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RE: Curating Tributes to the Gods: Pagan Metal of Eastern Europe

in #music8 years ago

It's shitty that the Xtians destroyed so much during their conversions of 'barbarians'. At least they stopped being overly zealous in Scandinavia and there is much info on paganism from Iceland (comparatively). I really enjoy Njal's saga for an account of how people adopted the religion. The best part is how it's a mockery of people giving up their heathen beliefs in subtle ways.


Sadly my own people was christened earlier than the Eastern people and they destroyed one of the last big places of worship of the old Slavic Gods. But it is through the monk Saxo, secretary to the warrior-bishop Absalon, that we know most about the Slavic Gods, as he in many details describes the God Svantevit who was worshipped at the city and fortress of Arkona.

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