What native language do you speak (other than English)? Share some songs in your mother tongue!

in #music6 years ago (edited)

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as i said in my last comment it feels like it was a month ago :)

i helped Serbian team to win, now maybe i could help Slovak team to take the win :D
again my friends are performing a old slovak song:

also i will shamelessly plug a how its made video :D

That is such a gorgeous song! Again! So much talent around you! And I love the making of video - is that you I see in the beginning? :D

that was my maybe i could vlog faze :D
and the safe enough is really safe enough, few weeks ago i forgot the camera on the car and drive over 100km like that :)

My mother tongue is Slovak and here is a Slovak 'new' folk song. You can also see some traditional clothes and dancing :)

Hope you will like it.

Very upbeat and very colourful happy video as well! Love the dancing in the sunflower fields :D Very very nice. It's very different from the Slovak song @bil.prag just posted lol. Somehow I feel like this is a song that does well on Weddings and everyone starts dancing ;-)

Oh yes, that is very different. We have many music styles but I wanted to show something positive and happy 😊 You are right! This song is used a lot on weddings nowaday. We don't dress like those people though, lol!

Love it! So cheerful! So you are Slovak? I thought you are Swiss... ;)

😉 I am from Slovakia, but I've been living abroad for 14 years already. I've been in Switzerland since 2010.

It is! It's very popular during weddings, birthdays, etc. as it makes people want to dance 😊

Ah!!! Sorry missed your original post. This is a great idea, I'm going to listen to the songs others have recommended. So my recommendations, yes going to do two, one mandarin and one cantonese (different dialect).

The first one is a mandarin song called The moon represents my heart by Teresa Teng. It's an old song (you can tell by the video) but one that pretty much all Chinese around the world will know. Even Bon Jovi sang it a few years ago

The second one is by Leslie Cheung one of the most famous singer in Hong Kong back in the 90's. The first singer to openly come out back in those days, and sadly threw himself off the top floor of a 5 star hotel on April Fools day one year. Today this date, still regarded as the most beautiful cantonese male singer

That first song is so sweet! It's so lovely to get some input from Mandarin and Cantonese, these are languages that are not heard on the radio here in Europe so I'm overjoyed you decided to share these songs :-)

I love the soft romantic song and video, and I got curious and also listened to the version of Bon Jovi as well - it's not easy as a Westerner to speak this language, how do you think it sounds?

About the second song: I'm super glad he did 'come out' but sad he had to kill himself as well. Many societies need these sacrifices before evolving to a different stage where it's more accepted. It's sad but also beautiful that people are willing to carry that burden <3 I guess he will have quite some people who think of this regularly and admire him for it...

mmm I like this :)) Listen to this song and here are the lyrics on English, as close as it can be :)

I was just thinking the other day about this song and how does it sound on english. These lyrics translates very good but still on Croatian it sounds much more amazing! I really like this song :)

Nice initiative <3

Whoaaaaaa - this video clip is epic! I love it! Very interesting and I now want to put clay on my head as well and make a video like this hahaha.

It's a very great tune, easy to listen to, makes me happy, probably also thanks to the whistle which is very upbeat - but honestly, the clip made it a 'complete package' for me :-)

Thanks for sharing Mr Spacely!

i know it is probably a bit overplayed (ili kako se vec to kaze) but i really like this song from him

Hi @soyrosa

First of all, nice to meet you. I'm a huge fan of music and songs (in fact, I wrote and composed my own Chinese songs since I was 9 years old)

Personally, I listen various languages types of music, including English, Malay, Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien, Japanese and Korean (My mother tongue is Mandarin + Cantonese + Hokkien)

I love to sing (even though my singing skill isn't good lol)

In near future, I will try to post and share more other languages music videos with you and other music lovers :D

PS: Sharing a popular Hokkien song from Taiwan

This song is about getting drunk, and break up with lover.


Hello @wilhb81 - nice to meet you too Wilson! Thank you for participating! As I mentioned in some comments before I don't often get to listen to music from Asian countries in general! You mention a few languages, what language or dialect is this song? :-)

You are very very musical I understand, it would indeed be super cool if you wrote a post about that and share more music :D If you wrote a post let me know! I'll stop by and read it :-)

Hi @soyrosa

The song is a Taiwanese hokkien dialect song, since majority of the Taiwanese speaks Mandarin & hokkien (also Hakka and some other indigenous people dialects)

Sure, if I ever write one - I will tag you :)

老腊肉~ 没想到在这里看到你 哈哈 这首歌好情深意长 还是第一次听到


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Hmm... Songs in Hebrew. Well, I like this one cause it's both reggae and electronic. It's about one man's wish for a vacation in Thailand, above all else.

