Can humanity keep on eating meat without lifelong suffering and torture of animals? ecoTrain QOTW

in #nature7 years ago

If you eat meat, then congratulations for reading this post! Many people choose to ignore things that threaten something we want or need. The desire to eat meat is one of our most primal urges, and a very large proportion of people in the world require meat with every meal to feel satisfied. So if you eat meat and can't imagine life without it, but also feel bad for the state of the meat industry worldwide then please do read on!

The mistreatment of animals on a mass scale is one of the most heartbreaking aspects of meat eating by an ever increasing global population. It is one thing to end an animals life when that animal has lived a normal life and satisfied it's own desires as a conscious and sentient being. It is quite another thing to ignore every aspect of humane and ethical treatment in order to produce enough meat, and at low enough cost, to satisfy demand. The current paradigm is that, not only is the treatment of animals becoming worse, but the quality of the meat itself is also deteriorating due to the use of chemicals, hormones, antibiotics and hygiene issues that pervade any large scale meat farming operation.

There isn't really much to debate about whether the current trends are sustainable or not. In order to feed a growing population, we need vast amounts of land and water. Eating meat is one of the most inefficient ways to feed ourselves when you take into account the amount of land, water, and resources needed to feed and house livestock. Whilst the vegetarian and vegan movement is becoming more popular, it is fair to say that most of the world is not ready to give up meat. So is there a way that we can keep eating without the lifelong suffering and torture of sentient beings like a cow, a horse, a pig, or even a fish?

Producing 1kg of ground beef isn’t easy. It requires 100kg of hay, 4kg of grain, 100,000L of water (including grain/hay requirements). Meanwhile the meat industry contributes to 18% of greenhouse gas emissions – most notably the toxic gas methane.

The human population is expected to hit 9.5 billion by 2060, which will cause the market in meat to double by the middle of the century.

This is a question that many forward thinkers have been asking, and there has been a lot of activity recently to try to address this issue. Our scientists have been busy trying several approaches that can offer a very good alternative to meat derived directly from animals. Biology is a fascinating field, and scientists have come a long way in developing lab based tissue cultures that can grow and multiply like cells do in the body. With just a minute sample of cells that are taken from a donor animal without any harm to that animal, scientists are now able to grow and produce actual meat tissue that is very comparable to the real thing. Without a brain, cultured meat can indeed be thought of as almost plantlike. If you look under a microscope, you see the same cell structures as you would meat from an animal.

There have been several news articles about this, and most focus on taste (of course!). These lab based meat products are still in development and it is fair to say that they do not provide the same great taste that real meat gives, but that work is ongoing, and improving. There is now enough backing and support behind this that we are already starting to see the potential for these to be sold as viable alternatives to meat products.


Lab-grown meat has become a viable option to improve the environmental impact of meat consumption around the world. In just a few years lab-grown meat has become more accessible, mainly due to the increased interest and research—dropping from $325,000 for a lab-grown meat burger to only $11.36 in just two years

This isn't the only approach being researched. Scientists are also learning how to make very convincing meat alternatives grown from ingredients like fungus, seaweed and even herbs. The mix of these constituents can even mimic the blood red and iron rich taste of meat. A company called Beyond Meat sells a veggie burger that looks, cooks and taste like real meat. Called Beyond Burger, this plant-based burger uses beet juice to 'bleed' and is selling at a Whole Foods. These approaches are probably the best solution to yield products with much higher nutritional value, but may not satisfy a staunch carnivore.

Demand for meat, and fish, is only going one way. The question is, which product can satisfy the craving of the population for meat. At the moment it’s there and it’s increasing. This is a sentiment the Chinese government has got behind, announcing a $300m investment in cultured meat produced in Israel. The US may be among the world’s most carnivorous nations, but as China’s economy swells, the planet’s most populous country is catching up.

As for the future of lab-grown meat, Richard Branson remains confident that the future of sustainable meat is bright. “I believe that in 30 years or so we will no longer need to kill any animals and that all meat will either be clean or plant-based, taste the same, and also be much healthier for everyone,” he shared. “It’s exciting to see these products and industries take flight. They are a great example of how business is working to address the world’s biggest challenges.”

