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RE: Can humanity keep on eating meat without lifelong suffering and torture of animals? ecoTrain QOTW

in #nature7 years ago

This could definitely go many different ways, with lots of pros but also cons. It is great they people are trying to come up with more humane and ecologically friendly ways of satisfying the masses. As much as we know the human body can absolutely thrive without meat, meat-eating is so ingrained in many cultures that I just don't think it's feasible to expect that everyone will give it up. However, anywhere there is a possibility to make money there is also the possibility for corruption. So even though these endeavors to create lab-grown meat may start off well, it is a little scary wondering how the industry will get exploited. I'm sure there are so many other angles to look at this from, but those are just a few of my thoughts. Thanks for broaching this subject for all of us to reflect on!


nice comment! and yes no doubt corruption will rear its face when there is a chance to make SO much money.. BUT if it saves a billion animals from being tortured im ok with that! ;_

Very true on saving so many animal lives. :) You can't have it all, so I suppose it's important to look at the greater good!

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