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RE: Sharing Shards of Yourself ( music and badass women)

in #music5 years ago

Ha! I had never inspired a post before, I'm honored. And I kinda have to comment now, don't I? :P Good thing I actually like your taste in music - it would have been quite funny if you'd gone and posted some Justin Bieber stuff, you know? That would have left me speechless, literally ahah

Anyway, jokes aside, I'd already listened to Jinjer and, of course, Halestorm. The latter is probably my favorite among the songs you've posted, being old-school and all (how did you find a video taken with a smartphone with decent audio? I usually just skip those, maybe because I just hate when people take them instead of listening to the concert ahah) and it's a very powerful piece. I'm listening to a lot of old school stuff lately, although you know, once a metalhead, always a metalhead. Jinjer always left me baffled, in that she can pass from total sweetness and melancholy to a really, really badass growling, she scares me a bit! But there's some sort of emotional release when she starts growling. It reminds me of old Opeth, they had the same effect on me (maybe one of these days I'll post something). I totally love their music, they're really good at what they do.
About the rest, I found In This Moment...interesting. I can see why you like them so much, she's got a way of being fragile and strong at the same time, it's like she's owning everything that makes her who she is and screaming it out.
Diamante, on the other hand, wasn't really my cup of tea. They lacked in grit compared to the other songs, and were a bit more predictable. Her voice was a bit more...plastic? I don't know, I guess I liked the rest much more, to be honest :D

Now to answer your call to action, I'm not gonna post anything superpersonal, but I'm gonna stay on topic with powerful female voices. I've been listening a lot to Sophia Urista lately. It's a bit different from the stuff you posted, more bluesy, but I'm guessing you're gonna like her voice:

Maybe check out her stuff with Brass Against?

Let me know what you think!


What's wrong with Justin Bieber? :P I know, I know, what isn't? :))

I don't normally listen to recordings either, but I really wanted to find a live version of Jump The Gun and came across this little gem. Yeah, I get what you mean about Jinjer and Opeth. I was only introduced to Jinjer last week, sorta by accident, but I'm really glad it happened :D Awesome fucking band, even though I'm not usually into this growling, screaming sort of music.
Or at least, I wasn't...

I know! that's the vibe I get from Maria (In This Moment) too :D And I feel every word, you know, the spit in your eye attitude. I love it.

Yeah, Diamante is definitely at the bottom of the list for me, too, but she's nice, too and she was on the recommended list on YouTube, so I figured why not? :D

I love these songs, particularly the second one, the Tool cover. It's brilliant. It's got this really old school vibe (duh) and the girl's got a really edgy-gritty voice. I love it, thank you!

To be fair, I've never been a HUGE fan of growling myself. I don't listen to very heavy stuff anymore. But there are some contexts where I find it perfect, and early Opeth is one of them (or early Melodic Death, but again, I digress).

I knew you'd like her :P

Yeah, I think it really depends on the frame of mind you're in. Sometimes, you'd really like to yourself, at other people :)

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