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RE: A Necessary Evil

in #naturalmedicine6 years ago

Be careful, the colloidal silver a lot of people sell is 10 PPM, and too weak to do much. I buy 500 PPM and use what the dropper will pick up (about 1/2 full) twice a day for 5 days. Used on c-diff. 10 PPM at the c-diff location will kill it, but if you start at 10 PPM, it will not be strong enough to do the job, gotta be stronger.

Antibiotics kill the infection by interrupting the reproduction of the bacteria. Colloidal Silver works by interrupting the respiration of the bacteria, so it works in hours, instead of days.

I am moving into fermented foods like saurkraut, fermented pickles, and kimchi. I also use neem and pau d arco powder in capsules.

Discord is a non-public message system in steem. I do not use it much myself, because it does not run in Linex, so this computer will Not run it, and I have to go to a tablet. E-mail me : ka5jet "at" (didn't use the @ for "at" to avoid the bots), but normally, discord is used for private info.

Put Steemit in the subject line, so I don't miss it....

I don't have Crohn's but I am fighting gluten and lactose intolerance problems, and the lactose intolerance is pretty severe.



Once again, thank you for the info! I use DesBio smart silver. It has 50mcg per 5 ml. I'm not sure if that's 10 ppm or not. But it does say 2 doses of 1/2 tsp per day. I figure one dropperful is 1/4 tsp for most fluids. Another question - how does silver affect the good bacteria I'm putting in? I'm hoping the s. boulardii is not affected by the vanco, but am not at all sure.

yeah ferments! I myself make and eat a lot of those, but getting them into this particular patient is a challenge in subterfuge. Now and then he'll eat some sauerkraut. I'll try again now that he is feeling good again. The poor guy has been fighting c-diff for ages I think. We may have been keeping it at bay with probiotics and diet (have I already said that?) but a prescribed round of augmentin apparently wiped out everything BUT the c-diff. Interestingly, I heard this story from a few different GIs last week, so even they are starting to consider the microbiome. Maybe we'll see some progress in gastroenterology now that they are finally accepting what they have been scoffing at so many of us for believing.

good luck with your own healing - sure sounds like you know what you are doing.

I am in ghs collective on discord, but can not figure out how to use it easily. I will email you. thx so much again!

50mcg per 5 ml is 10 mcg per 1 ml. That is 10 PPM. This is an unusual way to list strength, I had to go look it up. This silver is too weak to use effectively.

The silver I made here at home was 60 PPM, and was still too weak for medical use.

Good question, the silver, once you have found the 500 PPM strength; will kill all intestinal bacteria, good and bad. The good will need to be re-introduced once the c-diff is destroyed.

Here is the silver I use:

There is a sweet 16 year old girl named Ruth; in Kenya, who was scheduled for a below the knee amputation from a stage 4 ulcer in her ankle (down to the bone). I sent some colloidal silver to her Mother who is an RN, and a friend. Her Mother used the Silver, and Ruth kept her leg! When it is strong enough, it is VERY effective! Her Doctors had used all the antibiotics they had, and given up....

Here is Ruth, with both legs:

I am still learning every day! But fermentation for natural pro-biotics seems to be a good way to fix this problem.

Here is a "How To" I put on Steemit under the naturalmedicine Tag, on making Comfrey Tincture:

BUT I will be happy to send you some! This takes two to three weeks to make anyway, just thought you might want to know how to do it for future reference.

Discord is difficult for me too, since I run Linex instead of windows. I will watch for your E-Mail!


I just sent you an email! My address is often spammed, so check that folder if you don't see it. Happy New Year!

Thanks, I will reply, when I find the E-mail.

How is your Son? Been praying for him! Will get you some comfrey coming.


Read this when you get the chance so you know some of where I'm coming from. Niko's status has obviously changed since I wrote this. l would love to discuss this over at ka5jet.

Couldn't get that link to work on Linex, sorry! I got the email, reading it now.


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