"The Rainbow Connection" (Cover) It is probably magic. Thank you letter/tribute to JIM HENSON

in #music7 years ago (edited)

Someday you'll find it... the Rainbow Connection

My hope still is to leave the world a bit better than when I got here. (Jim Henson)

Above you can listen to a cover I made of "The Rainbow Connection".

The original version was recorded in 1978 and originally sung by Kermit in the movie The Muppet´s movie "Rainbow Connection" in 1979. The song has such an spiritual meaning and it seems to keep on connecting many souls still today. I posted a picture some days ago explaining I have been stumbling upon this song (and rainbows) lately and how it suddenly is resonating again in my soul, so I wanted to share this version I made myself some time back, as you encouraged me in a previous rainbow post. So I'm sharing a little tribute, to whom, for many reasons, I consider a "hero" from my childhood years. I am going to watch again all my Henson´s movies these days! Such positive imprint he left in this world... I wouldn't be the same if it were not for Jim Henson´s work. And if you want to know why... keep on reading.

Whats´s so amazing that keeps us stargazing...?

So you know now I'm a devoted fan of Jim Henson and his legacy. Not only because I grew up with the "magic" he created but also because of the values he taught me with his work. If you think you don't know who I am talking about, please give yourself five minutes to check, because you most likely already do, if you ever saw Kermit the frog, or the Muppets. He was maybe one the greatest entertainers of all times, an artist, film-maker, puppeteer, and weaver of dreams, a positive force that left this world too soon on May 16th 1990.

So I grew up learning to count and the meaning of many things with Sesame Street, and learning good values with the Muppets, the Fraggle Rock. My favorite TV series ever was also his creation : The Storyteller (and it reinforced my love for traditional fairy and folk tales a passion I'm devoted to still). And of course my two favorite movies are The Dark Crystal and Into the Labyrinth. The fantasy in those works rooted deeply in my own persona and are a key source of inspiration in my own work. In fact my most listened album ever is The Dark Crystal music score (greatest influence in my own). I have also recorded other covers and tributes inspired in Henson's work, just as humble "thank you" but I'm not overloading this post with more of them, maybe some other time, because I wanted to focus on Henson's work and its meaning to my heart.

Watch out for each other. Love everyone and forgive everyone, including yourself. Forgive your anger. Forgive your guilt. Your shame. Your sadness. Embrace and open up your love, your joy, your truth, and most especially your heart. - Jim Henson
Image taken from AZquotes (they allow embedding). Click to see original source.

So did I say I was an admirer of Henson´s work? That word falls short, I am truly to the soul, to the point to wonder if I'm a half Muppet sometimes. I have a nickname among some fellow friends and musicians: The Fraggle Princess... a nickname that I now accept heartily as a big compliment.
I don't care to say that the "Trash Heap" from Fraggle Rock taught me really important lessons with her always smashing logic... "Everybody´s got a dream they have to dream and that means trouble that means pain and that means woe" but it also taught me you need troubles in order to really care about something.
Kermit told us it´s ok to be different "It's Not Easy Bein' Green but I think It's why I want to be". So many wise lessons they are impossible to count.

Jim Henson's works are about a rare wisdom, call it naive sometimes, but with a message that runs deep to the soul, to remind us there are things that matter, there are things we need to care about. Be good and honest, and everything will be all right. And all of this shaped me as a little child and made me become a better person. I am not the only one, I know of many others who were listening to these "lessons".

Performing for The Frouds and Jim Henson´s daughter... dreams come true!

Priscilla Hernandez rainbow connection - by Priscilla Hernandez (yidneth.com).jpg

Have you been half sleep and have you heard voices? I've heard them calling my name (The Rainbow connection)

So growing up admiring Jim Henson's work, and being based in Spain, what were the odds? but like the Rainbow Connection says "all of us under its spell, you know that it's probably magic".
Back in 2008 I was invited as guest to Faerieworlds Festival where I met the Frouds, talented conceptual designers and illustrators that worked with Jim Henson in many of his projects including The Dark Crystal ,Into the Labyrinth and The Storyteller, as I say, those were and remain to be my favourite movies and series so I was so amazed and honoured to be able to perform some themes from those movies for them.
I am also a conceptual designer and illustrator now (besides music) so I have lots to be grateful for. They were guests of honour in my USA premier on stage but we have met several times since (mostly concerts and conventions) and grateful of their support. I'm shyly aware I perceive them now as friends and mentors. The times we have met though I really didn't dare to question directly about working with Jim, but I felt in their words and gestures a reassurance of all the testimonies I have heard from people who worked with him: that Jim was gentle and a good friend with his team that gathered so many talents together to create Magic.

Priscilla Hernandez Dark Crystal - by Priscilla Hernandez (yidneth.com).jpg

Above: Me with some collectibles from The Dark Crystal, the most epic fantasy movie ever made, directed by Jim Henson and with conceptual design of Brian and Wendy Froud. I cannot tell how many friends I've forced to watch this movie and "The making of". Many even don't understand its true depth, a movie to teach us that there is no light without shadow, that both are needed to be a whole. But its magic runs in every single detail that is there ,back to times when crafters, puppeteers, designers used to work hard to bring something to life. I will post a proper in depth review of this movie alone in due time.

