A Blooming Heart (Spring Incantation) Third in a series of Music in Nature videos. Video and uplifting Celtic Spring vibes!

in #music5 years ago (edited)

This is the third "Incantation" wearing my iconic witch hat and playing flute outdoors. The melody was entirely improvised on the spot though this time this is a longer one and I added more instruments back home at the home studio. It was filmed early Spring, barely weeks ago in some lovely rapeseed fields. I always love to create this as some kind of meditation or as a way to make them longer songs later. This one is lighthearted and I think very catchy because it stuck in my head and I couldn't take it out as simple as it is... You're warned! LOL

By the way I tried to share this yesterday for "Yellow Wednesday" #colorchallenge but I had some issues uploading to my youtube channel. But this one might well be included in my "Blooming series" that you are familiar with if you read my posts.

A blooming heart - by Priscilla Hernandez (yidneth.com).jpg

I improvised the flute melody in the spot but then I added additional vocals and instruments at the home studio. The first of incantations was entirely recorded outdoors but this one was an "hybrid" experiment. I struggled editing the video because I swear the melody (even if I prefer myself when exploring moodier sounds) is rather catchy after a few spins and it was impossible not to hum it afterwards. As I said you are warned.

A blooming heart - by Priscilla Hernandez (yidneth.com)-4.jpg

Rapeseed fields (Brassica Napus) in full bloom, at moments I felt like going to Oz... :)


Brassica Napus (that belong to the crops is used to make Canola or Colza Oil. I very much prefer the wild flowers but there is an undeniable transient beauty in their full bloom fields.

A blooming heart - by Priscilla Hernandez (yidneth.com)-5.jpg

What is happiness but a collection of moments? Something warm that put a smile on our face



The previous Incantations : Which one is your favourite so far?

They all have in common I'm wearing this witch hat (made by my friends from El Costurero Real
and that they are composed outdoors. First one "Over the clouds" was entirely composed and recorded at the spot.
So here are now the other two previous incantations for comparison and feel free also reply which one is your favourite so far :). Maybe I'll do one by the sea, or next fall when leaves fall :). So far they are having a great "seasonal" thing going on :)

This is the third in a series of candid videos filmed outdoors in which the core of the melody is composed in situ

First Incantation: Over the Clouds

This one went viral on many accounts on facebook (sadly it was cropped off my credits) but silver lining has brought a lot of curious people who checked who was playing. It was the most spontaneous, now two years ago, entirely recorded on the spot the day before Christmas two days ago.

Second Incantation: On your Wings

The Ravens Incantation, filmed last February, last Snow of the year, we used portable zoom recorders and crow chants were recorded there too, that is why is also called "The Raven's incantation"

So more to come, maybe by the water, or maybe by fallen leaves, who knows

Easter Egg : Find the hidden rat!

Many of you know me here for this hat (as you met me at @steemfest) BUT more even because of my love for rats :) so as I have mentioned before just like in most of my videos (I still am waiting for someone pointing out where it is in my previous and official recent single) there is a "rat" hidden in the video :)... just in case you want to give it a try ;-) as a little game.

yidneth fufunchis - by priscilla Hernandez (yidneth.com).jpg
Above: me and fufunchis at @steemfest wearing the same hat So the challenge is up... can you find a rat in the video? :) it's there I assure you. :)

My Network


Priscilla Hernandez
singer-songwriter & illustrator


Very artistic. Amazing landscapes, costumes, voice, looks... everything.

Thank you, and I take the chance to say thanks for your support! :) In this video they're actually my daily wear, I have an obsession for dressing in greens and Earth colours. Guess at Steemfest I was the weird elf wizard XD but yay some geekiness had to be represented (it's geed pride day in a day btw). I am surrounded by beautiful Nature, though my work moves always between gothic/dark and fairy/bubbly, guess every person has contrasts and that is reflected in what I do too. Thanks so much for the encouraging word! :)

Very artistic.
Amazing landscapes, costumes,
Voice, looks... everything.

