Acerodon jubatus

in #nature6 years ago (edited)

Ordinary bat, at least once in a lifetime, probably everyone saw. Thanks to the stories about vampires, these animals are not too welcome. Now imagine a bat with a dog's head and a wingspan of up to 1.7 meters! Meet: in front of you, grimaceous aceterdon (Latin Acerodon jubatus) - a member of the family of the winged, which is considered the largest bat on earth.


It is a mammal with large eyes and membranous wings. He has no tail, the length of the male body can reach 33.8 cm, females - 34.3 cm. This azerodon is also called gold-stalk because of the golden wool on the top of the head. The muzzle of the animal is elongated, slightly reminiscent of a dog or even a fox, and the ears are small. The overall color of the fur is dark, the head, neck and back of the head are golden in color. The upper body is brownish-black, the bottom is blackish with silvery hairs.


Friable acelets are found in the Philippine archipelago. There are quite a lot of them on the islands of Mindanao, Negros, Basilan, Panay, Zamboanga, Cebu, Mindoro and Leyte. They also meet in the Sulu Archipelago (Sivutu, Sanga-Sanga, Toitoi and Bongao). These nocturnal animals live in thickets of reeds, in caves and mangrove swamps at an altitude of not more than a thousand hundred meters above sea level. They strongly depend on primary and secondary forests and suffer greatly from their cutting down.


That is why in recent years, aceteroids have disappeared from many habitual before them habitats. The forests were lost - and the aceteroids left. In addition, the locals consider the meat of these animals suitable for consumption, so they hunt for bats with great zeal and even sell their carcasses in the markets to tourists.


In 1994, the gold-capped aceterdon was listed in the International Red Book. Then he was given the status of a species with a high risk of extinction. It is interesting that in maned bats there are no natural enemies, except man. However, it is also the most dangerous enemy, which, as history has repeatedly shown, is capable of destroying the many thousands of people in just a couple of decades.


And yet it is hoped that these mammals can be saved. Moreover, they are absolutely harmless and, despite the gloomy stories about vampires, have nothing to do with them. These herbivorous animals feed solely on the fruits of fig trees, although they go after them at nightfall.


In the afternoon, the grimaceous aceteroids gather in large colonies, numbering at times thirty or even one hundred thousand individuals. During the daytime they hang upside down on trees, considering this position to be the most comfortable for sleeping. In the evening, they depart to search for food, overcoming the distance to 30 km, including over the sea surface. To detect juicy fruits rely solely on sight, and echolocation is practically not used.


Unfortunately, little is known about the reproduction of these animals. As a rule, in April or May the female gives birth to only one calf and feeds it with her milk. Sexual maturity of aceteroids reach about two years of age.Today, there are two subspecies of gold-capped aceteroids: Acerodon jubatus jubatus and Acerodon jubatus Mindanensis, the last of which lives on the island of Mindanao.

With the best wishes, @gleb-jeglov aka Evgeny


Your article was very good, congratulations.

This post has received a 0.12 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

The bat is a bird species, but it belongs to the mammals because it gives birth to a child. It belongs to the group of tendons, from the family of the bat, and the family of the butterfly. It is one of the living organisms that has been surrounded by many myths. There are about 100 species of bats. The bat is known to be dark and night, And prefer to live in the warm areas, and divided into two main sections, big bats, and small bats, is known that the big bats eat fruit, and consider it a food for them, and therefore called bats fruit, the least widespread, and small bats feed on fish, meat, Blood Organisms, such as cow blood, vampire species, live in South America, others eat insects, called insect bats, the most common

I forget the name. But there was a insect whose growth is hurdeled by black smoke from chimneys . Insects were white and they can be easily visible on black smoked tree . Industrial revolution still sucks

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