in #music7 years ago

Releasing July 8th 2017

Steemit Artist Music Compilation


*Send to [email protected]

What to send

  • Original Audio File Mp3
  • Artist and Track Name
  • Steemit Account Link
  • Soundcloud or YouTube Link

All Quality Audio Submissions will be accepted and released on a Free Download Full Release Multi Genre Music Compilation through @soundlegion and Steemit.   

This Compilation is to promote independent artists on Steemit and also Steemit itself to the outside music lovers.  

A Free to Steemit Users Download link will be posted of the Compilation as well as and individual track listing post including steemit artists user account links and encouragement to tip with steem favorite tracks.  

Are you a music artist on Steemit???  Send your tracks today!!

[email protected]


I just submitted a track. I'm looking forward to this compilation album.

how do you play audio files on steemit? How do you embed them?
I want to have back ground music for some of my posts.
I'd like for the music to begin to play when you open the post.

I dont think there is an auto play funciton that works on steemit yet when you open the post but to embed a song you can upload it to soundcloud or youtube and just get the embed code and paste it into the post. Steem adding a music upload app and auto play function is a brilliant idea, I can see this happening in the future, and easy ways for people to download original music and tip in crypto. If you have an original song you would like to include on the steemit artist music compilation v.1 please send to me [email protected] all quality submissions are gonna be accepted onto the first volume. all genres welcome

you can upload it to soundcloud or youtube
U-toob works...if you want to play the whole video thing.
I don't.
I've never been able to get just the sound file to work.
I've tried.
can't get .wav to work either.

I have had problems with other site embeds including soundcloud for my posts as well. I dont think there is an option available yet for auto play on posts, but I like this idea as well and would also use this feature so will be looking for sites that might allow embed in this format, and also have my fingers crossed something like this ends up in the site after we leave beta

I wish you well.
oh...consider this

great post my friend, just did a read through and you are on point i like this very much

Lots of submissions already, this is gonna be big

Haha!!! Can I submit a super duper outrageous silly song?! Can it be a video?

you can def submit a silly song, all genres welcome as long as they are original,
only mp3 files will be taken for the compilation but you can also include a video link and when we post the official compilation and track list we can include the video link.

Hmmm I wonder how can I submit an mp3 track?

you can upload an mp3 file to a file share site like say mediafire and send me the link, you can also send me the youtube link and I can rip the mp3 from youtube to include it if you like. Just hit me an email submission with your link and we will work it out, long as its a quality audio meaning listenable lol Think we will be in the Green!!!

Ok awesome, great!

awesome awesome i look forward to getting your track, a silly song sounds great, will be a nice add for the variety of sound we are looking for. Want to show people all the great multi genre sound artists on steemit. big ups :)

heh, it's being released on my birthday, hmm :)

I love music and will try to make a music track.

So happy to see music getting a look in on Steemit. I'm gonna start posting more of my EDM productions soon.

oh you def gotta throw me a track for the compilation. Im collecting up songs now for a nice artist collective release, and it would be great to have you

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