Adding to a Cornucopia of Goodness - My Favorite Home Remedy...

in #naturalmedicine6 years ago (edited)

When @naturalmedicine put out their new challenge to add to the Natural Medicine cornucopia by sharing your favorite home remedy, I was in!
See the intro to the challenge here:
NATURAL MEDICINE cornicopia of goodness.png

I was having a hard time trying to figure out what was my favorite home remedy. Then it hit me -

My favorite home remedy is the remedy that is giving me relief for what ever ails me right now!

That being said I'm going to share with you three home remedies that have served us well.

The first uses garlic.
2 heads of garlic and clove best.JPG

My husband was going through a stressful situation and had developed high blood pressure. Our family doctor put him on high blood pressure medication. My husband and I are not the kind of people who turn ourselves over to the medical profession and knowing the side effects of the medication and the fact the fact that he was told he would have to be on it for life, set us into research mode.

We had cleaned up our diet ( my husband had been eating a lot of camp food when he worked up north.)
We looked into herbs to heal his high blood pressure and clean up his arteries.
Garlic possesses the ability to lower blood pressure, blood cholesterol levels and generally improve the health of the cardio-vascular system and was the herb for us.

Being that my husband was still up working and living and eating in a camp, he first turned to a herbal remedy - Strauss Heart Drops. The first ingredients in that remedy was garlic. It contained other herbs know for heart and circulatory system health including Hawthorn, Mistletoe, Motherwort , Cayenne pepper, Bilberry and White Willow.
Using this he was able to get off his medication.

Once he was done working away from home, we did our own garlic treatment and dropped the heart drops.
We knew to get the medicinal benefits it was recommended to take two medium sized raw garlic bulbs per week.

We added extra garlic to our pesto, hummus and other dips. We added it to our salad dressings and sauces, in butter and if we hadn't consumed enough we just added some minced garlic to some coconut oil for a spread on crackers or to put on our veggies.

The dried, powdered garlic has no medicinal qualities so we did away with that convenience.

My husband had gone for regular check ups with our family doctor and his blood pressure was normal. He tried to talk to the doctor about herbal remedies, but the doctor was old school and didn't want to hear anything about it so we just kept on doing what we were doing and my husbands blood pressure remained normal.

Tip: Chew some fresh parsley or anise seed to mask the garlic odor in your breath.

2 Valerian plantS showing root and flower.JPG

The next home remedy I have used a lot was a tincture of Valerian root.

For those of you who may not know, Valium, is made from Valerian.

Known for it's calming effect, I would take the fresh roots of the Valerian (best harvested in the fall when it is full of medicinal constituents),

  • clean them and chop them into 1/4 inch pieces
  • fill about 1/2 of a pint jar with them
  • fill the jar with vodka (use the highest proof vodka you can get)
  • put a lid on and shake it
  • place it in a dark, warm spot
  • shake it daily for about 2 weeks
  • when ready, strain it through a cheese cloth and squeeze out as much liquid as possible.
  • keep it in a sealed glass jar in the dark and it will last for years.

*Note: You can make a tea with the roots, but it will not keep as long and water does not draw out the beneficial compounds as well.

I would keep this tincture in my medicine cabinet and if I was having trouble sleeping, I would get up and have a swig (about 1 Tbsp.) and it would relax me and I would fall asleep.

This Valerian tincture is on of the gentlest herbal sleeping remedies I know of.

*Extra Tip: Although Valerian root has a very calming effect on humans, it acts like catnip with cats. I harvest some roots of the Valerian and dry them to keep my cats entertained for the winter!

JJ rolling in sand.JPG
##JJ rolling on the Valerian root

The last home remedy I want to share with you uses the Plantain Herb.


I use the juice from the crushed leaves to take away the sting from nettles, the itch from mosquitoes bites and I make a poultice to draw out slivers and bee stings.

For sting from nettles and misquito bites I just rub the juice of the leaves on it.

To take out slivers and the stinger from a bee sting, I make a poultice with the crushed leaves and hold it place with gauze wrap.

