A Necessary Evil

in #naturalmedicine6 years ago (edited)

Time passes slowly
in a hospital room,
waiting for the next dose
and wishing for the moon.

Everything is toxic!
The drips, the air, the food.
Take your care into your own hands,
and they take you for a goon.

Discharge day is a mixed blessing,
there's so much to do - no fun!
But first up on the list to do
is undoing the damage done.


I like it! Everyone should eat real food and medicate with herbals Dump the sugar and the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.)!


My son was the one in the hospital. We've been trying for years to get on top of his crohn's disease with diet, herbs, oils, homeopathy, medical intuition, chiro, reiki and the like. I know it all works far better than the drugs with fewer complications (no complications really as long as I remember that less is more) but once a year like clockwork I have to take him to a hospital for radical treatment. Thank you for reading my stuff! It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Sorry he is having trouble! Slippery Elm and Ginger will help the entire GI tract. I am fighting some of the same things, and they help me.

There is a book called The Green Pharmacy that has a good discussion on Crohns, and IBS.

Now, for the things that I have found that helps me: Crohns is caused by inflammation in the intestine. Doctors treat this problem with steroids, but the side effects are legion. I have found an herbal mix that works as well as their steroids, without the problems. The mix is tumeric 65%, boswellia 30%, and black pepper 5%.

There are inexpensive machines allow you to make capsules at home. I would suggest using a "0" size vegetarian capsule, taken one every six hours. I just take all of them before I sleep (not quite as good, but I won't forget) I also have found that when my intestine hurts, I can roll on comfrey tincture to the skin. Since it penetrates a foot deep, and is a healing accelerant, the pain reduction is significant.

Merry Christmas, and I will pray for his healing!


Thanks for all that info! I've tried some of what you mentioned, and am an old hand at putting stuff in capsules because he's a persnickety patient. He also has those horrible side effects from steroids, having taken them for years as a child. Idk what that GI was thinking, he is considered one of the best in the world so I trusted him, but prednisone was his go to. My son has been mostly prescription drug free for many years, except for the annual abscess requiring antibiotics - this time he developed c-diff. I have a comfrey ointment I made so I will definitely try that - I think of that more for injuries. Merry Christmas!

Colloidal silver (500 PPM) is a great replacement for antibiotics, and works on C-Diff as well as MRSA.

Probiotics, to replace the good bacteria, is VERY important to repair the GI tract after antibiotic assault.

I wrote three articles on how to make Comfrey Tincture in Natural medicine tag here on steemit. It is hard to make, but it is a hundred times stronger that most creams. I just had intestinal cramps today, and just controlled them with the comfrey tincture.

I am not sure if the Comfrey cream is strong enough to do the job, but I hope so! Discord me with an address, And I will send you some.

Try the cream it might work too. The relief takes about 20 minutes, with the tincture, but is wonderful!


I really appreciate all your information! Good to know the silver works - I buy that stuff by the liter but haven't tried it for c-diff. Do you have advice on how much? I;m big on probiotics too and have started him with s. boulardii, although he's got another week of vancomycin. I'll also give him Colon Care by Garden of health, prescript assist, and tiny amounts of gutpro (which he can't tolerate). That's my collection of probiotics that I rotate through for him and have for years, although it took forever to build him up to being able to tolerate any of them. If you know of others I'd be interested. My comfrey salve did not work for my elder daughter, who also has crohn's and is having some difficulty at present. And lastly, how do I discord you with an address? I;m very new here and I don't know what that means. I would LOVE to have some of your tincture. Do you have crohn's?

Be careful, the colloidal silver a lot of people sell is 10 PPM, and too weak to do much. I buy 500 PPM and use what the dropper will pick up (about 1/2 full) twice a day for 5 days. Used on c-diff. 10 PPM at the c-diff location will kill it, but if you start at 10 PPM, it will not be strong enough to do the job, gotta be stronger.

Antibiotics kill the infection by interrupting the reproduction of the bacteria. Colloidal Silver works by interrupting the respiration of the bacteria, so it works in hours, instead of days.

I am moving into fermented foods like saurkraut, fermented pickles, and kimchi. I also use neem and pau d arco powder in capsules.

