
Responding to a stroke in the right time is the best way to reduce brain damage to someone who has a stroke. Because the stroke cuts the supply of oxygen and blood to the brain, you must return the supply as quickly as possible because the stroke can be fatal. There are a number of warning signs that you can look for, as well as several steps you can take to get the patient ready when emergency services arrive. This action can help save lives from stroke victims.

Learn about two types of strokes. There are two types of strokes. The most common type which includes more than 90% of stroke attacks is called ischemic stroke. This happens because the blood flow to the brain decreases, and is usually due to plaques in the carotid arteries rupturing and flowing downstream. The ruptured plaque continues to move to clog arteries and blood flow to the part of the brain. Symptoms experienced when attacked by a stroke will depend on which part of the brain is attacked, for example in the part responsible for the ability to speak, walk, or move one side of the body.
Another type of stroke that is not so common is when there is bleeding in the brain. This is called a hemorrhagic stroke. This occurs when a blood vessel or a collection of blood vessels called aneurysms grow larger and erupt causing a stroke. Although rare, this type of stroke can cause the worst headaches you have ever experienced.
You have to know the difference because most stroke victims you might encounter don't experience pain. The absence of pain makes you late to recognize and deal with victims, which in turn can cause severe long-term nerve damage or even death. [1]

Notice whether the victim's face appears to be sagging. It is very important to recognize the initial symptoms of a stroke so you can confirm it. Medical professionals use the FAST acronym to remember what to look for when the stroke attacks and how fast the response must be made. The letter F stands for Face, which means you have to pay attention to whether the victim's face sags. Notice whether one side of the face is drooping or hanging. Ask the victim to smile. The affected side of the face cannot be lifted like the other side.
You can also ask the person to raise an eyebrow, and the side that has the stroke will not be able to respond. [2]
Check if the victim's arm is weak. The letter A in FAST stands for Arms, which means you have to check whether the arm is weak. Ask the victim to lift the arm in front of the body, and lift it to shoulder height. Press his arm down slowly and ask the person to resist your pressure. Maybe he can still move his arm even though he is having a stroke, but the affected arm will fall down due to weakness when you press it.
If he is unable to lift the other arm, or his arm cannot be raised at shoulder height, it means that his arm has suffered weakness. [3] [4]

First of all a emergency services should be called to get to the hospital. After calling you need to wait till the emergency reach to you. Till then you can give the patient some first aid written below-

1- Keep checking if the patient is breathing or not. If patient don't breath then you have to perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation(cpr)

2- Try to keep the patient warm in anyway.

3- At the time of stroke you may not give them anything to eat or drink even if they are dying for it.

4- Keep talking with emergency service and tell them every symptoms for suggestion of better first aid.

5- Don't move the patient too much, if he/she become weak.

6- Keep calm and maintain everything smartly. Hurry may bring disaster.


Stroke usually occurs due to damage to blood vessels in the brain. Unlike a heart attack, a stroke may still be helped if it is quickly treated. This disease can occur due to a blockage of blood vessels by plaque or blood fat, called a blockage stroke (ischemic stroke). Other causes can be caused by rupture of a blood vessel, called a bloody stroke (hemorrhagic stroke).

Bleeding strokes are caused by hypertension or high blood pressure, aneurysms in the form of cerebral artery abnormalities that arise due to thinning and degeneration of arterial artery walls so as to form bulges such as balloons, and Arteriovenous Malformations (AVM) or varicose veins due to high blood pressure which can result in rupture of vessels blood.Before this disease threatens your life, it's good to know the symptoms of stroke first. If you experience a headache that is so great, the side of the body weakens and often tingling, visual disturbances, dizziness, to speech disorders, immediately check your condition to the doctor.

Later, the doctor will check the condition of your body first. There is a unique method they usually do to examine patients with symptoms of stroke as described above. This method is named FAST, namely Face, Arm, Speech, and Time.
For face or face, you will usually be asked to grin broadly. The doctor will see the angle of the mouth to the degree of slope of your lips. If it is tilted, it's worth watching.Besides that there is an arm. For this examination, the patient is asked to raise both hands forward at chest level. If one hand is heavier, there is a weakness.

As for speech, doctors usually ask patients to say certain words. As for time, if there are signs of stroke, the patient is asked as soon as possible to do stroke therapy.


A stroke is a condition in which part of the brain is affected by an interruption to the normal blood supply. This can result from a clot in a blood vessel that stops blood passing through to brain tissue. If this condition is recognised at an early stage and hospital care is readily available, drug treatment is able to dissolve the clot, resulting in a full recovery.

Firstly, Call for the ambulance

It is important for the patient to be assessed as soon as possible because treatment must be started within 1 to 2 hours if a clot is present in the brain.

  1.  Care for a conscious patient

Assist a conscious patient into the position of greatest comfort
Cover the patient to reduce heat loss.

  1.  Observe the patient 

While waiting for the ambulance to arrive, observe the patient closely for any change in condition.
If there is any deterioration in the patient’s conscious state, turn the patient on their side in a supported position.

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