Fungi Friday: Reminiscing and Anticipating

Our home is a place of fungi love of every sort. We even have a child named Mycelia, if that tells you anything! I have only dabbled in growing my own (though I know some amazing mycologists) but I have walked in different woods across the continental US exploring the world of fungi on my journeys through nature. Since this time of year (and today here in the Great Smoky Mountains) is kinda of blah outside, I decided it would be fun to participate in #fungifriday and share some of my fun mushroom pictures from days gone by and dream about the happy tastebuds of spring and summer 2020 that will be just around the corner...




This is definitely the largest mushroom we have ever found! It was about 12-14 feet up in the tree. It is a type of veiled oyster. Interestingly enough, there was a big discrepancy for a while with it being mistakenly classified as two different mushrooms in two different areas of the Appalachians. It was delicious, by the way!!! (that is my partner, Rabbit, holding our gargantuan find)


If only cinnabars really glowed like this! I do love how they captured the flash, though.

Hands down, chanterelles are my favorite of the edible mushrooms. Here in the Great Smokies we are able to boast of multiple varieties of them. The cinnabars are fun because they add a nice color pop to whatever you are cooking them with.


Morel hunting, otherwise known as nature's easter egg hunt, is always amazing.

Even if we don't find a lot, morels are the first thing to get us out in the woods in early spring and shake the cobwebs off our feet after a winter largely inside and avoiding the cold. Even before the spring flowers really start around here, we go out and race the wild turkeys to the best patches! Just a few more months...


I know we had a good dinner on this day! Oysters, black trumpets, a small lobster, and some cinnabars.

We love to incorporate fungus finds into our homeschooling, too. Often a nature hike will not cover very much linear distance. There is one easy 1 mile trail in the park about 5 minutes from our house that we can take 2 hours to walk because we find so much to stop, look at, and talk about!


@cassidydawn with her first black trumpet find a couple of years ago. They are one of several varieties of chanterelles we find each year.

Just remember it's easy to leave footprints and take memories, but wildcrafting any plant or fungus should only be done with the utmost respect and 100% knowledge that you can use what you take! We are responsible for our own choices of word and deed ~~~



OH MY! That is a giant!!
I would love to try the Morels.. never had them. Never even saw them. So cool looking!

@tipu curate

They are so good at hiding that you might step on one and not even see it!! While morels aren't prolific here in the Smokies like they are in other areas of the US, we do get our fair share of them. The catch is, the whole season here is a max of 5 or 6 weeks, and every critter you can imagine wants them just like you do! I have never had such stiff competition with the rest of nature over anything else I wildcraft.

I wish you will find them one day, you deserve it.
maybe on some occasional visit home in April-May?

I never saw them in Poland... But maybe I look in wrong places too, or they do not grow in my area.

they are pretty early ones... right when the soil is still wet from the snow that melted... (as far as I read it!) personally, I dont visit nor forests, neither parks so early in spring. maybe you too? they rarely can be seen after May have ended.

I don't mind going to the woods at any time of the year except summer (the amount of bugs!!). I will try to remember next time :)

thank you for sharing your nice findings with us,
extra cool you are in the know of #fungifriday
(otherwise I probably would miss your great post).
thankyou, and next time!

@qwerrie I actually learned about #fungifriday on the new beta communities. I went to join the homesteading community and found one for fungus lovers (and of course joined it)! This time of year here there's not much foraging to be done for fungus but I definitely will continue making #fungifriday posts throughout the year!

'foraging' is a good word, I like it.
well, I think that my collegues-photographers have made some supplies this summer, so #fungifriday tag will not be sleeping numb for the next few months :-)

Very impressive. You guys have quite a haul. Happy Friday Free!

Are those fungi can eat? Here most of funnies is having different types of poison and we afraid to have it. We only have from market

oysters and chantrelles definitely good for your food.

Oh maybe. I’m not that much aware of the variation

@thesobuz Everything I put in this post was edible, yes. It is indeed very important to take the time to learn your edible mushrooms, one at a time, and only eat what you are 100% sure is correctly identified. I still consider myself an infant in foraging mycology even though I know quite a few, because the fungus kingdom is insanely large and no matter how much I learn it's never more than a little compared to what's out there.
I noticed you are located in Bangladesh. I don't know anything about what fungus might grow there naturally, but I am confident that everywhere in the world boasts edible mushrooms of some sort. However, from what I am seeing online it looks like you must have a large selection of grown mushrooms in your country, as there was a lot of stuff about multiple types of commercial growth. That would be pretty awesome to find here. Most of the time I have to go find my own to have the best varieties.

Yeah I understand that are good to eat but here in our country all of them can’t eat as there are very poisonous fungi existing

You’ve been visited by @trucklife-family on behalf of Natural Medicine.
I love everything fungi and I am very impressed with what you have foraged. I have to agree that Chanterelle are my favourite too, pan fried with coconut oil and garlic, yum. Then there are the amazing healing properties as well. How lucky you are to be surrounded by such an abundanced of mushrooms x/sup>
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