Stoned Faces

in #nature5 years ago (edited)

Talk about freaks of nature!

Howdy folks and greetings from the Great Plains of North Texas!

The other day I saw one of those natural formations in a cliff that looked remarkably like a human face so I decided to see how many more I could find and they are indeed all over the world.

Some of them are funny, some are eerie, but all are amazing.

Most of them I have no idea of the location because I saw them on Pinterest but they're scattered all over the globe.

This one looks like some kind of animal, a bear maybe?


This face looks alien:


This looks like a proud human:


Ain't no human but looks to be miserable or angry:


This one was called The Old Man of the Mountain but it fell off a few years back, this was in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, U.S.A.


I think this one will be here for awhile:


I forget where this one was but it doesn't matter because he fell off the side of the mountain too.


Here's a whole body!


This is another whole body, it looks like a giant with a robe on. This one is in Romania and is called the Goliath Tower:


Here is another giant, this time a sleeping one:


This one looks sculpted but it's not:


To me this one looks like The Mummy:


Freaky. Definitely not human:


Now, is it just me or does this one look exactly like sir @blanchy? Just askin. I can't be the only one to see the uncanny resemblance:


This here looks like a cranky old man:


Another alien:



Faces Found In Rocks (3).jpg

This one is so subtle but so distinct:

Faces Found In Rocks (9).jpg

This is a great one off the coast of Scotland, St. Kilda:


I like the way the rocks form what looks like hair, giving this one a feminine look.


Here's an animal one that looks like a hedge hog:

download (8).jpg

Here's a horse head:

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How about an island shaped like a Dolphin? This is Li Galli in Italy.


People say this is a deer drinking water but to me it looks more like a rabbit:

download (9).jpg

Don't forget the Elephants:

download (10).jpg

This is a mountain in Spain:


Check out this old man formation near Los Angeles:


These sculptures wrought by the hands of nature by wind, water, freezing and thawing, cracking and breaking away... just incredible.

Ancient societies used to worship some of these formations and saw them as expressions of the living spirit of the earth. It's easy to see why.

By the way, the scientific term for recognizing faces in nature is called "Simulacrum" and faces with rocks are also referred to as "Anthropomorphic rocks" but that's too big a word for a redneck, I just call them cool!


Thanks for reading folks, God bless you all!
the gentleman redneck

PS- Check out this classic joke. It's an old one but a good one.

An elderly lady was arrested for shoplifting.

When she went before the judge in New York City, he asked her.. "What did you steal?" She replied," A can of peaches."

The judge asked her why she stole the can of peaches?

She replied that she was hungry. Then the judge asked her how many peaches were in the can? She replied: Six.

The judge said.." Then I will give you six days in jail."

Before the judge could actually pronounce the punishment, the woman's husband spoke up and asked the judge if he could say something on his wife's behalf?

The judge said.." What is it?"

The husband replied.." She also stole a can of peas."
(lol..I don't know if that's too corny to be funny but to me it is)





Wow! I really enjoyed looking at these. Once again I say...nature never ceases to maze me! I like to find objects and clouds that look familiar to all of us. : )
That joke gave me a chuckle. Sounds like her husband wants to have some alone time. LOL! Thanks for the laugh @janton!

Howdy Butterfly! Did you recognze anyone in those faces? Most people think one of them is modeled after their neighbor or someone. lol. I'm so glad you enjoyed the joke, I laughed out loud at that one.

Hi jonboy! No, I didn't recognize anyone in those faces. Well, maybe the ones with angry faces. I know some people who are always miserable. Isn't that sad?

Howdy again Butterfly! yes, isn't it amazing that some of the people who have it made are the meanest and nastiest? I don't get it. Hey if you had a choice what would you rather have, some steem or some sbi's?

OMG! I have wondered about that for years! I don't get it either.
Oh, jonboy! I am not going to answer your question because I know what you are up to. Please don't give me anything more than you already have. Your friendship is all I want. Hugs!

oh, now you are into ordering me around huh? No one tells me what to do or what not to do Miss Butterfly. (well, except Mrs. J. and I'm like her man-slave lol).
I think most rich people are super tightwads but if they started helping others with their wealth I think that would change their hearts, in most cases. It's a very strange conundrum. It's hard to understand but I'll let you know when I make it and how it changes me! lol.

Howdy Sir @janton, wha wha wha the husband in the joke was certainly sharp.
If you had an imagination like mine, you would see the eyes of those faces open up and their bodies slowly rising with boulders and rocks tumbling down Lol.

Great photos you dig oot for us. And I like the joke to.

Howdy sir oldtime! Thanks so much! It was fun finding the photos and I'm glad you liked the joke too!

Howdy sir papilloncharity! I like your imagination. Yes, especially the mountain that looks like a person laying on his side or the other full body one that looks like a giant sitting there. Both of them look like they could just rise up! I makes you wonder if this was just nature or was God having fun?

Oh, and that lady in court, can you imagine the look on her face when her husband said that? lol.

Yes sir! That joke is funny, for sure lol. I may have to tell that one at work tomorrow if you don't mind. Nature is very cool in all ways, and those rock formations are too!

Oh yes, tell that joke and see if people like it, I burst out laughing when I read it!

What amazing pictures! I've seen a couple of those before, but had no idea there were so many globally. Terrific!

Great joke, too. :)

Howdy sir wwwiebe! I was totally blown away by how many there were around the world, it was fun finding them and thanks for liking that joke! lol.

Very interesting! I think some of them were giants who were turned into mountains and rocks!

Howdy sir kaminchan! Some of them look like that don't they? Do you think that's possible from ancient times?

I think scientists should take samples to test! You never know some giants might become petrified.

Yes some of those look like petrified giants! Wow I bet no one ever tried to test them before.

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Howdy theluvbug! Thank you so much for the upvote!

Fantastic,awesome and amazing photos ....!!! @janton.

Howdy annephilbrick! Thanks so much I'm glad you liked these, it was fun finding all of them!

I would absolutely love to visit and see all of them.....!!!!!!!!! @janton. I truly would...!!!

Now THAT would be a fun trip, taveling all around the world! But what about Bruce?

It sure would be fantastic fun to travel. About Bruce...🤔 .. I was thinking my first stop would be Texas. I know Bruce would love to hang out with you for a few weeks..!!!!🙂

haha! that's a good one annephilbrick! I would love to babysit him. Jack might have a problem for awhile but he'd get used to him!

😊...!!! @janton
Bruce has never lived with a dog before...
It would be a good life experience for him..🙂... !!!

haha! I think it would be, it would force him to grow as a cat! lol. and be more well rounded.

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Howdy esteemapp! Thanks so much for the upvote!

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Howdy steem-plus! Thanks so much for the upvote!

Those are amazing! I think I've seen pictures of a couple of those before but to see them all in one collection is so very cool! I love to take pictures of things that look like faces, but I've never seen one that big in person! Thanks for putting that together!

Howdy goat-girlz! I was blown away by the accuracy of their dimensions and by the number of them all over the world, too bad their isn't one of a goat! There may be one that hasn't been discovered yet. lol.

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