[Philosophy] Is dating or marrying a single mother violating the Non aggression principal (NAP)? Here is my argument for a yes to this question.

in #nap7 years ago (edited)

The argument is the following:

  • Single mothers mostly use the force of the corrupt state to kidnap children from the real father, it happens today to a lot of children and fathers.

  • Single mothers have proven to be bad parents and bad partners (Stefan Molyneux made all the arguments for this in his "why not to date a single mother" videos, which I agree with).

  • A man that accept a single mother as partner, is supporting her previous life decisions and therefore supporting that she kidnapped this child/children with the force of the corrupt state.

  • Single mothers have violated the Non aggression principal by using the coercive power of the corrupt state to kidnap one or more children.

  • Men dating or marrying a single mother are supporting, accepting and living with a single mother.

= Men dating or marrying single mothers are supporting the use of coercive power by the corrupt state, which is a violation of the Non aggression principal, which again result in that men dating or marrying single mothers are violating the Non aggression principal.

Now I would like to know Stefan Molyneux's opinion on my argument and also ask what Jeff Berwick think about this argument. Stefan Molyneux have the capacity to debunk or stress-test my logic and if the argument is true I then also proofed that Jeff Berwick is not an anarchist, since he live with a single mother, that kidnapped a child from the real father in Germany.

I hope atleast Stefan Molyneux will debate my argument in one of his shows, I don't expect any response from Jeff Berwick, since he told me to "fuck off" when I presented the argument to him last year and have ignored me since, obviously because he dont want to be exposed for doing something that violate the Non aggression principal (NAP).

My argument could be flawed, I need a capacity like Stefan Molyneux to convince me if it is, since I think there is a huge change that my argument is 100% valid, but the topic is so big of a problem in the world that most people will not touch it.

Sending links to this post to Stefan Molyneux and a few other anarchists. Asking for a response.

Lasse Ehlers

Lasse Ehlers holds a Master degree in economics from Copenhagen University, Denmark (M.Sc. in economics) and consider himself a free-market economist with special expertise in the market of crypto currencies.

Lasse Ehlers - Crypto expert, Free-market Economist - I always know which cryptos to buy and hold.


hm your argument assumes that the new man has has anything to do with the woman's decision to become a single mother. If that is the case, I agree, he's violating the rules, but if not, he's off the hook, because you give him the responsibility for expectations and behavior on the site of the woman he hasn't had a chance to change when it was relevant. It's like making a person pay for a car accident by someone else because he's using the same road.

I will follow you now.. despite you're Danish!

Thanks for your response.

I am still trying to get my head around if my argument is true or not and need more time to figure it out.

What I could add is that if no men wanted to date a single mother, which they shouldnt, for reasons state in Stefan Molyneux videos, then it would give the woman a strong incentive to only get pregnent with a man that she want to live with raising the child/children.

I understand your argument, but my argument is that if you partner up with a person that clearly have taken seriously bad life decisions, you are promoting that persons actions and genes, which is at least undesirable. Maybe it is not violating the NAP, that is what I am trying to find out, therefore the post.

I see your point. From my perspective, it is a matter of who had what information when. The single mother could have been consistently with her interests while keeping the NAP, for example when her husband wasn't beating her, or not dead or didn't have an affair or she realistically saw a chance of being a good mother without husband (if that's possible).

There are clearly situations where women break the NAP, but I wonder if they are aware of that - or can be aware of that at all. We don't always act reasonably for all sorts of reasons (take hormone problems for example) and so the women who gets herself pregnant although she really shouldn't from a perspective of hindsight or visibly for outsiders can act reasonably within the narrowness of her irrationality.

In this perspective it would be her environment - if existent and aware - to prevent her pregnancy by for example giving her incentives not to become pregnant (personally, I see wealthy individuals having the responsibility to provide this), or - if not existent or aware - the pregnancy happens and we enter a new scenario with a fresh set of possible reasonable actions.

Bottom line: In all cases the women actually isn't really at fault, because

  • either she acted rationally and something she couldn't control changed
  • or she acted irrationally but wasn't aware of it and thought she acted rationally
  • or her environment neglected its responsibility for themselves (not her!!) to prevent a permanent social crisis situation with her child and didn't provide the woman with tools to stay away from pregnancies

A man later dating that woman has nothing to do with that. It is a completely new scenario for him - unless of course he had his fingers in the situation before.

An almost unrelated example: If I was someone from the deep state I would make the drug dealers add contraceptions to their product. This way, no more crack babies are born.

You got a 28.55% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @lasseehlers!

I can not say anything for your post on this one

Not all the time your argument can be true . There are man who are really bad and many woman let there child to know their dad and then children choose not to see their dad because of his bad behavior.
As I found - by reading - in US is everything upside-down than in my country.
So why a woman can't find a good man who can be a better dad?

Few days ago I spoke with a friend who moves in US and has an argument exactly about this situation; I didn't tell him that after I become aware about this issues, I wanted to ask him how do will be ever married there because it seems to me that women are worse than men here
I will certainly ask him this days :)

I think that as not all men are bad same is applicable to women and to stigmatized one or other from some philosophical point is wrong because it depends of each one on how did they act. Your writing seems to resemble that old idea when most man think that the woman they married is their property :(

I hope that the madness which exist in the women in your country will not spread here. :) And the correct way of thinking in this issues in my opinion is that either one - men and women - can be bad; and only knowing all the facets of the problem we can go to conclusion.

I hope not upset you with all my thoughts I have written but I think that this situation is more complicated than you presented. Cheers

Well, please watch the arguments in these two videos, since if you knew them you would not have wrote what you did:

and here:

My argument is building on top of that. So your questions are irrelevant to my post.

You got a 51.83% upvote from @allaz courtesy of @lasseehlers!

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