Discord is a non-public message system in steem. I do not use it much myself, because it does not run in Linex, so this computer will Not run it, and I have to go to a tablet. E-mail me : ka5jet "at" yahoo.com (didn't use the @ for "at" to avoid the bots), but normally, discord is used for private info.

Put Steemit in the subject line, so I don't miss it....

I don't have Crohn's but I am fighting gluten and lactose intolerance problems, and the lactose intolerance is pretty severe.


Once again, thank you for the info! I use DesBio smart silver. It has 50mcg per 5 ml. I'm not sure if that's 10 ppm or not. But it does say 2 doses of 1/2 tsp per day. I figure one dropperful is 1/4 tsp for most fluids. Another question - how does silver affect the good bacteria I'm putting in? I'm hoping the s. boulardii is not affected by the vanco, but am not at all sure.

yeah ferments! I myself make and eat a lot of those, but getting them into this particular patient is a challenge in subterfuge. Now and then he'll eat some sauerkraut. I'll try again now that he is feeling good again. The poor guy has been fighting c-diff for ages I think. We may have been keeping it at bay with probiotics and diet (have I already said that?) but a prescribed round of augmentin apparently wiped out everything BUT the c-diff. Interestingly, I heard this story from a few different GIs last week, so even they are starting to consider the microbiome. Maybe we'll see some progress in gastroenterology now that they are finally accepting what they have been scoffing at so many of us for believing.

good luck with your own healing - sure sounds like you know what you are doing.

I am in ghs collective on discord, but can not figure out how to use it easily. I will email you. thx so much again!

I was thinking about hospitals the other day ... just how bad the food is and how that has got to have the most negative effect on healing (what are they thinking? Everything is loaded with sugar)! I was reading the replies and just one quick piece of help from me here. Re: Inflammation. Speaking of hospital food and sugar, sugar is a major cause of it. My standby anti inflammatory is Bromelain (pineapple), easily obtained in supplement form. I like it 'cause its very effective and totally non toxic and gentle, you can take as much of it as you need without any side effects and it even helps the healing process, especially with bones and structure. Great poem ... I hear ya.

Oh gosh, so sorry your boy (and you) has to go through that. It's terrible when kids are sick. I agree with @smithlabs (hi there 😜) about colloidal silver. It's magic... May I ask since when your son has Crohn's? Or better: when was the diagnosis made? Just wondering. I might have a few ideas...

Oh my goodness I am open to all ideas. First, you might benefit from reading this, one of my earliest posts.. https://steemit.com/health/@owasco/heal-yourself-of-crohn-s-disease

My son is now 23 and was diagnosed at age eight. He was prescribed bucket loads of prednisone (among many many other drugs) as a child and young adult until he could no longer walk from back weakness and pain. He has been bed bound for four years now and getting peri-anal abscesses as a result of laying in bed so much (biopsies taken during surgery showed that these are NOT Crohn's related!) and was treated for one of these with augmentin in October. C-diff loves augmentin apparently and now we are struggling with that. I fear all this has triggered the Crohn's; many biopsies were done during his recent hospital stay- I have to remember to call the GI and see what those results were.

We know of and have employed a lot of alternative remedies over the years. I think you will find me knowledgeable. I'll put anything in a gel cap, but when they are packed with ground herbs, he has trouble. A big question I have now is should I be giving him probiotics while we are treating the c-diff with substances that kill probiotics? Die off is a big problem for him. He's willing to suffer some if there's a pay off.

My gratitude for any help you can give. Are you on discord Naturalmedicine? Might be better to move to pm conversation there.

I am not on natural medicine discord...funny, I never thought of it, but I'm on the ecotrain. I'd love an invitation for the nm discord though :) My user name on discord is @misslasvegas#6566

I'm very new in these parts! I don't know how to invite anyone! but I'll check it out. My email is cretekos at hotmail dot com.

Thought you might be interested in this: https://www.thesilveredge.com/wp-content/uploads/pdf/BYU_study.pdf I'll work on getting you an ivite to naturalmedicine discord today.

Oh, this looks interesting. A bit too much to get through in an hour though, so I am keeping this in my 'to-do' list. Yes, please do, or I can ask @riverflows if it doesn't work out. I'll try to send you a dm soon, have some stuff going on here that I need to deal with first, but hope to talk to you soon.

love riverflows. she is much more equipped and connected to get things done than I.

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