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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

Stroke usually occurs due to damage to blood vessels in the brain. Unlike a heart attack, a stroke may still be helped if it is quickly treated. This disease can occur due to a blockage of blood vessels by plaque or blood fat, called a blockage stroke (ischemic stroke). Other causes can be caused by rupture of a blood vessel, called a bloody stroke (hemorrhagic stroke).

Bleeding strokes are caused by hypertension or high blood pressure, aneurysms in the form of cerebral artery abnormalities that arise due to thinning and degeneration of arterial artery walls so as to form bulges such as balloons, and Arteriovenous Malformations (AVM) or varicose veins due to high blood pressure which can result in rupture of vessels blood.Before this disease threatens your life, it's good to know the symptoms of stroke first. If you experience a headache that is so great, the side of the body weakens and often tingling, visual disturbances, dizziness, to speech disorders, immediately check your condition to the doctor.

Later, the doctor will check the condition of your body first. There is a unique method they usually do to examine patients with symptoms of stroke as described above. This method is named FAST, namely Face, Arm, Speech, and Time.
For face or face, you will usually be asked to grin broadly. The doctor will see the angle of the mouth to the degree of slope of your lips. If it is tilted, it's worth watching.Besides that there is an arm. For this examination, the patient is asked to raise both hands forward at chest level. If one hand is heavier, there is a weakness.

As for speech, doctors usually ask patients to say certain words. As for time, if there are signs of stroke, the patient is asked as soon as possible to do stroke therapy.

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