There are so many other things I could have spoken about that may help to gives this question a big yes. One example is to reduce meat eating. If we learned to eat half of our meals without needing meat, this would bring about a massive reduction in demand. There are some countries where this is just normal, such as India. For many Indians, eating meat is a luxury and something that is eaten just once or twice a week. When that happens you can be sure they enjoy it to its maximum! I have, however, chosen not to focus on trying to change people and their habits, since i don't think that is a pragmatic solution.

Also, I think there will always be a role for family farms to play in feeding rural areas, but family farms can only produce a tiny fraction of the world’s demand for meat. So if, like me, you are interested in a future of food tech that promotes real sustainability and animal justice, I hope you'll join the conversation and leave a comment!




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This is a very interesting development! Some of us physically still need meat to be healthy, so if these lab grown burgers would have the same nutritional value then that would be a wonderful suffer free alternative!

Hi @eco-alex!

I'm happy to include this post in the CTR Crossword Puzzle No.-8. This post will be linked in all related CTR Crossword posts . All participants for this puzzle will land on this post to find their answers to it

Thank you for creating awesome content which is just perfect for our participants!


Readers of this post, if they want to participate in this contest, they have a slight edge over others as they have already read this post. All are welcome to participate and have fun.

Very nice Ashu now you are finding some really special authors ;p I look forward to this next puzzle

Yep @ecoinstant! Actually this is the World Vegan Month, so more such posts on this subject are being included in this puzzle as well as on my blog this month. Of course, I've given a good weightage to Steemfest related posts too. Hope you will enjoy reading ...and fyi, the next puzzle is already out if you ain't aware. It's here:


Oh! I missed the start on this one, but I will try to give it a shot! My dutiful computer companion is recovering in the hospital, waiting for a donor of an important organ in his electrical system.

Maybe Ill head to the library or an internet café ;p

Thats great news, sounds likenfun.. thanks!

Great and surprising take on the topic!

I love that you can tackle all angles, from vegan recipes to high tech. With challenges like these a multi-pronged approach is probably best c

lol.. i do seem quite diverse in some ways.. i like a bit of this and a bit of that.. I am a cat.. cant do the same thing for too long ;-)

They say that this variety will make your life spicy and full of flavor😀

This was so informative and insightful. I am quite intrigued by the idea of lab grown meat and am totally rooting for the one grown using plants. It would be definitely a great alternative to the meat we have now.

This could definitely go many different ways, with lots of pros but also cons. It is great they people are trying to come up with more humane and ecologically friendly ways of satisfying the masses. As much as we know the human body can absolutely thrive without meat, meat-eating is so ingrained in many cultures that I just don't think it's feasible to expect that everyone will give it up. However, anywhere there is a possibility to make money there is also the possibility for corruption. So even though these endeavors to create lab-grown meat may start off well, it is a little scary wondering how the industry will get exploited. I'm sure there are so many other angles to look at this from, but those are just a few of my thoughts. Thanks for broaching this subject for all of us to reflect on!

nice comment! and yes no doubt corruption will rear its face when there is a chance to make SO much money.. BUT if it saves a billion animals from being tortured im ok with that! ;_

Very true on saving so many animal lives. :) You can't have it all, so I suppose it's important to look at the greater good!

As always I am enjoying reading a post from you. I think it is a great question to explore. I am so happy I found some thought I had but did not include in my version but I found in your article.

In general, it is so tough topic from the very different perspective, the same time we have to think about it. As you rightly stated the people's population is growing and we will face the problem how to feed it.

As for future of lab-grown meat, I absolutely agree with Sr. Richard Brandson and do believe the scientists will find a way for meat to taste as good as from the farms which eventually will make people start eating it. More importantly, I guess the price of such meat will go radically down which also will contribute to its success.

I have been reading a lot about startups in this field. Some of them got quite decent investment to support their activities so I am sure we will hear new discoveries pretty soon.I am eager to see how it all will work.

