33 reasons why Psytrance is my passion + 33 Goa/Psytrance tracks I love

in #music7 years ago (edited)

What's up dear Steemians?

As some of you might already know: I am a passionate Psytrance lover and raver girl! But I don't just want you to know what is my passion but also WHY it is my passion. Therefore I prepared this post for you guys to present you 33 reasons why I love to be a Psytrance raver and 33 of my favourite tracks to dance to until my legs shake more than a washing machine in spin cycle. So let's follow the white rabbit and go to psychedelic wonderland....(Please don't watch the videos if you suffer from epilepsy or other photosensitive disorders!)


1. No matter how introvert I am, when I am on the floor I dance completely wild and free and interact with everyone around me in love and a feeling of unity.

Astral Projection - Kabalah

2. The feeling when it gets quiet for a short moment until a massive drop hits in and everyone totally freaks out and gets lost in the music and the moment – laughing, screaming, whisteling, sometimes even cyring in joy.

Power Source - Skywalker (Filteria Remix)

3. Strangers from any age, sex, religion, social class, skin color and lifestyle come together and celebrate life. It dosen't matter how different they are: here we all are one big tribe, one family. Here we are a divine unity.

Quazax - Nano Tech

4. When the beat slowly starts to become your heartbeat more and more until your heart bursts in joy and you can't hold yourself back from dancing ecstatically.

Avalon & Waio - Shiva

5. If you ever wanted to feel like Alice in wonderland, Psytrance rave parties and festivals are the best way to do so! Fluorescent, UV active, neon psychedelic decoration creates a magical scenery. Floral and geometric shaped patterns make you feel like in a whole other world. A stunning lasershow makes you dream away in a beautiful atmosphere. People are playing with mesmerizing neon and LED toys and other hypnotizing things. The trippy and pumping beat invites you to an amazing and deep journey within yourself and get lost in the music. Just close your eyes, let yourself fall into the beat, dance wild and free and follow the white rabbit until you feel the music in your whole body. Keep on dancing until you don't dance but universe is dancing through your body. Become the music! Welcome to wonderland!

Cymatics - Celestial Sunrise

6. You feel like no one understands you? On a Psytrance rave you meet extremely open-minded people who are as different as they could be. So this is the perfect ocassion to meet like-minded music lovers. I experienced that you can talk about anything with most of the people there!

Midnight Storm -Free Your Mind

7. Free hugs everywhere! Even if most of the people don't know more than their own friends they came with, a lot of people on Psytrance parties and festivals offer you some free hugs to spread love and good vibes. I am not only a big fan of this random act of kindness but also participating in the free hugs campaign and offer some hugs to my fellow ravers. I love how they start to smile and suddenly two strangers hug and we both are even more happy than before :)

Altruism - Colours

8. Psytrance ravers are extremely peaceful! It's super safe for everyone to celebrate, live, love and laugh. I even go to some parties alone, if no one wants to come with me. And there never happened anything bad to me. It's a very rare case you can see someone angry or aggressive. And I never saw any violence on a rave party so far.

Conwerter - Crazy People

9. There aren't as many totally drunken people as in usual clubs or on other other styles of parties and festivals.

Astral Projection - Let There Be Light

10. If you don't feel good, uncomfortable, lonely or sad for some reasons, there will always be people there for you asking if they can help you and make you smile again.

Electric Universe - The Prayer

11. Even if you are going to a rave all alone, you'll never feel lonely! There are always people you can join in dancing or talking.

Ovnimoon - Galactic Mantra (Liquid Soul Remix)

12. There are a lot of spiritual people which who you can have life changing talks or encounters. I got pure and divine love through words and hugs by strangers and it felt unbelievable beautiful!

Kalki - Varanasi

13. As music gets more and more intense, people get more and more wild and the atmoshpere gets more and more energized, Psytrance raves are an extreme exciting journey for your heart and soul. An explosion of joy and gratefulness. You're fully in this present moment. There's just you and the music. With every hour you let go all your worries and problems and just be. And it feels liberating!

Spirit Architect - Ayahuasca

14. Psytrance rave parties and festivals have the best drinks and foods! Chai Tea, smoothies, energy balls made of healthy ingerdients, vegetarian and vegan food, healthy cuisine from around the world? Here you can find anything from Nepalese, Indian, Asian, Arabian to European food! And sometimes parties offer fruits and water for free!

