprinter bird, imposter to mammal and back again. But its most terrifying transformation is from docile to deadly. At first glance the Platypus seems mild-mannered this non-aggressive hunter actually closes its eyes while searching for food using its broadbill like a homing device the soft skin snout has special sensor organs that send out feelers signals similar to radar picking up vibrations from nearby worms and shrimp. But the Platypus can become a surprise attacker. It's hidden weapons sharp Spurs located above the heels of its hind legs. Both sexes have these Spurs at birth yet females shed there's at three months. This difference reveals the Spurs primary purpose male-to-male combat. Males use their lethal daggers most frequently during mating season fending off rivals and showing their dominance. These doing weapons make them one of the only venomous mammals on earth. The spur works like a hypodermic needle injecting a lethal cocktail / 25 compounds from a toxic gland inside the animals upper thigh. This sting is excruciating, in seconds it causes bleeding and burning and victims like dogs and cats die.

18. Electric Eel (Electrophorus electricus)

Electric Eels have the ability to produce over 600 volts of electricity which gives them the ability to stun their predators. They are carnivores and so will eat small fish and other species of sea creatures also amphibians and even birds and small mammals. Electric eels are not eels in the true sense they are more related to carp and catfish. They have electric organs inside them that have around 6,000 specialized cells called electrocytes. These electrocytes store power and when they are attacking predators these cells will discharge a burst of up to 600 volts . They are found in the dark streams and lakes of the Amazon and Orinoco basins of South America. They are mammals and so need air to breathe and will come up and surface regularly Electric eels have poor eyesight so in order to locate prey and to find their way around dark waters, they will discharge a small charge of up to 10 volts which will act like a radar for them. Electric eels can measure up to 8 feet (2.5 meters) in length and they weigh in at 44 pounds (20 kilograms) They have flat heads and long cylindrical bodies which can help them to navigate the dark,murky waters where they live and swim quickly. Electric eels are full of cells called electro sites that mode of charge like a living battery. A shock of electric eel is more than enough to kill a human and certainly enough to make your heart skip beats.

19. Dung beetles (Scarabaeus viettei)

Dung Beatles are found worldwide on every continent except for Antarctica. There are around eight thousand species of Dung beetles. Depending on the species they range in size from less than one millimeter to more than six centimeters. Most dung Beatles are dark-colored although some have shiny metallic colors and others have bright patterns. Dung beetles have wings and are able to fly. They also have six strong legs which help them to roll dung and dig holes. Dung beetles are generally very strong. In scientific tests male dung beetles were able to pull 1,141 times their own body weight. That's the equivalent of an adult human dragging six fully loaded double decker buses. Amazingly studies have conclusively shown some species of dung beetles are able to navigate by using the Milky Way or the clusters of brightly little stars by pinpointing their location. Dung beetles are solitary creatures that only socialized during the mating season after mating females lay their eggs either inside the dung or in their underground tunnel.

20. Gecko (Gekkonidae)

The secret behind gecko's sticky feet is Hair. Millions of hairs called setae cover the bottom of gecko's toe pads. Those hairs have hundreds of their own microscopic hairlike structures sprouting from their tips. Which become adhesive when pressed onto a hard surface. Used together, the little hairs function like the ring of a suction cup. Engineers are applying this technology to design robot grippers, enabling machines to grab items or climb walls.

The Most Bizarre, Surprising, and Disgusting Superpowers In The Animal Kingdom. ( Part - 1)

The Most Bizarre, Surprising, and Disgusting Superpowers In The Animal Kingdom. ( Part - 2)

The Most Bizarre, Surprising, and Disgusting Superpowers In The Animal Kingdom. ( Part - 3)

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Love this post series!

amazing post @masonmiller. The Pink Dragon is awesome!!!

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