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lovely comment! ;-) i just LOVE how you take the time to find cool pictures

I love it too%) but sometimes it nearly kills me with the speed of Internet here in Vietnam%)Hope Malasia will be much better%)) But still better of that I had in India last time%)) Big hugs from here%)

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Great comment! I was surprised at reading this angle as well - what can I say except - let's wait and see!

I will still hang out with my chickens though. They are so funny and full of personality! But the globe is a big place, not everyone has the space to care for their own meat, or patience to only eat what they can grow.

Yes, it so true, dear! I think if people were more careful and chose to eat what they can grow the world would be a completely different place. I doubt that anyone would kill an animal and not eat it. Not it is just not seen to most of the people%((

I love chickens - they are much fun and despite the well-known statement that they are stupid they are not.

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I've yet to see one manage long-division, but our free range chickens sure know how to multiply all by themselves!

In all seriousness our Rooster keeps the dogs in check, always makes sure his girls have everything they need and is the best companion when mixing compost or cutting grass that a farmer could ask for.

Sasha, keep up the great work - you are a master at finding internet images that bring joy to any discussion.

Hehe%) I hope I will have more time to so them myself but since the amount of comments growing so fast I just not managing to do them all by myown%)) The Internet is a great help in it%)

Yes! There are times when I cannot keep up with my own commitments to this platform!

I try to view it as a blessing and nothing else 😇

there is no real need to eat meat, because essential amino acids is where proteins are and are found in a balanced plant based diet. Not eating meat is like bypassing the middle man.

Meat Inc, is today responsible for an unprecedented global blood ritual, animal suffering is rampant and eating that type of meat is toxic.

Meat is also hard on the kidneys and may take up to 2 days before going through the intestinal transit. People with diabetes must restrict their meat intake because the disease attacks kidneys for example. It merely means that meat is hard on every organ... no wonder that cancer skyrockets. A average meat intake should not be more than 3 oz daily... but most people eat 1-2lbs worth of meat daily...

society is eating itself to death... isnt gluttony a capital sin the bible... dont look further here is why.

They are a great example of how business is working to address the world’s biggest challenges.”

Eating must be a CONSCIOUS choice and had little to do with business, the money making mentality is irrational and causes the problems in the first place. It is a change of midset that the world needs

if you scroll down far enough I have a blog sounding the alarm: Appetite For Destruction And Death By Plastic

its true. but try telling that to some people ;_)

Looks like a perverse solution to a problem caused by perverse habits. I like it!
For the sake of profit, meat eaters have been fed all kinds of crap and if it were not for health inspectors, nobody would know, because meat eaters don´t notice that, because it´s all about the taste for them and taste can be faked and is already done big time anyway in the food industry with flavor enhancers etc.
If lab meat has a smaller ecological food print than meat, I´m all for it. It could be also mixed with meat into sausages etc. If lab meat could be produced way cheaper than meat, this would happen automatically, because cutting corners for profits is not new to the industry. 😎

oh yeah sausages are the easiest to make with this stuff.. nice odea! and yes lab meat has a massivly lower footprint than meat, and is geting better..

thanks mate!

Eating meat equates to vampirism. Along with the blood sacrifice, you are also ingesting the animals fear that it feels just before the slaughter. That is a negative energy, and not good for you. And lab grown meat, eh... no thank you, I prefer not to eat Kentucky Fried Clone.

yes.. they have wonderful other options for people like us.. fungus, seaweed, beetroot etc.. nice and healthy and not at all frankenstein!

Right on.. always other options out there. And for current meat eaters, imagine yourself on the killing floor, waiting for that impending doom. And then ending up as a beef patty in a Big Mac. Not a pleasant thought! ;-)

Great technological stride, this is good to hear, plant based animals. I would love to see some samples and taste it myself. Nice post

thanks, and yes i would love to try also.. where i live we cant get this kind of thing.. id love to see a taste test! ;-) most people put so much ketchup or maionaisse i dont think they will even notice!

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