                 - vortac

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

See, true art inspires more art, even unintentionally :)

Nature is always poetry in motion
and us everflowing in it ;-)

Im so happy you found her. :D

Another amazing video, stunning scenery and I think your hat looks very Tolkien like. I really like the melody and it works perfectly with the fields and flowers.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you, it was a sublime sunday by the way, though I cannot recall if it was a Friday, it felt like a sublime sunday though :)
Yes I think I look more Tolkien Wizardess than witchy :) I prefer that idea too, a Radagast's niece or something

Always a beautiful scene very beautiful flowers and nature your surrounded with and postive vibes.
Be well

Posted using Partiko Android

I will write it here...

If you ever think of any way we could do a something like this together, let me know. :)
Running around in the field of flowers looks very fun. :)

Aw thanks, this one was rather simple, the difficult one I spent long was two posts ago, trying to learn to edit on my own, though I take "aaaaages" I think I'm getting there. Well, sure, in due time it would be fun, once I sort out the things that need to be finished first, I'm also still in need of violin for a few songs too. How are you dealing with the chroma, mine does not work that well because my attic has inclined ceiling :( so it's always complicated to set up the lights and fabric right.

I just point lights at myself and try to stand as far away from the green screen as i can so i dont get a shadow. I use green paper for the greenscreen. Its important you dont have shadows and that the background is evenly lighted.

Yes, I know :) I have the lights, my problem is to hang the the green screen, well mine is blue, because my ceiling is extremely inclined, and there is no space for stands, so whenever I try to hang it it it folds and I have not space to set he lights as recommended, so I'm forced to move it to the terrace and well it's not the most convenient or portable thing, I'm setting it back again (mine is a bluescreen though because green messes with my hair) for a little project I have. Been editing all last six or seven videos alone, so learning one step at a time, the one with the fx skills is hector, but he's busy or encouraging me to do things my way. Kind of satisfied with the results, but I'm slow as hell.

You dont need stands. Just buy some green or blue paper and use this to stick it on the wall..

Its much easier then moving the green sheet and finding where to place it. My setup is very basic as well. Im also practicing a bit but i think i will need a new program. What do you use to edit? I use Lightworks right now and it looks ok but i think it could be better. Especially with the edges.

aw thanks that's how I had it in Barcelona, well I used nails and simply attached it to a wall, but as I was trying to explain my studio is now in an oddly shaped attic, that menas not only inbuilt shelves (not one single suitable wall) but also a very inclined ceiling even for stands, at the moment it's using kind of a think wire as a courtain thing but not perfect, the problem is the space of the room. In Barcelona we simply used one of the walls of the dining room and that was it.

A most wonderful post both musically and with photography in nature. Loved it!

Aww that's sweet thank you!

The rapeseed one was amazing. I guess I'd not seen rapefields before, especially with a person for context. And you are right about the humming.... :))

I loved the smell too, of course I'd prefer to a wild meadow anytime but there's something so vibrant and electric in those blooms :) hahah yes, I need to rest from my own tune, after spending time editing the video I was like Oh no! not you again! get off my brain, should come with a warning. I usually make a bit more haunting moodier songs so having a happy go lucky tune in my brain all the time hahah was like what's happening? but light is back :) let´s smile!

You look so happy and free :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Aw I felt very happy that moment, the smile is genuine :)

great music and very nice place

Thanks for the compliment!

That cap in that picture made me to remember harry Porter

believe it or not despite loving Fantasy I've not read Harry Potter, I was very much into the "Books of Magic" a similar comic that was before though, I prefer to think more of Gandalf from LOTR or mages and wizards. My friends make these hats and besides my own official releases I started to do these more lighthearted candid simpler recordings wearing it while hiking, and this is officially the third (previous two ones are in the post too)

I love your way how you make music in nature... amazing

Posted using Partiko Android

Aww thank you :)

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