I added Chicory to my Coffee! ♥ An experiment gone RIGHT!

I decided to try something new with my coffee.

I know, I know, why mess around with a good thing?!


It started a couple months ago, when I bought a bag of herbal coffee substitute from my local health food store. It was on clearance for a buck, so I thought, why not? It was actually pretty great! I mixed it half and half with my coffee, and it made my coffee taste even richer and better than usual. I checked out the main ingredient, and it was chicory.


What is chicory?! It is an herb that originated in Europe, and has naturalized in the Americas.

Chicory has an amazing list of health benefits that is quite lengthy, so here is a link to an article that discusses it in more depth, if anyone is interested. Here are just a few:

  • digestive aide (it contains inulin, which is a fantastic prebiotic!)
  • reduces cholesterol
  • is packed with plant phenols
  • prevents cancer
  • is anti-inflammatory and great for arthritis
  • aids in weight loss
  • treats constipation
  • boosts immunity
  • reduces anxiety (I'll have to give my daughter some and see if it helps!)
  • and more...

I thought, hey! Why not buy chicory to mix with my coffee?! It's practically the elixir of life, after all!

Well, after months of putting it off, I finally got some! I tried it out this weekend, in my french press coffee maker!

As you can see, it looks like coffee. Perhaps a little lighter. It smells interesting. Herby and spicy...

This is one of my favorite coffees. It's strong, delicious, and even organic and fair-trade. Doesn't get much better than that!


I put one scoop of chicory and one scoop of coffee into my coffee maker.

If you're admiring my fancy coffee scoop, here is a link to a post I wrote about it. I bought it from a fellow steemian! (Not sure if they are still on Steemit though, it's been a while since they posted.)

I let the coffee steep for the desired length of time.

Then I got distracted. Someone made a mess. Someone needed something. The dog needed let out. A kid got hungry.

It steeped MUCH longer than it should have. When I went to drink it, the taste wasn't terrible, but it was VERY herby and strange. I hoped against hope that the flavor of properly brewed chicory was much easier on the palate. When I tried again the following day, I was relieved to find the flavor was quite good. Mixed half and half with coffee grounds, it tasted richer than my normal coffee and came out a little darker. I also made a batch in my percolator when my husband wanted some too, since my french press is quite tiny. He said he liked the mixture. :)


I am glad I finally decided to experiment with my coffee! The results were delicious, and if you are concerned about cutting back on your caffeine, this is one way to do it, while adding a healthy herb to your diet.

I think I'll continue buying chicory and mixing it into my coffee from now on. There just weren't any downsides, other than making sure it doesn't steep for too long, and nothing but extra-tastiness along with health benifits! It's a win, win, win situation!

Now, please excuse me while I go brew another cup! ♥



Thanks for stopping by to check out my coffee experiment! What do you like to add to yours?

I personally enjoy adding my fresh goats' milk, homemade caramel, or cocao powder in mine, along with a little stevia and sugar!


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This work by @SquishySquid is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.



Alright, herbs in coffee... not something that I would have thought about, but on the other hand, I have had a nice coffee with cinnamon in it, so why not other herbs. I'm not really familiar with Chicory though.... so, I have no idea what this would taste like!

Most herbs would be awful in coffee, I think.
Chicory tastes similar enough to mix in, although I have to admit, I have not made plain chicory 'coffee' so Im not sure how it tastes alone!

Ugh... You mean like chicory tea? Probably terrible!

I made some for my husband last night and it tasted VERY similar to coffee. Dark black and rich tasting. He has difficulty sleeping and after drinking this, he said he slept better and felt more rested than he has in a long time.
Im going to keep making this for his night time drink, and maybe for myself as well. I actually like it!

Wow, that is interesting... Might have to find some and try it out!

Hey! We just started to drink herbal coffee and we love it!

Awesome! Its pretty great! :D

How fun. I am not a coffee drinker but I love what coffee represents - communication and community.

I will let my wife know about this.

I understand that!
Thanks! ♥

So have you made "coffee" using chickory by itself? I bought a bit but have not used it yet. I gave up coffee because it was really hard on my stomach and started drinking Yerba Mate which I love. No jitters, nice amount of caffeine. I would love to hear what you think of chickory as a stand alone. I use a french press as well. :)

I made some chicory 'coffee' last night! Only chicory, and it was actually pretty good! I wouldnt say it was better than coffee, but I enjoyed it. I actually made a cup for my hubby to try and see if it would help him sleep, and IT DID! He has issues sleeping well, but he said he slept fine and woke up refreshed, which is AWESOME! :D

Really! I'll have to try it, thanks for your feedback.. Do you think it helped him sleep? Mr. Bird doesn't sleep well....I'll have to try the chickory we have on hand..:)

He had some last night as well, and it is doing WONDERS for him!
Im going to keep making this for him, and Ill probably join him in a nightly cup, since it actually tastes pretty good!

I havent tried it alone yet.. Im planning on it though!
I also havent tried yerba mate before, I think I need to!

mmmm I love coffee, it's good that you bought it, it looks delicious. regards

Sounds great! Would like to try this too. Curious to know how it taste like.

Its not bad! It doesnt taste exactly the same as coffee, but enough alike to mix in very well. :)

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