Ko Ph'ngan- Hatikva6 and Infected Mushroom

Hehehe - this made me move my hips while sitting on the couch! Very cool song. Hebrew is one of the few languages with a hard 'ggg' sound like in Dutch. Feels very much like home to me :D

(Oh gosh I could use a holiday to Thailand as well!)

my native langauage is Irish and here is Sinead O Connor singing in Irish
Mna na h Eireann, Women of Ireland

Oh wow, yes, she's an amazing singer and I've listened to her music many times @trucklife-family! This is a song I'm not super familiar with though, but it's gorgeous as ever <3 I must confess I've been in Scotland and Northern-Ireland but Ireland I've yet only visited Dublin and Howth for a weekend - which was amazing of course, but I know I'll have to spend some more time over there :-)

This is so beautiful @trucklife-family, I just love her music!

Hi there. I hope you enjoy this one, from Portugal:

I more than enjoyed that! This is one I would add to my 'daily playlist' - I love the Portuguese language, it's very very poetic. The video is amazing as well, I love Portugal and I see so many little 'scenes' I recognize from either being European or from my visits to Portugal... I'm very very glad you added this song to this challenge @trincowski! I'll listen to it again :D

This one is weird but I kinda love it. This initiative is fun! and I sure would love to hear all when the playlist is completed :D

Thai language! :) ❤

S* , now I wanna dance LOLOLOLOL ga ga ga ga

We'll do a dance on this song at SteemFest :')

I'm now so positive that I'm not going due to the financial situation :/ and I unfortunately did not get any ticket I have been trying to get one. Though, I will be sooooo prepared for the next one :D I so do wanna dance with you! :) :)

Oh noooooooo! That's such a shame but I understand :-( There's two more giveaways going on currently: https://steemit.com/partiko/@partiko/win-a-free-ticket-to-steemfest-inau0hss and https://steemit.com/steemfest/@evecab/hey-minnows-here-s-a-150-steem-giveaway-to-fund-your-way-to-steemfest-3 - if you still want to try <3

IMPOSSIBLE to not smile and swing while listening to this song! This made me so happy and feel like dancing as well lol! She's very energetic and the song is upbeat - I'm so glad you joined because while sometimes some songs from some European countries reach the Netherlands, I'm very very sure a Thai song never ever has been listed in our charts - but this one deserves a spot! It has a very universal sound to it and I'm sure people all over the world could listen (and dance) to this one :D

That's why it's weird/interesting and I love it :D haha.

This one is a shout out for @teamsouthafrica - I live in South Africa where we have 11 official languages. My mother tongue is Afrikaans but I married an English speaking guy, our children grew up totally bilingual.
The song I've chosen to share is a melancholic one called Jantjie - about a girl called Katryntjie missing her guy Jantjie and asking him to come back home. The clip I'm sharing features the original artist Sonja Herholdt in her latter years but what makes this recording unique is that the song is sung firstly in Afrikaans by her and halfway through in Zulu by another well known Afrikaans singer Dozi. Hope you enjoy it.

YES! I was hoping for a South African song and I already listened to it but hadn't come to replying to you yet <3 Thank you so much for adding this! As a Dutch person it's so special to hear Afrikaans - like I go back in time somehow, it's clear the language 'split' with Dutch at some point and went a different direction. Zulu is a language I have not heard often - it's so gorgeous.

Thanks for this special addition to this playlist @lizelle!

Ah thank you for your lovely feedback @soyrosa! Yes Afrikaans is derived from Dutch, the old people used to speak what was called High Dutch here. It actually is very much like Flemish if my memory serves me right.
I tried learning Zulu, but started a bit late so only know very basic phrases, it's quite a complex language. Even Zulu speakers find it a difficult subject at school level; they say it's easy to speak but very difficult to write it. Sounds great hearing them talk as they have different clicking sounds as well, real tongue twisters :)
Thank you for this challenge, I really enjoyed it!

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