I make a poultice from the leaves by crushing or bruising them and putting them over the affected area or if I want to have it on for a longer period of time, I hold it in place with gauze wrap.

There you have three of my commonly used home remedies. I hope they can provide you some relief from what ails you!


Woo! Love your post - we've given you a wee upvote and hope it helps you continue to write such amazing posts.

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Garlic, valerian and plantain! Such wonderful herbs. Thanks for your great entry! Don't forget to drop it in post promotion. We also resteemed you on our blog. All the best and lots of NM love!

Thanks for the upvote! Just dropped it in the post promotion. thanks for the reminder.

This was a really good post! I liked the story about your husband and the heart meds. I grow valerian here, but my cat, who adores fresh catnip, has never shown an interest in the valerian.

You chose 3 good plants to highlight!

Did you ever try giving him some roots to play with? It's the roots of the Valerian that they react too.

Ahhhh! No, not roots. That explains it.

Fabulous tips @porters! I also love garlic. Have you tried vanilla to mask the flavour? It works for some. That tidbit about the valium was interesting. I never knew, although the "val" part should've been a clue. I'm definitely going to try the plantain on stinging nettle stings. We have both all over the place and I seem to be a nettle magnet!

We have both the nettle and the plantain in plenty here too. That was why I was so happy to find out a way to stop the sting. It works immediately for me.

I've tried aloe, it helps but the best is milk of magnesium. I would far prefer having another plant in the garden to treat the sting. Thanks again @porters

You're welcome!

thanks for this @porters I use garlic and plantain regularly, there is such an abundance of plantain around me at the moment xx

These are very useful tips. And garlic, i love garlic, although i use it mostly to spice food, and without really paying attention to the 'dosage'.

Is two medium sized raw garlic bulbs per week the general recommendation, for one to get medicinal benefits? I am actually interested.

I am going feature this post in the next Xposed Curator's Rebound #54. You may find details about it Xposed Curator's Rebound

My hope is to bring your quality work here the exposure it deserves, and with it, hopefully some additional rewards.

Best wishes, @mirrors

Found this thanks to @buckaroo

Thank-you for featuring this in the Xposed Curator's Rebound #54! You had it correct - two medium sized raw garlic bulbs per week is the general recommendation. So you end up putting a couple of cloves in most of your main dishes.

@porters this is great! Congratulations on the reward, by the way. Valerian Root?! I’m on it! I grew up in the Los Angeles area so bare with me, I’m unfamiliar with “Plantain Herb.” I’m very familiar with mosquito bites though, thank you for the remedy.

Thanks! Valerian is an easy to grow perennial. It self seeds a lot in my yard. In fact I now have it growing up my lane along with the golden willows. I call it my mellow yellow lane!

Garlic and valerian has great power to cure.Garlic is for heart is really beneficial.

Yes it has helped my husband with his heart condition

Plantain is one of my go-tos as well. I've already observed it to be more effective than hydrocortisone cream on mosquito bites (even on a child who has more severe reactions than most.)

I even used dock weed in a pinch when I first came to Wyoming - I couldn't find plantain anywhere for the longest time. So, on a hunch, I picked dock and found out that it has similar properties. I used the dock-infused olive/coconut oil on a (2-year-old) child with a spider bite that looked really bad - I'd said to her mother that she really needed a doctor if the dock oil didn't work by the end of the day! Yeah... the dock oil worked extremely well - in fact by the next morning, it looked no worse than a normal child's mosquito bite the next day. We were all really impressed!

Good to know! I have plenty of plantain, more so than dock but who knows where you'll be when you need a natural remedy and it's good to have choices.

I am quickly learning that wherever you are, there are options and treatments for almost anything you want. Did you know that the Indians were known to use plantain for rattlesnake bites? There was even a documented case of a woman who was in very poor shape after a bite - and plantain saved her!

Yes I had heard that. Often it is just a matter of having eyes to see what is available to us.

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