Preventative Medicine! Encompassing All That I Do!

in #naturalmedicine5 years ago (edited)


We are living in a time where foods are highly processed, fruits and veg are sprayed with toxins and our water is contaminated with chemicals. So many of our lives have been touched by those who have suffered with chronic disease and illness, we are mostly a unhealthy people.

By the time symptoms from chronic illness appear , it is already deeply rooted within the individual. There are many theories about what makes us sick and all are very relevant, any dis ease is an unbalance within the body, the whole body. If we wish to be healthy then we need to look at how we live, what we consume and that is not just about the food we eat. Our bodies consume many things throughout our lives, and all of them impact our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being.


For the last 11 years of my life I been either pregnant or breastfeeding, so my body has needed to sustain both me and my children. I am still breast feeding my 2 year old and I have to make sure that my body gets what it needs so that I can stay fit and healthy. In order to do so, I try to eat foods that have high nutritional value. I have spend a long time researching the many foods that my body needs so that I can remain in good health and also produce high quality milk for my children.

Organic health is the optimal state of health that I aim for. That includes optimum nutrition, drinking spring water, having adequate exposure to sunlight and living in amongst nature. All of this is with an aim to enriching my mind, my body and my spirit.

Food is a huge part in my preventative medicine, especially as a mother, the demands on my whole being are huge. I need to find a good balance, so that I get what I need and so do my children. How I live my life and the many things that I practice, they all lay the foundations of preventative medicine for my children.


As I strive to live a natural life, I strive also to consume my food in it's most natural form. It seem like a natural progression for me to begin consuming more super greens. I took Barley grass and wheatgrass when I was pregnant with my first child. I would buy it in powder form and add it to the vegetable juices that I make. These two super greens, contain all the essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs, but even more so when they are sprouted because they are bursting with vitality and Chlorophyll.

Wheatgrass juice is rich in chlorophyll. About 70% is chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll is the first product of light and, therefore, contains more light energy than any other element
Wheatgrass is an excellent source of vitamin C, E, K and B complex (including B12).
In the minerals parts, it is rich in calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, cobalt, germanium, sodium, sulphur and zinc.
It also contain long list of functional unit of protein i.e. amino acids. Near about 17amino acids are present in this miracle grass as well as 80 known enzymes.
It is a powerful source of antioxidants that protects against free radical damage.


I grow my wheatgrass without soil, in trays once it has been sprouted. The sprouting process depends really on where you live and how warm it is, if you live in a warmer climate the seeds will sprout within a couple of days, in a dark jar. It is important to rinse them a few times so that they do not dry out. Once they have sprouted you put them in the tray. The tray needs to have holes on the bottom for drainage. Once again you keep the seeds moist and you harvest them when the grass is a few inches tall.


I would then juice the grass I have harvested and pour it into an ice tray. That way I just need to add one cube to my juice, this method suits me as I tend to be quite busy most days and don't always have the time to juice. Juicing allows my body to absorb the many vitamins and minerals at a faster rate and they then can be passed onto my children. So my preventative medicine, enriches their preventative medicine, breastmilk.

As well as all the amazing health benefits that I have listed above, wheat grass also helps to purify the liver and it neutralizes toxins in the body. It has strong antibacterial and detox properties. Because of that it is important to remember to start taking it in small amounts. If you consume too much it can cause diarrhoea.

There are so many other things I could have elaborated on, the food that I consume is just one. Walking barefoot, spending time in nature are just some of the others. Just as our health encompasses our whole being, so does our preservation of it. We need to look at everything that we do in our lives, to look at the bigger picture and hold all that we do accountable.

This is my response to the NaturalMedicine Preventative Medicine Challenge, which has been extended for another week.

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thanks so much for the support xxx

So much great information here! Amazing Mind, Body, Emotion and Spirit Well~Being awareness. Wheatgrass is such powerful medicine!

thank you @agiftoflove and yes wheatgrass is such a powerful medicine xx

Wheatgrass is wonderful natural medicine and yes, I'm also into drinking fresh shot of it every day. Not personally a fan of freezing ANYthing except water for ice cubes - the oxidation & nutritional loss is significant - but I'm appreciating not everyone has the climate to grow and juice it all year round.

Nursing children one after the other without a break is HARD on your body - great that you're so aware and taking care of yourself. Perhaps the biggest preventative medicine here is the breastmilk for them - soooo much science now supporting better immune function in later life for children breastfed
for 6 months or more.

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thank you and my follow up post to this was all about breast milk xxx

I just noticed you hit 70 rep! Nice work.

I really want to make wheatgrass.. need to wrap head around how. Where do you get the seeds? And you have a fridge freezer in your truck? Nice one!

Enjoyed BOTH your posts.. thanks so much for joining in!

Posted using Partiko Android

hey Rivers, I get my local organic shop to order them for me, I had a fridge freezer, ,it broke earlier in the year, so no more freezing, that photo was a little old, but i still like to grow it and now just juice it fresh. You should definitely grow it xxx

I haven't yet tried it.... but it's been on my radar for what seems like eternity.

give it a go xxx

You're such an inspiration! I wish I had breasts. Sorry about the latter, I guess I'm in a joking mode. It's all meant well though, I'm sure you know that :>)

Love those green ice cubes! I got a bunch of plants lately to make my house a little greener. The next step is some more edible plants and herbs that might grow on my baloony or indoor, my kitchen for instance. So far, I only have (pepper)mint and that one is doing great.

Un abrazo!

thank you Vincent, no need to apologize they are amazing to have xx
You can make such lovely plant boxes now to grow indoors, so great to grow your own herbs. I hope you are well my friend xxx

Hello! I love your post! Being a new mom, I'm so happy I got the chance to read this. It sounds like an encouragement to continue brestfeeding as much as I can (I wasnt about to stop but just saying). Breastfeeding is amazing when it comes to baby's health, I'm aware of that; thats why I never stopped doing it even though there were hard moments within the road. I used to consume alfalfa juice when I was pregnant. And after. AS much as I found it fresh. Here in Romania people grow it as food for pigs and leaving to country side, its very handy to have it. My neighbourg have an entire field of alfalfa so I had fresh plant a few foot steps away. Anyways, wishing you a lot of health! And cheers from Romania! :)

Alfalfa is such a great super green as well, I sprout it and eat it have never juiced it, would like ti try it. Thanks so much for your words and feel free to reach out to me if you ever need to, one mama to another xxxx

Thank you as well for your kind words! I surely will do! :xx

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