Myanmar Photography blog part 2: Craaazyy transport rules, bikes and mopeds.

in #myanmar6 years ago (edited)

This blog post is a part 2, please check out Part 1 here.

These photographs show some of the cyclists and motorcyclists around the outside of Yangon.
These photos were taken outside the city area of Yangon, which would be obvious to anyone who knows Yangon. Why is it obvious you may ask?

Unusual traffic decisions in Myanmar. No.1

There are different theories as to why the Military decided to ban scooters and motorbikes from Yangon city centre but not the rest of Myanmar. The official line is down to safety, but this makes little sense given the lack of a ban outside Yangon.

  1. With the influence of clairvoyants or similar.
  2. One of the General's sons was killed in a motorbike accident.
  3. Someone was caught handing out pro-democracy leaftlets from a motorbike.
  4. Prophecies of assassination attempts from a motorbike


Unusual traffic decisions in Myanmar. No.2

Possibly the most controversial decision was to reverse the traffic flow (switch from driving on the left to the right). Again this may appear to be logical, but the traffic junctions were not reversed, neither were the cars designed to be driven on the left. The decision was probably made on the basis of a clairvoyant / premonition of one of the military leaders.

Rumour has it that the leader would be assassinated by a driver driving on the right side of the road, hence the costly and complicated switchover.

Even now many of the drivers have become used to driving cars designed for the opposite side of the road.


Bicycles are generally allowed in Yangon, but taxis are the preferred method of transport.







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that sounds completely mental! great pics as ever :)

Haha, yer just wait for the story of Naypyidaw, the new Capital city the Military built.

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