They call me Hippie as if it's something bad... I call myself Linda :)

Hello dear Steemian and welcome to my world! It's really nice to have you here and share it with you! :)

My name is Linda and I am a freelance writer, journalist and artist from Germany. I would love to tell you a bit more about who I am, what makes me happy and what inspires me, so you know what to expect on my blog. Let's get started. Have fun and feel free to ask me if there is anything you want to know <3

Thank you very much for your support! :)

Lots of Love,

Yours Linda

Where I am from: I grew up in Freiburg, a city in Southern Germany in the beautiful Black Forest. Nowadays I live in Rostock, a city in Northern Germany right at the wonderful coast of the Baltic Sea.

My Birthday and zodiac sign: 11.07.1991 / Cancer

Relationship status: Married since 03.09.2013 and dating since 30.12.2006. We had a very touching and beautiful celtic wedding. Here you can see me in my wedding dress :)

Introvert or extrovert: I'm way more introverted, but not really shy. I can talk to strangers easily and have some smalltalk, but I prefer having deep conversations. Spending time alone is essential to me, as this is the best way to recharge my energy. That's why I don't meet my friends everyday even if I really love them. I just need a lot of time for myself, because introverts get way more fast overwhelmed by all the impressions around them. So I take time for myself everyday to calm down, meditate, find my inner balance, grow within myself and go out into the nature. The funny thing is that even if I am introverted I really, really enjoy going to Goa parties and festivals and dance wild and free all night long, as I LOVE Goa and Psytrance. This is one of the few situations in which I enjoy crowded places and interactions with a lot of people at the same time. The vibes there are amazing and people are so versatile and open-minded. And there is no easier way for me to get out of myself and my headspace and I love it to dance until I am in a trance state. Being around a lot of people and gaining energy at the same time is kind of a miracle to me, so I really appreciate this personal treasure I discovered :) <3

Some words which describe me: Daydreamer, emotional, creative, open-minded, affecionate, optimistic, thankful, sensitive, empathic, vulnerable

Dream job when I was a kid: Marine biologist, writer

Tattoos: Yes, I have 2 tattoos so far

Fear of death: No

Am I spiritual?: Definately! Spirituality is one of the most important aspects in my life and means more to me than I can probably describe to you. I meditate regularly for more than 10 years now and felt always very connected to everything and everyone and the otherworld. Even as a child I got really sad, upset and desperate when I saw someone treating nature and other people wrong. Awareness and compassion have always been very, very important to me. I often cried for the suffers of other beings, as I am very empathic and feel them like they are my own wounds.

Do I believe in God?: I believe in the divine

Listen to my heart or head?: Most of the time I listen to my heart

Hobbies: Meditation, activities in nature like hiking and making multi-day trekking tours by bike with my tent, travelling, writing, reading, dancing, vegan cooking and baking, art (doing and watching)

Topics that interest me: Fotography, music, spirituality and shamanism, philosophy, (transpersonal) psychology, ethnobotany, festivals, personal growth, veganism, holisitc lifestyle and medicine, psychedelic art and experiences, animal welfare and nature conservation, minimalism

Beside all the tings I love and spontaneously want to share with you, these are the things I will write about the most.

What I do when I am alone: Singing out loud and sometimes performing like on a big stage :D

Countries I have visited yet: Switzerland, France, Italy, Spain (Gran Canaria and Lanzarote), Poland, Denmark, Austria

I hope a lot of countries will follow soon :)

Countries I want to see next: Thailand, India, Peru, Nepal, Canada, Norway, Sweden

Favourite movies and series: The Fabulous Destiny of Amelie Poulain, Matrix, The way, Into the wild, Avatar, Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, Big Lebowski, Scarface, Berlin Calling, Desert Dancer, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Inception, What Dreams May Come, Dead Poets Society, The Notebook, Untouchable

Supernatural, Vikings, How I Met Your Mother, Lost, Californication, Breaking Bad, Under The Dome, The Magicians

Music I love: I LOVE Goa and Psytrance and listen to it everyday. Sometimes even 4 to 10 hours a day. Beside this, I listen to almost every kind of music (but of course not every artist). From Techno to Metal, Pop, Reggae, Hip Hop, Classical Music, and I really enjoy Ambient music.

Books I love: There are too many to tell you all of them. I will present you some of my favourite ones on my page if you want and tell something about them. Reading is magical!
The last book I have read was “Beneath the Wheel” by Herman Hesse. I appreciate this talented writer a lot!

