
Thanks for the beautiful write up, but I don't think it yet complete without the link to the witness vote.

I want to cast my vote, but no link find. It would be better if you can add it to the post.

Just my own opinion sir.

There are many guides to how to vote for witnesses, including one I wrote in November:

Here's the short version:

You can go to and input your votes (up to 30) in one by one. The current top 50 are listed, but you can vote for anyone with your witness votes. If there is someone you know is running a witness server who is not in the top 50, just type their name in the space provided under the Top 50, and your vote will be tallied. You can help push some smaller witnesses into the top 50.

Hi - nice story. A couple of @curie votes kept me on here early on, it's a great imitative. I did think about trying to break into becoming a curator myself, and had a few practice runs trying to look for quality posts (there are a few guidelines now out that I used) - as you say it takes time, which I don't have atm. Might look into it in summer. Damn life!



Cool to learn the back story of how you got started with @curie. Isn't that the truth though, life is always throwing curveballs and time commitment is something that fluctuates here and there and being a curator for curie takes a lot of time.
Either way, appreciate the work that you've put in and the entire curie team. One of the witnesses that truly helps the minnow and under recognized minnows on the platform. I have personally never received a curie vote, but I am also lucky enough to have been recognized by other large stake holders on the platform. If we are ever going to reach a tipping point where steemit is mass adopted, I think it will be because of accounts like @curie that actively seek lesser known authors and work.
Hope you're doing well bud, look forward to catching up

My first curiw upvote inspired me to strive more in the platform :) such a life changing happening in steemit.

Yes, Curie remains a significant help to new members, albeit in mysterious ways! ;-) As you say, the curation cannot be done half-heartedly, hence I too have "paused" due to lack of concentrated periods of time to devote to it.

Upvoted and has been added to the latest MAP Resteems post.


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