Natural healing with Helichrysum Italicum. - ITS AMAZING!!!!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #naturalmedicine5 years ago (edited)

Helichrysum is a wonderfully healing plant!!

There are over 500 varieties around the world. The first bottle of Helichrsum essential oil I bought many years ago cost me around 40 usd. When I educated myself to the full array of benefits and qualities this healing plant had I thought it was worth the money as it worked wonderfully for numerous applications.

The number one strain used in Ayurvedic medicine that was most interesting to me appeared to be Helichrysum Italicum.
Can you imagine my elation when I realised it grew all around me wild on the hillsides of Spain where I lived at that time. A native to the Meditteranean!! A plentiful organic source of flowers that I could distill or make tincture with. I never saw a local picking it. It basically goes by unnoticed to a great extent. Flowering for a few months in the cooler part of the year, it grows unhindered by man or beast.

I wondered about this cosmic blessing that had befallen me - how does the universe unravel before us so perfectly. What caused me to discover the plant online that then transpired to be growing in my back garden hillside?

These are the type of happenings in my life that give me huge hope for the world and everything in it. There is a natural plan for perfect health and survival at our fingertips, if we are tuned in and receptive to it.

Not only is Helichrysum italics used extensively for healing but its scent is highly valued as a fixative in perfume making, having a musky sweet earthy scent to it. Sometimes also known as the curry plant and t is also referred to as Imortelle, or Everlasting due to its incredible reputation for keeping skin young looking and healthy.

Both the leaves and flowers are used in the distillation process. The flowers are a beautiful golden colour with a strong yellow dye so care must be taken when working with the plant not to stain any clothes or skin accidentally.

Helichrysum heals muscle damage as well as numerous skin conditions such as allergies, eczema, scar tissue, bruises, wrinkles, acne and general inflammation of skin.
It also treats respiratory symptoms such as the obvious colds and coughs and sinus problems.
Emotionally it is uplifting and stress reducing. It strengthens the immune system and is also used for helping menstrual cramps.

I can’t speak highly enough of this wonderful little plant! And I have to urge you to check what wild plants are growing abundantly outside your back door. There is likely to be just the treasure you need in your life, or something close.

As nature has provided us with so many healing plants ( almost all have healing properties of one sort or another when investigated) I always like to discover what is growing wild near where I live. There are always great findings to be made and to educate ourselves in free, natural healing methods seems one of the most sensible things we can do to help ourselves.

Have an awesome healthy and happy day!



What an amazing blog post Sallybeth! So wonderfully done. What a remarkable plant! I love your story and connection to it. My friend was using and saying this eo was good for so many things, most notably to her was how it reduced hot flashes as she was experiencing menopause symptoms. It is extremely expensive here though. $110CAD for 5ml retail! Steem on friend ❤

Hey beautiful!! 🤗 thanks for the glowing comment you angel - that’s wonderful your friend uses it for hot flushes too. It is very expensive - i may start posting out bags of dried flowers come the season so that people can make some medicine of their own cheaper ❤️❤️❤️

Is it not remarkable that you manifested up this plant into your physical wold after appreciating it and having given it attention? I love that!

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I LOVE that too! thanks so much for the comment.

I have helichrysum in any form I can get my hands on it! Hydrolate, essential oil, CO2 extract; ever ready at hand. It truly is kind to the inflamed skin. It can even bring some relief to the worst psoriasis.

It is so meekly pretty with its fluffy sunny flowers.

Truly full of wonder, miraculously knowing what to do to be a necessary participant in this life of ours, that is not only ours....

Thats great to hear you are already a user! Maybe it grows in your part of the world too, you should check that out. I think I may start mailing out bags of dried flowers this coming season.

You know, I hadnt heard of this plant really til recently so thanks for reminder to look into it! What fo you use it for most?

I personally use it for skin conditions and aching muscles myself. Healing wounds and fading scars and on bruises and as a general tonic for my skin on a daily basis if I have enough supplies of homemade tincture and floral water. I am a pretty healthy person thankfully so don't ever seem to get respiratory problems thus but am getting older as we all are so anything good for maturing skin will naturally win my vote hahaha
I really feel like I still have more to learn about this plants power though, it's one of my absolute top 5 for health and longevity.

