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RE: Earth Deeds - Volume 1 - Leave No Trace - CONTEST ENTRY ARTICLE

in #nature6 years ago

Seems like a great initiative, although I am not convinced that climate change is the real issue at hand, or that climate change is even mostly caused by carbon emissions. With that being said, I am thrilled you are taking strides to assist in healing the planet. What is your role in this project if you do not mind me asking?


Wow, that's a first on me! I've never met an earth defending eco-warrior type who wasn't convinced of the man-made carbon emissions hypothesis. It's quite refreshing in a way. Intensive carbon production is just one of many ways we're killing the planet, I suppose...

So far, my role has just been content creation and networking. I've written some articles, made some art and video. I'm considering joining the NVCD physically from October time, if I'm healthy enough by then.

My homie @kennyskitchen wrote an outsading 2 part piece about why climate change science is BS - if you want to know more about this you can check out his article here.

Please write a short post about your position in #extinctionrebellion, and share your link in the comments of this article to be entered in the contest.

Well this is quite interesting.

I'll see your anti-climate change science article and raise you a short (11 minute) documentary I made about the latest science, here.

I find it interesting and quite reassuring that 'your camp' (climate science deniers) and 'my camp' (climate science believers) might be able to have a civil, elucidating conversation about our difference of opinions here on steemit. I think the social media platforms I'm used to would have placed us in very different filter bubbles, so we wouldn't have had any useful exchange of ideas and information.

The #ExtinctionRebellion is non hierarchical as far as I understand it, hence I don't have a formal 'position' in it. I will write something new for you though, as you asked.

If you're interested, I last touched on it in a thing I wrote, here.


I am sure Kenny would be open to something like that if we could set up a proper public discourse space... although he and I are both extremely busy right now, but I am open to it.

Outstanding article, and happy to see Kenny interacted with it! This issue will not disrupt our potential unity. Debating the theories is how we find the real truth, I think we can all agree that burning fossil fuels the way we do in unnecessary and outdated tech that needs to be replaced with a mass adoption of updated tech that already exists.

Hey @elamental
I've not gotten round to writing anything fresh re: #ExtinctionRebellion yet but figured this thing I wrote quite recently might be pretty close to what you asked for? Will ping you again when I've got something brand new on the subject.


We are in a solar minimum all planets are in major climate change.. We need to be aware of "Weather Wars" there are over 25 HAARP arrays now on planet awesome, these are basically terminals that very similar to video games and can pulse all kinds of electromagnetic, vibratory frequencies into the ionosphere etc.. it is on steroids right now, just look up....@ann-narkeh it's not hidden or conspiracy, all the info is there if you want to research the deep state of dick chakra imbalance.

Yea its not what the media is blowing it up to be - yes pollution from humans is negatively effecting the planet, however there are way bigger factors at play here as you mentioned. The global warming fear mongering is exactly that - scare tactics to obtain public approval of geo-engineering... and yes also HAARPs, among other things.

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