Placenta the Forgotten Chakra - A book that has changed my life in more ways than one.

in #naturalmedicine5 years ago (edited)


I am a great lover of books, they really are some of the most important treasures in my life. Books that have inspired me and empowered me. The ones that I hold onto are the ones that I find myself returning to time and time again. So when @naturalmedicine came up with this amazing challenge which gives us the perfect opportunity to share our favourite healing book, I got very excited.

I must admit that I have quiet a few, but there is one that stands alone for me and that is "Placenta- The Forgotten Chakra". This amazing life changing book was written by one of my heroine’s Robin Lim. She is a midwife and the founder of Yayasan Bumi Sehat (Healthy Mother Earth Foundation) health clinics in Indonesia, these clinics provide free prenatal, birth services and post natal care to who ever needs them.


Indonesia is a country that is known for not releasing babies that are born in hospital, until all medical bills are paid for. In the past this has resulted in a lot of babies been put up for adoption as parents were unable to pay the hospitals.
I came across this book after the birth of my 2nd daughter and because of it my 3rd daughter had a Lotus Birth. What is a lotus birth?

A lotus birth is when the umbilical cord is left uncut after the birth of the baby, so that it stays attached to the placenta until it dries up or comes away by itself.

Why would anyone want to do that. Well there are quiet a few reasons for this and all of those reasons are covered in this book. To be honest though this book is about so much more than just birth. It looks at how society has moved further and further away from what is natural. How there is generally such a disregard for life and we can have a greater understanding of ourselves and others.


My youngest 1 day old and still attached to her placenta.

In her own wonderful words, Robin Lim so beautiful states:

I realized that there has been a grave misunderstanding of the very essentials concerning life on earth and how we, as Mother Earth's stewards , actually evolve. The missing link is the placenta. This precious chakra has been treated in modern times as nothing more than medical waste. With this degradation of the placenta, we witness the breakdown of society's ability to function peacefully.


Once you are in the womb it is the placenta that sustains and protects you, that unities you with your mother, it is your constant companion. It delivers you all that you need to survive and during birth it is supplying you with all the blood and oxygen that you need. When the baby is born, the placenta is still working on sustaining and protecting the baby, but when the cord is cut in hospitals, the baby is denied it's full blood count and stem cells.

As well as that the baby is being born into a world where it's connection to the womb is severed, quite violently. There introduction to this world is not a peaceful one, but one where everything they had know for the past 9 months is ripped away from them and that sacred part of them, the placenta, that has the exact same genetic make up of them is treated like waste and thrown in a bin.


This amazing book, looks at the many different ways in which the placenta is treated around the world and Robin shares with us how some indigenous cultures cried for her when she told them that her placenta was treated as waste. She goes into detail about how to have a lotus birth and how to dry the placenta once it is birthed. I choose to do so with salt and lavender after first washing it in warm water a few hours after my daughter was born.

There are lotus birth stories, placenta ceremonies and placenta recipes for those who wish to ingest it. There are so many amazing words of wisdom shared within this book and it has inspired me so much and enabled me to give my daughter a very gentle birth, a birth where I know she was born with all of her blood and all of her stem cells, giving her such a strong start in life. She is such a little warrior and from the time she could walk she was super confident.

I leave you all with some more words from Robin Lim:

If we think of a human life as a lotus plant, the placenta is the root, the cord the stem and the baby the flower. Perhaps by watering the this root in our hearts , some sense can be made of our lives. By nurturing where we have come from, we may find clues as to where we are going. On this ailing planet, in our troubled times, may we embrace our origins and nourish our potential.

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp



This looks like a beautiful book. I had not heard of the name "lotus birth" or considered the placenta a chakra, but I like the idea a lot! I did keep my placenta to bury it under a tree (sadly not a very gentle birth of a little person who didn't really feel like coming out much down to earth - a part of the whole autism syndrome). Sadly the neighbours protested. But still for the very thought of it, I feel it was energetically sanctified nonetheless.
I admire your honest postings of late about pain and doubt and all that equally rewarding side of living a spiritual life.

thank you @sukhasanasister, that is wonderful that you planted a tree with your baby's placenta, sorry to hear you did not have a gentle birth. xx

Oh mindblown!!!! That illustration explains the chakra beautifully. What an incredible way to see this important, nourishing link between mother and child! The illustrations are beautiful too. How wonderful you got to have a lotus birth. So special!

I didnt realise that Indonesian babies are adopted out if their families cannot pay. Thats truly heart breaking. This humanity carries so many wounds .

Putting this one in Csquared too.

thank you it is such a wonderful book and has so much wisdom in there. Yeah it is really horrible what happens in Indonesia so what Robin Lim is doing is amazing and so needed. xxx

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thanks so much @c-squared for the support xx

Sounds like a fascinating book will have to look it up thanks 💯🐒

please do the book is amazing xx

Will try too 💯🐒

amazing info, i think i will do a post suggestin a book about methaphisics that gave a strong impact on me too, a few days ago i was talking about a similar topic.

Such a wonderful book which conveys a message we all need to hear - to get back to our roots and the natural world, treating life with more reverence!
Wonderful that your daughter got such a good start to life - I'd love to meet her, actually your whole family with your natural way of living!

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