Before I knew nothing about the tree, I am so glad to hear about this tree from you. Thank you, what could be the benefit of the tree

General Chat Chat Loung

Thanks for your support. Is is a small ground dwelling plant, a small bush mostly. Not actually a tree.

Wow! This is very exciting making your own essential oil for healing purposes!
Lucky you to be able to find these wonderful flowers!

I never seen these in my country! Perhaps I have to look harder! You could make a post on how you make your essential oil!

It’s wonderful how you just find the right kind of natural medicinal plant very close to you! Heaven sent these to you!

Thank you yes I was thinking of making a couple of posts on making flower hydrosols, flower waters and essential oils. I am sure you will have some equally healing plants in your vicinity. The universe is created this way so we all have what is most needed.

Great! I shall be waiting for your new posts! These should be quite useful for many people.

Hi Sallybeth,
Brilliant post - Helichrysum is indeed a truly magical plant!

Upvoted and resteemed :D

Thanks @icedrum. Have you used it yourself? What did you find it beneficial for if so? Always good to hear of others experiences with natural medicines.

Awesome little flowers... I like that it's sometimes called the curry flpwer 😁.

I have been living in the forest near the Catskills in New York and trying to get to know all the wild plants growing around us. It is really amazing how much medicine grows all over!

Thanks for this inspiring post, I will keep on learning

This is a fabulous post, thanks so much for making it!

I've thought about making my own essential oils, but haven't as yet, though we do own a small still. Clearly the next oil I need to get is helichrysum.

I extract tinctures all the time, though, and wouldn't be without them. I have a number extracting as we speak.

I had a similar experience with plantain, when we moved to Tennessee, and I discovered a large almost pure patch of it growing right outside our back door, in a protected spot between the porch stairs and the house.

I knew it was a useful herb, but couldn't recall which one, and when I researched it, I was blown away by how many uses it has, including being amazingly good for the skin.

I was even more grateful to realize that it grows heavily throughout our fields, along with dandelions, which suits me fine. I pick lots of both during the growing season as treats for our rabbits, ducks and chickens.

I must say, as well, I've always liked your username, as my mom's first name was Stanlibeth. She helped to foster my love of gardening and plants.

Posted using Partiko Android

How lovely to read your wonderful comments! Thats amazing to hear about your work with plants too. It is so true, once we look around us we are surrounded by healing plants. Truly wonderful. I have never heard of the name Stanlibeth it is very pretty. I also learned to grow and appreciate plants from my mother and she is still winning prizes in horticultural shows well into her eighties! Mums are the BEST! hahaha lots of love to you @crescendoofpeace. ( and that is a cool name too ;)

Yes, "Stanlibeth" was original, created by my grandmother, when she wanted to name her first child after her beloved brother Stanley.

The joke was that the Scots add "beth" to the end of everything, so that was how she feminized the name for her daughter.

My grandfather was a longtime charter pilot and flight instructor, so during his time in the Army Air Corps, during WWII, he and the family were transferred all over the US.

At age sixteen, due to a shortage of instructors, my mother was pressed into service to give preflight training to the young incoming pilots.

One young pilot wrote her a letter, aftereaving the base, addressed only to her first name, with a note to the postmaster apologizing for not remembering her last name.

Amazingly, the letter caught up with her several months later, and the postmaster who found her was so impressed that he named his own daughter Stanlibeth in my mom's honor. Pretty cool.

There was another funny story that occurred around the same time, when my grandfather was picking up their ration books, and the clerk asked for his first name, and those of his family members.

So he gave them: his name was Fyfe, his wife was Ouida, and their daughter was Stanlibeth. To which the clerk replied, in an exasperated manner, "Sir, I don't care what they call you, I just need your names." ;-) Lololol!!!

I hadn't heard Sallybeth before, so that's new to me, and I like it.

Have a wonderful day!

Posted using Partiko Android

Awesome, I have also had this kind of experience of reading about a plant online that was growing near me. Its moments like that you feel you are completely aligned with the blessings of the Universe. Thanks for the information :D

That’s awesome you have had a similar experience

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