Shpongle - Divine Moments Of Truth (Astrix, Loud & L.S.D Remix)

15. Do whatever you want as long as you don't hurt someone. Dance, talk, chill and drink some tea, juggle, play with some Devil Sticks, play with LED toys, just sit next to the floor and listen to the music or do some art, meditate...- it's up to you! Every kind of peace- and respectful self-expression, fun and creativity is appreciated a lot :)

Ephedrix - Astral Ignition

16. The decoration often is some very stunning psychedelic art. Sometimes a party is worth visiting even just because of the art there. You can get really lost in all the beautiful details.

PharaOm - Sattva, Rajas, Tamans

17. Dancing all night until reaching a state of trance often gifted me with some very spiritual experiences and always showed me some new aspects of myself as I felt completely authentic and free. When I dance I take a look behhind my veil, explore myself on a whole new level and feel the connection to the divine like never before.

Astrix - Deep Jungle Walk

18. The more you are happy and dance like crazy, the more people will love you and start spreading positive vibes, too! It's like people infecting each other with happiness and gratefulness and that's really something special. It feels so good to hear: „You look so happy when you dance! Your smile is so beautiful and you seem so full of live and joy! That really makes me smile and want to dance with you all night as you shine so bringht and seem so free when you dance! And I feel so good around such a happy being!“ Best.Compliment.Ever!

BPM - Yearning

19. You need something to drink or eat but have no money? People are very willing to share and a lot of festivals offer to work a bit for them to get food and drinks or money to buy whatever you want. You can even get free entry if you offer your help to the organizers!

Freaked Frequency - Mystic Sight

20. If you lose your friends between all the people, don't panic. You'll meet some nice souls to talk to and dance soon, if you want to.

Alpha & Omega - Transcendental

21. The feeling of sharing one unforgettable, magical and even spiritual moment with hundreds or thousands of people feeling the same and doing the same is simply overwhelmingly beautiful!

Ananda Shake - Magic Mushrooms

22. Even if you party in another city or country, you'll never feel like a stranger.

Algorhythm - When The Changes Begin

23. Look however you want to look like – the rules of society are down here and it dosen't matter if you wear some hippie clothes, a neon tutu, a reflecting vest or jeans and a shirt. Express yourself the way it feels good!

1200 Microgramms - Hashish (Faders Remix)

24. The moment you wake up after a rave and it seems like a wonderful dream you know you'll keep in mind and heart forever!

Man With No Name - Lunar Cycle

25. That moment when you want to say something to your friends or other people but it's just so loud you don't understand a single word. Then you just laugh, move your hands like „Ah, f...ck it, we'll talk later!“ and simply hug each other and start dancing like wildcats again.

Cosmosis - Dance Of The Cosmic Serpent

26. I love the moment when the music is so good, you even can't hold yourself back from dancing while standing at the bar and order a drink. And so you tell the barkepper „A bottle of water and a maté tea!“ while making nice dance moves and rocking the bar counter.

Aptitude Vs. Obelix - Substance D

27. People on Psytrance raves are so kind and generous. If you dance wild for a long time, some of them bring you water. If you are happy, they are happy with you. If you want to be more colorful they'll paint you with UV color or give you their LED rave toys. If you dance free and untamed a lot of people will join you and thank you for spreading good vibes with nice words, smiles and hugs. There's simply so much love everywhere!

1200 Microgramms - Cling On

28. Psytrance raves are the most fun workout ever to me. And it really is a workout! I often can hardly walk after a whole night dancing wild and crazy.

Kabayun - Unity

29. The people, the atmosphere, the music, the decoration, the art, the drinks and foods, the vibes, the love, the unity is just like a mental holiday from fears, worries and daily routine. This is the time to live, the time to be, the time to shine and get back some life energy!

Drip Drop - Time

30. It dosen't matter how you dance – the only thing that matters is that you have tons of fun and feel the music. It's not about having the perfect dance moves, it's about liberating yourself and let your hart explode in joy and shake to the beat in your unique way.

Shivax & Lucid Rainbow - Kayra

31. If you are tired and need a break or don't want to dance you always have a lot of cool options: Indoor raves often offer you some fire shows, bodypainting, a chillout tent or other attractions. And if you are on a festival, there are usually a lot of art galleries, workshops (yoga, making music, painting, meditation, cooking, crafting...) and very beautiful decorated chillout areas in nature. One thing is for sure: It will never get boring!