In several occasions and venues I had the chance to perform fragments of The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth with Brian and Wendy Froud as guests of honor. Last time last met we gathered to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Labyrinth movie and they were there but also another special guest, Cheryl Henson, daughter of **Jim Henson.
So there I was on the stage, singing the Rainbow Connection and my heart was just skipping beats with the magic of the moment. I gifted her my album The Underliving afterwards and we had a little chat. I failed at words and felt extremely shy, I did not want to scare her away and her lovely compliments but I hope this post shows how deep the legacy of his father runs in our souls and hearts.

And that moment I found it... The Rainbow Connection! and keeps on coming to my way one time and again
And sometimes MAGIC simply happens, we don't have to overthink, but just feel it.

Jim Henson´s memorial is a must see for any artist in need of encouragement... You can change the world for better!

“If you care about what you do and work hard at it, there isn't anything you can't do if you want to.” (Jim Henson)

When Jim Henson died (way to soon in his early 50s) a Memorial was held and many of his friends (and fellow puppeteers) joined voices with their puppets on the stage to sing "Just One Person" (a particular Muppets favourite of his). In words of Life Magazine it was an epic and almost unbearably moving event. He had already instructed years prior that he would not want everyone mourning and wearing black, and thus, his memorial was full of live music and love. You can find it on youtube. I would not post it here as I do not own the video, but It is worth to be searched. It gets me into tears, every single time but it fills me with hope, every single time. All those voices TOGETHER. I have not been able to watch that video one single time that I have not tried, and not a single time that I have not ended up encouraged. The lyrics are posted below:

Just One Person (as sung in Jim Henson´s Memorial)

If just one person believes in you,
Deep enough, and strong enough, believes in you...
Hard enough, and long enough,
It stands to reason, that someone else will think
"If he can do it, I can do it."

Making it: two whole people, who believe in you
Deep enough, and strong enough,
Believe in you.
Hard enough and long enough
There's bound to be some other person who
Believes in making it a threesome,
Making it three you can say: believe in me
And if three whole people,
Why not four?

And if four whole people,
Why not more, and more and more...
And when all those people,
Believe in you,
Deep enough, and strong enough,
Believe in you...
Hard enough, and long enough

It stands to reason that you yourself will
Start to see what everybody sees in you
And maybe even you,
Can believe in you... too!

Alive in the heart of many

And here I am, all grown up but I will fight to remain a child inside as he advised.

“As children, we all live in a world of imagination, of fantasy, and for some of us that world of make-believe continues into adulthood. The most sophisticated people I know - inside they are all children". (Jim Henson)

As an illustrator and musician myself I would have so much loved to contribute... back where FANTASY was treated a piece of art, an amazing brainstorming of different talents, but his legacy lives on in many projects and those that remain still to inspire us. His presence lives on in his work.

So Dear Jim Henson, thanks for making the world a better place as you wanted, and for shaping the heart and soul of the children of my generation.

Rainbows are visions... but only illusions... and rainbows have nothing to hide
rainbow on the floor - by Priscilla Hernandez (yidneth.com).jpg

Above: a rainbow that always form in my local coffee place... a daily reminder of magic!

So tell me, were Henson's works important and meaningful to you? Tell me ❤️

Priscilla Hernandez singer-songwriter & illustrator http://yidneth.com

You sound and look soooo magical! <3 I watched The Muppets when I was a kid and it was also popular in my country but I didn't know Kermit sang this :)

Yes it is from the late 70s. Deep wisdom. Those years were more naive and simple. Thank you for the compliment ❤️

wow. This is extremely good. you have put all of this together so well. Im trying to work out who you sound likke and i cant you are really original in your sound.
How many instrements can you play?
Do you have all the technical skills to put it together?
And the message of the song is true, we are all accountable for our actions and need to understand this as soon as we can in life. To love our planet and the diversity of plants and animals that call it home as well as our fellow humans no matter what colour shape or size they are.

Well for this one it is very simple and I can manage as It is merely what you see being played. I played the piano, harp, recorder and synth and some vocals. My friend Sveta the cello. Actually I have and mess with many instruments, around 15 lol but do not master any. Then for the official CDs productions are more complex. I manage to record the structures and instruments but my partner @hedac helps me with co-production, beats and mastering. We both make our videos too. I dream of upgrading gear but all do in due time.

well done it sounds so great, but more importantly original and unique it's your story even on done material

I rarely do covers, but when I do is because they were meaningful to be as a child. I am glad you read the article because that was its purpose, to write something in gratitude.

If you come up to guess who I remind you of let me know. Of course we all love to sound like ourselves but still curious ❤️🎙️🌱

Wow, ethereal and very magical sound. Loved it.

Thank you, ❤️ I love the word "ethereal" i even made a song by that name.

This is SO well done, and one of my all time favorite songs!!!

It is such a soul connecting song. But sharing the song was just an excuse about the values I learned through Henson's work. ❤️🌱

Beautiful cover, Priscilla. And great post -- really nice piece on Jim Henson, as he was a huge influence on me as well.

I am so happy and yes I can see it now! Glad to know because somehow his legacy also lives on in our work. Grateful for the inspiration.

This is amazing love... sound so angelic! man im impressed. love your message love, keep spreading peace!

Thank you, it is not only about who inspired us to be better, but about trying to be better

It is really nice cover like for those children who have a dreams and fantasy and not letting those dreams vanish even if you grow up. Accepting things especially yourself.

Brautiful comment, thanks. I composed a song about that, named "The Realms of Twilight". The spark of our child selves never really goes, it can be rekindled.

Great performance and a super post again!

Thank you so much, Henson was really a great influence in my work and wanted to write thanks.

So beautiful! Love your voice! Upvoted :)

Thank you you are very sweet

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