Nature has no voice and how steemians can speak for them!

in #nature8 years ago

Dwindle, the biodiversity in Southeast Asia

Picture of Borneo over the decades from here

Borneo is an island located in South east Asia - its island space is politically divided into Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia. Indonesia makes up a majority percentage of 73%. It has one of the oldest primary forests in the world, similar to amazon forest. It is home to many diverse lifeform - plants and animals like orangutan. In a Nature paper, it states that the deforestation rate in Indonesia has greatly exceeded Brazil. To meet the demand of palm oil based products, deforestation takes place to make way for palm oil plantations. You can see the rate of deforestation from the green spaces in the picture and the projected green spaces left in 2020. The outlook is depressing. Every year, burning and clearing of forest takes place and the neighboring SEA countries such as Singapore and Malaysia experience transboundary haze. Many animals such as orangutan become homeless and the primary forests experienced a great loss of biodiversity, which can accelerate the rate of extinction of many plant species.

The issue with Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Law

The EIA is a process of evaluating the likely environmental impacts of a proposed project or development, taking with consideration to both beneficial and adverse inter-related socio-economic, cultural and human-health impacts. The EIA results will determine if a proposed project can be implemented. If yes, then what kind of actions can be done to mitigate the adverse impacts. If the EIA results show that the project is deemed to be too damaging, then the project will not get approved. This process is mandatory by law in a few countries, for example, European Union countries and Japan. Indonesia has an EIA law in place. But in this case, even if a law is in place, there would be some some "ways" for the deforestation projects to pass the EIA successfully and get approved. A simple and basic reason why such damaging projects pass the EIA:

Economic growth is the ultimate priority for policymakers.

If even policymakers do not care, who can speak on behalf of Nature and the biodiverse lifeforms?

Humans know it is bad and still do it. How psychology can be key?

Increasingly, many environmentalists see the need to increase the environmental awareness of masses. A very effective way to do that is through entertainment like movies. My favorite environment-related movie of all time is Avatar.

For people who do not know the movie, you can read about the movie here. It is totally fiction and nothing to do with any scientific phenomenon or any natural disaster (think deep impact movie) but let me tell you why I like it.

It pulls your heartstrings. It makes you guilty as hell. It BREAKS you.

When the movie was out in 2009, people who have watched it experienced depression and suicidal thoughts. [SPOILER ALERT] I cried when the humans came with the bulldozers and destroyed the hometree of pandora. I cried out LOUD when the humans slaughtered the innocent Na’vi and my husband stared at me with dropping jaws like i was crazy. Now, I am usually a very rational person.

If a movie like this can trigger such psychological attack and stir up emotions in me, i believe it makes people rethink on the imperfect environment and adjust their wasting behavior, then Nature can win!

In fact, there is a strong link between how people buy green things and feel good psychologically. I am not a psychologist but i can describe my feelings. Whenever I managed to reuse a plastic bottle, I feel warm and fuzzy inside that the plastic bottle is not thrown straight away but being used for other purposes. And of course, reverse is true. I feel guilty when I cannot finish my food, knowing well that it will become waste without passing through my intestines first. All of this boils down to the psychology of doing an environmentally good deed and an environmentally bad deed. Turns out this fuzzy and warm feeling is for real! Someone researched it! Not kidding!

Let's do an environmentally good deed and speak for the Nature!

I know many steemians here who are fond of nature and sustainbility. In fact, there is already a community at steemit totally in this! You can click on relevant tags such as nature, environmental, sustainability, etc.

So join us and let's speak for Nature here at steemit! Or better still, do at least 1 environmentally good deed everyday!

I hope you have enjoyed reading this as much as i have enjoyed writing it.

Follow @coinbitgold aka Celia posts on academia, academiaspotlight, phd, sustainability, life cycle assessment, environment, 3dprinting, justforchuckles, singapore, china and chinese related posts


Thanks for sharing this! Like the Lorax, you speak for the trees. I will be exploring similar themes in my upcoming posts. Followed :)

Welcome! Actually, i really like Lorax movie too. Looking forward! followed you!

Feed 功能真好,Follow 你之后直接可以在我自己的主页看到你的最新帖子。美女博士的帖子含金量很高!^_^

不一定的 。 感觉现在写posts 和买彩票一样。哈哈哈。 反正有灵感就写,没灵感就停笔. ^_^



We need return 1950, but...