Tryptamoon - Mondknoten

32. A party to celebrate life, love, unity, peace, art, personal growth, spirituality and healing? How could I ever say no to that? :D

Amanite FX - Alfalfa

33. As you can be who you want, do what you want, dance as you want, talk about what you want at Psytrance raves you feel so free and authentic among all the beautiful people there. That's why Psytrance and the rave community helped me a LOT to grow personally and spiritually and it felt like catapulting me directly into self-love, self-esteem and courage. With each rave I was able to let go of what isn't me and drop the mask more and more. And this is the best feeling ever! Psytrance liberated my body and soul. I never felt more free than among the Psytrance tribe in the middle of a fairytale forest when the beat drops and everyone loses their kinds, screams, laughs, cries and dances completely wild and beautiful!

Myrah - Morning Story

Goa and Psytrance is so much more than music and party to me. It's a lifestyle, a powerfull tool to grow, a beautiful connection between people and the universe, a peaceful and loveing vibe that makes us all become a big tribe. The pumping beat puts me more and more in a trance state until the divine dances through my body. This experience is all about liberation, personal and spiritual growth, love, peace, being one, art and free self-expression. Below I'll post you a video of Waldfrieden Wonderland Festival in Germany I discovered on YouTube once. I guess it beautifully represents what a Psytrance rave is about, even if you need to feel it, watch it, hear it to get an authentic insight - because Psytrance is something to feel and live! :)

Video by Krischan De Beer - YouTube

I hope you enjoyed my post and the music and now have a little insight in why I immediately fell in love with Psytrance and it's tribe around the world! :)

Lots of love and light and positive vibes to you. Keep on dancing like nobody's watching!

Yours Linda

Endorphoenix loves Psytrance:

Interview With Myself Challenge
7 Day Black And White Challenge
How going to Psytrance Raves improoved my self-esteem
Dancing to Psytrance helped me to lose weight
Giving Free Hugs at Psytrance Rave Parties
They call me Hippie as if it's something bad - my intro post


I am 33, and I am a psytrance DJ (a good one too) much love and well met.

I share some good tracks from time to time and do mixes and streams too.

big big dirty hippie hug to you from I, moonshine, the first earbender.

ॐ we are one ॐ
@lanmower is a punkstiny.pngsteemPunk

oh and we organise festies!

Hey dear @lanmower! :)
Thank you for your super lovely comment!! It's so cool you are a Psytrance DJ WOW!!! This is like a dream to me, I hope one day I will become real! :)
I am so excited to meet you and follow you of course as I would love to hear and read more of you! :)

Aaaaaw thank you so much, a big muddy happy and colorful warm hippie hug to you! :)
Would be more than awesome to dance to your music one day!!

In which country do you organize the festies? :)

We are one, so right ॐ 💖

Thank you very much for the discord invitation!

Much love and light to you my dear! Namasté :)

So nice you found your way to my blog!

Great seeing fellow psy lovers on Steemit!! Such an awesome post.

Thank you very much dear @damon9 :)
So nice you like my post! :)
And so cool to meet a fellow Psytrance raver here!! :)

What is your favourite Psytrance track? :)

Best wishes!

Definitely wonderful !!!! @endorphoenix xx
Would be extremely difficult to narrow it down to just a particular track but Fractial thinking down by a local artist here Durban is absolutely magical. Goes by the Dj name of Shadow Shaman.
Feel free to listen to it yourself maybe?


Also really enjoy Markaba. Their album, Earth to sky is just awesome !!!

And What about yours?

Much Love !!


I've been looking for a comprehensive Psytrance playlist! Gonna go through these hard. I was just about to write an article with this goa trance song I heard that is amazing to listen to while running. The bpm and new worlds it takes your mind to are just perfect

Totally, there are also great sets out there, keeping the journey going for an hour straight with different stretches of the journey in different colors. I swear I have been through swamps, snowy mountain tops and ancient ruins in one night!
Would love to link you some, but this thread belongs to the phoenix ;)

Oh wow, dear @paradigmprospect :)
This sounds so amazing!! I also experienced so many deep and spiritual and psychedelic moments on the floor or while listening to Goa and Psytrance :)
This music is able to let you fly and take you on a journey within the most authentic and pure core of your soul. I know this might sound weird to some people, but this music is just a gift to me. It gave me experiences and moments of deep insights which really shaped me for my life. So wonderful to meet fellow Psychonauts here! :)

I also experienced wonderful journeys through landscapes, cities, the universe and every age I could imagine. I would never ever want to miss those experiences again! :)

Goa really became a part of me. Maybe that's why I listen to it everyday :D

And: I would LOVE if you would share some links with us!! :) :) :)
I am excited to hear your favourite tracks my dear! :)


i like to share this one with you guys! much love & light

Raja will still blast us away when he is 126. Such a good compilation!