A life changing experience: Kind of a near-death experience after a stranger at a bar put some drugs into my drink (without me knowing it) when I was 19 years old. If you would like to hear more about it, I can share the story with you.

Something I am proud of: I used to have an eating disorder caused by depression and traumatic experiences which I have overcome on my way to my true and happy self. I lost 34 kilograms (75 pounds) until now due to changing my diet and taking exercise like riding my bike, swiming, dancing and hiking

I will tell you my story and how I managed to lose so much wheight while eating delicious meals (yep, not only salad and soup) and without going hungry to bed. Here you can see a before and after picture:


What I want to do in my life: Travel around the world as a backpacker and going on a lot of adventures with my husband, dive with whale sharks, whales and dolphins, meditating in special places like Machu Picchu, write books, help people to grow and find their way to an authentic and amazing life, visit a lot of beautiful Psytrance festivals all over the world, becoming the best version of myself, make as many people happy as I can, and much more ;)

What I love and what makes me happy: (Wow, there is sooooo much... :D Here's a little insight: ) Spending time with my husband in nature and having deep conversations as I love him and nature from all of my heart, cats make me happy everytime, making people smile, see how people grow and unfold their potential, making new experiences

Some fun facts about me: I used to be a Goth when I was a teenager, I dream about wearing a mermaid tail by Merbella and dive with it (if you like mermaids you should google it, the tails are stunning!), I started to teach myself how to read at the age of 3 years and surprised my parents by reading out loud one day

Why I am a part of the Steemit community: Getting inspired by you and inspiring you by sharing my vibes and knowledge is a wonerful way to grow together! Are you ready to to go on the biggest adventure of life with me? Let's discover our true self together and make the world a more authentic, peaceful and magical place!

Be wild and free and share some good vibes with the world <3
Here is a bit of my art for you :) <3





Welcome to steemit! You will enjoy it! Continue doing good post.
I wish you the best! Hope you gonna have fun with our community and see you soon.

Thank you, this is so kind of you :) <3
I am 100 % sure I'll love it here with you guys! <3
I'll give my best posting (hopefully) interesting and helpfull posts :)

I wish you the very best, too! <3 Have a lot of fun and succes dear hien-tran :) <3

Hi my friend @endorphoenix, welcome to Steemit, here you can share your masterpiece and you can also invest.

In addition, we need to remember together that in Steemit prohibit plagiarism and multiple accounts, we must remind each other for Steemit's progress and the success of our account.

I keep giving support for new friends. Best regards @azirgraff

Hi @azirgraff :) Thank you very much for your kind comment! <3 It made me really smile :)

It's a really good point you broach. As a writer I know how much it sucks if someone steals your ideas and tells others it was theirs. I promise to write unique texts for my posts and share my personal vibes with you guys :) <3
Everyone should do unique stuff, as this is the only way to enrich the world by your work :)

Thank you dear azirgraff for supporting the new ones :) It's truely beautiful how the Steemit community is sticking together and makes everyone feel comfortable :) <3

Best wishes and a lot of fun and succes to you :) <3

You're welcome @endorphoenix.

Any description of writing sometimes we need the opinions of others or experts. But include references to avoid plagiarism.


I am sure you are very capable, what I say is for the good of we are account.

You're welcome. I am sure you will do your best, please do as you can 😊😊😊

I read about verification and definately want to do so :) Thank you!! :) I just need to find out how I verify myself and I'll do it :)

You can join Steemit chat click from the right of Steemit account, it will appear.

Great, thank you friend! :) :)

Thank you ver much @azirgraff :)

I guess I am not really sure what you mean. Do I have to do anything or did I make a mistake in my post? :)
Everything is still so new to me here on Steemit :D

Thank you very much for your support! Big hug :)

Those are definitely crazy hippy eyes! he he he. You seem interesting so I've followed, here's a link to my intro post I did a whiles back...

Hehehe thank you dear @kate-m!! <3 Wow thanks a lot for your kind words!! <3 I hope to inspire you with my future posts :)
And I'll check out your blog and intro post and follow you aswell! <3

I wish you lots of followers and big success :) What a cute profile picture :) <3

He he, we sound like two 8 year old girls... no no, you're so cute! I'll follow you if you follow me! He he he.
Although I must add: "I LOVE your wedding frock!"
I've met some really nice "hippies" from Germany recently, it sounds like there's some really nice "scenes" out with you guys. I must really visit at some stage, I even have family there (somewhere - don't ask me where 'cos I can't remember! It's just my uncle "German John"!!).

