
Well i do not have a blog posts on steemit so i cannot say whether i deserve to have contents on frontpage or not,but there are so many steemit users that i have seen

their contents and i feel they deserve to be on the

trending page because the users have contents that are awesome and people would really love but the

problem is that many of these users do not get enough

visibility to make their contents to enter the frontpage and it is a sad situation and that is why some users now

had to start using bid-bots to at least get upvotes that would make them have their contents enter frontpage

and begin to get the visibility which they ought to get earlier...

Actually, I do.

I remember when I joined newly. I use to look to the trending page every now and then to gain inspiration. I was like if this was person can get there, so can I.

Well. I never did get to the trending page. I think it was was because I didn't spent much time on the platform like others did and didn't invest nearly as much. It was common tools see people like @jerrybanfield in the trending and it was well known that the guy invested a lot into steemit.

Well, nowadays, it's different. Most of the people who have are not on the trending page are there's besieged they have enough steem too give to the tens of bots around. There's now the absence of qualifying that once characterized the front page.

What I would have expected of Steemit was to allow every category top be represented in trending. For example, there should be Cryptos, then fiction, then life, then sports etc. Thus would give visibility to all the categories and new users would know they stand a chance.

If thus had been the case, I think I might have been featured at least once on Frontpage because I wasn't doing bad. I'm using past tense because I rarely write fiction anymore, at least not nor on Steemit.

I define wouldn't have been considered because because of my storied us to get good number of upvotes comments.

Often times, YES!

As a content creator focusing on writing Steem Tools and how other platform works, I have written many informative articles that have been proven to be of help to planktons/minnows and even old users on the platform.

One of which and one that I am most proud of was an article about How do the Busy Bots work ( and While there are a few others who explained it already, I think I was the first one to write a post publicly on how to compute for the Upvote Weight Percentage and Upvote worth.

Unfortunately, that post didn't get much time sitting on "Hot" so it never really reached trending. I am however still proud of that post as even weeks after, I still get some notifs from people linking my article to their posts/comments.

For someone who writes about tutorials, it's really hard to reach that coveted trending page without using bidbots as you'll never know when people will need your tutorials.

Yes, definitely I would love to be on the top of a tag's feed

I envy them ! ! !

I mean no one doesn't want to be on that place, it was like You Rock ! ! !

  • It was like you are a very good writer
  • It was like you bring up a very informative content or brought up a very interesting story to others
  • it was like being the best author on that very moment
  • it was like you catch the attention of a very powerful whale
  • it also will bring you many followers

Well this is only my opinion Hahahahaha, Sorry if I was a shallow person thinking that a trending post's author was one of the best xD

but then, seeing this trending posts makes me feel sad. Knowing that most of them got to be on that position as because of those bidding bots was kinda make me disappointed

They all was ruining my thought being a good writer, being a very informative person, being an author who brought a very interesting story, BEING AN AUTHOR WHO ONCE BECAME THE BEST

Well that's life, you can get on top if you have money. But I swear someday I will be on that position without the help of any bidding bots

To be truly honest, I do think so too (sometimes). But as a beginner of the platform, I truly understand why I am still where I am right now, so I don't take it as a negative situation but instead take it as a motivation that maybe one day people will recognize my post/art and support me. Not just aiming to the trending page but to gain real followers that support me and appreciate me and be able to interact and create a bond, and being friends with them in the platform :D

First rule for Steem: Don't look at trending posts!

Make you own posts, make comments, interact with others, find your niche, have fun :)

As far as the meaning of your question, yes, I think many of us have seen the trending page and lamented our absence from it. Unfortunately, when the word "deserve" is used, it leans towards an entitlement ideology. 

Usually, the ones I see complain the most about not getting anywhere on Steemit do not buy much STEEM, they just expect to get handouts on the platform. Ask yourself: what would happen if all active users bought at least 10 STEEM and powered it up?

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