Here's a DJ set I made, estimated time of day on the mainfloor appr. 6-9 AM ;)

Also a pleasure to connect with ya, if we haven't hugged somewhere already ;)

Dear @synchrosophy and @paradigmprospect <3
Thank you so much for your amaziung music!! :) :) :)
Appreciated a LOT! :)
Amazing DJ set!! :) <3

If we haven't hugged yet, we one day surely will on a beautiful festival :) And we can dance and dream together until the sun rises again! :)

Hey dear @mateonav53 :)
That's so cool! I am glad if I could help you find some more amazing tracks you might love :)
100 % agreed! Goa and Psytrance really takes you to other worlds and spaces within your soul and consciousness you sometimes even didn't know you have. I have experienced so many life changing, psychedelic, spiritual and emotional moments on the floor or while listening and dancing, walking, hiking, meditating to the pumping bass and the psychedelic sounds! :)So nice to read you enjoy the breathtaking vibes of Goa and Psytarnce, too! :)

And running or riding the bike to this music is just so perfect! It pushes and motivates you so much! It's so powerful! :)

Thank you for your amazing comment and for reading/listening my post :)

Have fun listening and I hope you will find a lot of tracks you might enjoy while running :)

I wish you the best and a wonderful day :)


So glad I met ya, you know you nailed it with this post. Good track selection and a superb entry for those who have never been to the floor. Wonderland was amazing last year. Counting the days til Ozora starts again <3


Wow, thank you so much for your praise and beautiful words dear @paradigmprospect!! :) :) :)

I am also, very, very glad you came across my post and blog! It's so nice to have you here and meet such a nice fellow Psychonaut! :)

So cool you like my post and my track list! :)
Your praise really means a lot to me and I appreciate it a lot :)
Your words motivated me to keep on writing about Psytrance :D
It's just so beautiful to meet like-minded people and share my passion with you and the world :)

Woooow, I can imagine how wonderful wonderland must have been! <3
So amazing you had the chance to go there and have this unforgettable and great experience :)

Oh yessss! Ozora!!! <3 This is definately a life goal <3
I guess it's the heart of Psytrance festivals! :)

This year I'll be on VooV festival in my home country Germany :)
Have you been there yet?

I really hope we can dance together on a colorful and stunning festival one day! Would be so amazing!

Aaaaw thank you very much! Absolutely followed you back my dear!! :) :) :)

Thank you very, very much for your lovely words and your support! <3


Been thinking about VooV as well. I hear so many great things about it. We'll see if I will make it this year. I'm such an Ozora fanboy and it has priority <3

As for wonderland:

I absolutely understand! :)
Ozora must be so wonderful! :)
I also heard so many good things about VooV, so I decided to go there this year and I just can't wait another half year :D I want to dance now!! :D

If you come to VooV, I would be very happy to meet you there :)

Hahahaha super cool photo my dear! :D Looks so nice and funny :D

I bet it's so amazing to rave with you :D

Wooooow!!! Thank you SO much for sharing!!! This is exactly what I love <3

Definately added to my music list on youtube!! :) :) :)

What an amazing and heavy track! <3

Thank you for introducing me to new tunes and your support! :)

Best wishes and a wonderful day :)

Thanks for sharing all videos.

You're very welcome! :) Thank you very much for reading :)

This post took me on a psytrance, followed!

Hey my dear @mckeever! :)

I am so sorry for the late answer. I have been pretty inacticve the last time.
Wow, your comment makes me so happy, really! It's sooo cool to read!!! I hope you enjoy Psytrance a lot and I am very grateful to have you as a follower! Much, much appreciated, really! <3

Followed back <3

Best wishes and many hugs! :)

All good, thanks for the reply.

I've never been to a psytrance but am interested in the whole psychedelic movement. I'll have to attend one this year!

Great to hear :)
The psychedelic movement is very interesting and full of open-minded people :)
I think you will totally love it when you attend your first festival! :)
I have never met more versatile, friendly, peaceful and deep people :)

I wish you lots of fun and a wonderful first experience! :)

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