Hahahaha :D Maybe it's our inner child who thinks "Yeeeeey, someone like me to play with and talk!" :D
I guess I'll always remain a child inside and stay curious and wild hehehe!

Thank you very much! When I saw that dress I was like: "Well, there's no way back! This is mine!" <3

How nice you met some German Hippies! :) Yes, we have a really nice, open-minded and peaceful scene here which I really appreciate from the bottom of my heart! I was at a festival last summer and met a lot of wonderful souls and had deep and touching conversations and a lot of free hugs :)
If you ever come to Germany we could go to a yoga and music festival together if you want to :) There is one which is said to be AMAZING! It is called New Healing Festival <3
German John, how cool! :) So you have some roots here in Germany? Sweet!! :)

New Healing Festival ... great tip! Hmmm, it's in August, I'm often quite busy with ecology work then, ach, I'll make it at some stage!
Not so much roots as branches... German John grew up in Northern Ireland with my Mum, he sort of disappeared for about 10 years and then one Christmas rung up my grandparents and could hardly remember to speak English, turns out he'd a common-in-law wife and two kids in Germany! He's stayed in contact since then happily, but still none of us have made it out to Germany to visit although his family have been over to Ireland a few times.

Look forward to your future posts!

If destiny wants so, we will be there one day and free ourselves togehter by dancing, meditating, having shamanic rituals and sing :) I would love it! :)

Wow very interesting story with German John! I can imagine how hard it is to speak English after all these years! Nice he visited your family a few times. I guess you'll always feel your homecountry in your heart, no matter where you live and for how long :)

Thank you, look forward to your future posts, too! Glad we met @kate-m!

Wow! Such a brilliant post, I love it, very much creative. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post. 💐

Aaaaaaaw dear @stardivine! <3 Thank you so much for your love and support! Beautiful feedback, thank you!! <3

You're most welcome my dear friend @endorphoenix! My love and support will always be there for you!

Wow, I am speechless by your wonderful and lovely words dear @stardivine!!! <3 It is truely a wonderful experience to meet you here on steemit! <3 I am VERY grateful to have you as a friend and soulmate! And for your love and support!! :) <3 Big hug for you and a wonderful day! <3

Getting inspired by you and inspiring you by sharing my vibes and knowledge

This is one of the very best intro posts I've read since joining Steemit.

I do think you will find many wonderful Steemians in the community to fulfill your goals on the platform.

Best regards! This well-ordered post has earned you a tip!


Dear spiritualmatters :) <3

Thank you so much for your kind words and your tip! I feel very honored and smile like a little child in a toy store now as I wasn't sure about how to introduce myself and just trusted my intuition. I am very happy you like it! :) What a warm-hearted and loveing welcome on Steemit. Thank you! <3

I wish you the best!

Best regards to you, too :)

Namasté <3

Herzlich Willkommen auf Steemit. =)
Ein wirklich guter Post. (Y)
Grüße aus dem Ruhrgebiet.

Vielen lieben Dank! :) <3
Das freut mich riesig! :)
Ganz liebe Grüße von der Ostsee und viel Erfolg auf Steemit! :) <3

Hello @endorphoenix, I hope you are enjoying Steemit!

This is a great place with a great community -- glad to have you around!
follow @gauravgpt60 for future steemit instructions to get much better results.

Hello and thank you very much dear @gauravgpt60 :)
I really, really LOVE Steemit <3 It is truely a gift to be a part of this wonderful community! :)
I am glad to have you and your nice advice and instructions around, too! :)

I'll follow :)

Thanks and wish you a bright future. So just follow and stay tuned for future upcoming updates.

I will , thank you :) I wish you a bright future, too! :) Have a lot of fun, followers and success :)

Great introduction post, well done. Very welcome to steemit comunity. Steem on and good luck in the future :)

Dear @karja, thank you very much :) I am happy you like it <3 And thanks a lot for welcome me so nice :) I wish you the very best and a good and successful time on Steemit! <3

Welcome to a fellow Bitcoin enthusiast,endorphoenix!! I hope you will enjoy your time here on Steem! Look forward to your upcoming posts, mate!

Aaaaaaw thank you so much lopezdacruz!!! <3 Your comment made my heart dancing <3 Best wishes mate! :) <3

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