Setting our first aquarium - all preparations before having first fishes (lots of photos)

in #nature7 years ago

Today everything I needed to start arrived:) Soil, filter, plants - everything for the beginning of my journey to wonderful world of aquarium owner:) So here in this post I want to share with you this magic process that took all my time today (and this is the main reason why I posted less art, ha-ha:)

First of all I want to show a tiny fragment of how it looks now:

See the tower? I love it so much:) Saw it in the zoo market and immediately decided that I should have it. For me it looks like Radagast's tower from the LotR on-lime MMORPG, and I think soon we'll have not only fishes, but also a crab or a crayfish, and we'll call him Radagast;)

When all the stuff arrived my dog was a bit shocked. Look at her muzzle, I think she's up to something:) May be up to hunting fishes in future. Of course I will not let her do that, but she really seems interested in the process. On the background you can see already washed and settled aquarium, 80 liters it is. Now let's figure out what do I have to start the journey:

5 kilo of the soil. I wished to have colored one, but the seller said that it also may color the water. So I decided to avoid this risk for the first time, and bought natural one. The instruction says that I much wash it first, and that's what I did before putting it to my future underwater world.

Thermometer. When my hubby will come home we'll decide where to stick it together. Having a dog I became a fan of Trixie manufacturer, so here I tried to stick to this firm too as much as I can. They really produce great goods. 

Aquarium net. Don't need it yet, cause we need to wait for a week or two until the eco system will stabilize and we'll have the first fishes, but since I was ordering all I need I decided to have a net too in advance.

Living plants! I expected that all of them will be labeled and in separate packages, but I've got them like this, all in one package. No matter, I think later I will figure out what plants do  have.

And the filter, to clean the water and give oxygen to the inhabitants. I'll leave setting it to my husband:)

So, I washed all the soil and began putting it into my aquarium carefully. I also settled the tower.

Then I filled it with water on 2/3 on it's volume and began setting plants. Tricky business, I must say:)

Surprise! Yesterday I complained that we couldn't find any snails to buy. Found one in the plants, like a gift from the market;)

Now this is how it looks at the moment, filled with water and with light set. In the evening we'll add the filter, and then next week will go for our first fishes:)

See you in the next post;)

Thank you for voting and commenting:)

Love, Inber


great post all looks are very beautifull keep it up @inber

Nice, good luck. It looks like in the fairy tale. Your new tenants will be delighted.
Thank you for sharing my friend;) I am looking forward to see your fellows. Have a great day. Enjoy ;))))

I hope all of them will stay alive when I'll put them there;)

When I saw what equipment you bought I think they will multiply over time :))) Everything is just great. When I was a teenager with our dad had a similar sized aquarium maybe a little bigger. We raised a scalar size of my dad's hand, and believe my dad's hand was wide and big;)

Watching those little fellow or the other ones will give you incredible creativity :)))

Oh WOW!!! Hand size!
I want to have a lot of small fishes, not big ones:) So probably I learn good about the species before buying them, don't want to grow that big ones, others will have no place:)

Haha ... that was shock for us too but the point was that my dad bought some kind of fish 🐟 which ate mostly of small ones. Before we realized what was going on we stayed with two scalars and algae eater. Just ask at the store about nice and peaceful ones. My little suggestion. 🐟🐟🐟❤️

Will definitely follow your advice, thank you:) I want a peaceful place in my tank, ha-ha:)

I love fishes !! I used to have lots of them in the tank but gave it all away :/

Why so?:(

It was getting a little expensive with such a big tank

Oh I see... I have this one of 80 liters, hope it'll be fine;)

Thats awesome, I have been a Fish keeper for almost 45 years now. I currently have four Aquariums set up. Snails can become very invasive. If you have one in a plant you probably have hundreds you can't see yet. Its always a good idea to rinse new Plants under running water before you add them to your tank, gets rid of some of the Snail eggs. If they get out of hand ( clog Filters and such) just add a Clown Loach fish or Assassin Snail to your tank, They make quick work of unwanted snails. Good luck with your Tank, it should bring you years of enjoyment.

Haven't thought about too small ones... and was so upset that I have only one:) Thank you for your advise!

No problem, if you have any questions feel free to ask, Im not a Pro but have had and solved most problems that come about in Aquariums.

Thank you so much for this permission, I'll ask if I'll have any problems:)

I’d love to have a fish tank. Not sure what type of fish though. Food for thought

I'm not sure yet too, but not salt water for sure:)

This looks like a very good start to the aquarium. Will it be freshwater or saltwater? It seems the more colorful tropical fish are saltwater. Looking forward to the next post to see the fish. If my kids got a crab for the fish tank they would probably name him Sebastian.. they love Disney.. lol. Thanks!

Fresh water, small fishes a (few of them). Only for tiny home comfort and nature connection:)

Looking great, we started with cold water fish and 1 tank then ended up with 4 tanks all marine fish, good luck :)

Oooops, that's a lot:) I'm thinking more about small tiny birds:)

I had many aquariums as a youngster, and they are so relaxing and fun. Love the tower, the fish will be very happy. (And the snail is REALLY happy right now, all to his/herself.) Thanks for sharing the new fish digs, it will be much fun. Are you going to get a plecostomus? Fun to watch and keep things clean. Keep us up on the progress and have a nice night.

Plecostomus will be the first fish I'll get:) I even already chose some in zoo market, but have to wait until the water is ready:)

Always liked the Plecostomus, sort of prehistoric looking thing, yet a friendly bottomdweller.


meep, where have you been? I missed your valuable input on my posts. I thought you didn't like my content anymore 🤔

That's good to hear. I didn't think you were secretly admiring @inber!

PEEM...said while glancing in the mirror

Looks very pretty! Looking forward to photos of fish when it's ready for fish :D Are you getting cold water fish or tropical fish? (sorry if you said somewhere in the post, I'm still waiting for coffee to kick in!) And are you going to make it into a small aquaponics setup and grow herbs at the top, that's likely what I would do if I got a small setup XD (there is a big aquaponics outside but we haven't put anything in yet, it's just running water atm).

Cold water, I didn't mention it:) A few plants, a few fishes next week when the water will be ready), nothing too hard to take care of for this first time:)

hooray fish! i spent years with fish tanks, until i moved to the city... i still miss them constantly.
have you decided what kind of fish you will get yet?

Not yet, but will choose friendly and simple ones for the beginning:)

Can't wait to see them😊

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