Yes! I know! so we should make a lot more noises! haahah If we don't make more noise, our grandchildren will not see how wonderful our primary forests are!

wow.... this is a heavy post for me to read, your images of the progressive disappearance of this once beautiful forest is a disgrace !! All thanks to this disgraceful lie which is Global Warming !! i up voted, i think you should maybe think about reposting this one day soon !! i will vote you up each time !! this is sooo sooo sad eh?? Frankly these are the subjects i wish to see more of, why did this not Trend ?? But then i think we both know the answer on that already eh?? Do people in general really care about things which are further from the tips of their ruddy noses or mouth ?? ggggggggrrrrrrrrr !!

I do care !!!

Let's just say that i will no longer post such content which i see as both unique and quality content in steemit anymore. Would rather post in my personal blog and post to reddit/biodiversity for more quality discussion. Guess this post is not quality content in many steemians' eyes. Is it steemians or is it human mankind. I don't know. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ But anyway, who cares?

I am feeling the same way, unfortunately.

Well i think that is extremely worrying that you say this !! Is it really true that posts of this nature have no place here ?? I certainly hope you are wrong as indeed if it is true, then possibly this could be as i see it a disastrous failing in the Steemit system, which i do admit seems to me more bent on profit than serving as a mouthpiece for issues of true and real importance !! I have high hopes ofcourse for this site, but less for the taste and perhaps politics of people in general !! But i still think you should repost it and we will see what it does !! Then if it is the same reaction perhaps good to make a post to point out to people that there is no point in winning Steem if there is no air to breathe outside, which frankly if we allow the continuation of this destruction of rainforest's ( lungs of the planet ) around the world will be the case !! Please dont give up, we who care must stick together and fight this stupidity and greed !!

Entertainment by itself is cathartic, but behavior change requires more than catharsis. A Mexican TV producer named Miguel Sabino started doing public health soap operas (telenovelas) during the 1970s.

His methods have since been used around the world, though very little in the U.S.

Indeed, but i guess entertainment can spark off people's cursiosity and somehow educate people. That's a very inspiring example on public health!

True, necessary but not sufficient.

Here one comment from a non-environmentalist / non-nutritionist person (in short, this is my opinion).

Palm oil is everywhere in the industrial food. Although I can believe that a small amount of anything could be a benefit for health, a too large amount of one thing can yield health issues. With the current status, we have no control on the amount of palm oil one is consuming and I am wondering the effects that will originate from that in the future.

I personally try to reduce the amount of industrial food as much as possible (and it is hard, especially when you are traveling 25% of your time).

palm oil in your food i can say is not good, as is Soya Lecithin !! Its all shit to kill you quicker a plan of globalists seemingly hell bent on destroying our ecosystem and health to boot !!

Thanks for the precision. As I said, I am not a nutritionist and I do not much about that (and I have never taken the time to dig into it although I wanted to).

The only thing I know is that too much of one thing is certainly dangerous :)

Thanks @lemouth :-) I am glad that this article sparked your curiosity on palm oil

This is such thoughtful compilation of facts . I once had a venue here in Bali where I Organised many events . One of them was a movie screening with a very important message : ECO WARRIORS . Please find it in YouTube . I will send you more links . It's late here and I am on my phone . I post the flier for you . Keep on focusing on authentic content . You do great . 🌴

You can PM me at! Thanks!

FANTASTIC! I have never encountered the EIA, but I am going to read up on it now.

Increasingly, many environmentalists see the need to increase the environmental awareness of masses. A very effective way to do that is through entertainment like movies.

This is a unique insight and, in my experience, is absolutely correct. If I am with my friends and start talking about the Disinfection Byproduct Rule everyone's eyes will glaze over. I think film has the power to both assist those who are visual learners and make a complicated subjects easier to understand.

Thanks! Yeah i think film and movies are really good good ways of mirroring our behavior.
And James Cameron executed Avatar amazingly. He is such a talented producer and really did good to promote environmental awareness in his own way.

Very cool - learnt something new today on conservation - thanks @coinbitgold

That's a great meme ♥ it!

That's actually a gif

Yes, this is really sad. Even up to now it is still happening. The Amazon forest has been burning recently for days and more than 1 or 2 weeks and yet it's only been reported today.

We also have this happening and it's just sad how poverty and greed when mixed together cause destruction of the very nature that sustains us all. 💔

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