Songwriter's Shop Talk Episode 1 - Featuring @Soundlegion

in #mspwaves7 years ago

   Greetings and salutations my dear Steemians. I'm here on this part of the internet to share with you the upload of the very first show of the "Songwriter Shop Talk" on MSP Waves. Man it was super fun, I for one had so much fun I'm struggling to wind down to go to sleep.

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   We talked about songwriting (of course), we talked about what music has meant in our lives, and and then proceeded to talk about spaceships, DMT and also about this talented musician and producer on Steem called @qrittix who also joined us in the audience.

   If you want to see what happened on the internet while you slept, this might be the video you want to start your morning with.

   Live Radio ladies and gentleman, with all its quirks, its ups and its downs is something close to magical, and I for one have experienced it myself tonight once more. I won't give out too many spoilers, because it's just better you listen.

   Once again, thank you to every single one of you friends who joined us, who laughed with us, shared some gifs and gave me a hard time too for the hiccups. I love every single one of you. Can't wait to do this all over again next week.

Much love

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Guys this was amazing!, 2 hour long show and I didn't even feel them, it went by so fast! Time does fly when you're having fun!

The music is fantastic @soundlegion! I especially loved the final song Feel my rage! I agree with @meno, it sounds like a made for a film song hehe.

This show is an incredible Idea @meno! and that you started it with @soundlegion was also a great idea, I agree with you, she really set the tone for future shows!!

I thoroughly enjoyed this!!!, Resteemed!! :)

Well, fcuk, that was some damn fine radio; in fact, some of the best I've heard in a long time. Art Bell, take a back seat:) Laurie Brown, David Wisdom, The X in Seattle back in the day, CFNY in Toronto in '76.....
Really, good to hear some humanity behind the computer machine...
Holdsworth, eh? Yes, incredibly​ sad...You may remember this amp that I use as decor today....
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Cheers meno and soundlegion:)

I do brother... we had one at the store I used to work out for a little while... is this your baby?

I'm baby free:) I used to run that (when it worked) through two EV floor monitor speakers for that sweet stereo chorus. It was a fine sounding amp in its day and Holdsworth used to promote them.
No one with that kind of talent should have to die cold and alone on the streets (or anyone, really). I have a song written about that very thing but it's difficult for me to sing and talk about that level of alienation so it sits on the back burner.

I gotta tell you andrewmark.. we got a philosophy show coming up on MSP, its the perfect fit for you... I hope it gets its legs soon, and I will make sure to mention you as a possible guest.

Regarding Hollsworth.. yeah it was a real shame, it kind of put things in perspective for me.

Hi meno, I really appreciate the offer! I will definitely listen and request a heads up on the time if that's possible.
You may have grokked by now that I'm not looking for fans. It's enough for me if my philosophies stir the mind and heart of a few individuals.
For this reason, ​I would decline your kind offer, but I will listen.
I will be happy to engage the show's topics in the comment section:)

Hey, meno, about 18 months ago prior to my neck and shoulder injury I pitched an idea to Pete (creepy little book on tube) about doing the ATHEIST/THEIST dialogues​. We never got around to it.
A theist (me) talking with an atheist about everything and anything!
A respectful Ad hominem​ free talk founded on a ​mutual​ concern for the human condition​. Share perspectives, dig deep, agree to disagree cordially....
All that kind of juicy stuff. Think about it:)

i love those dialogues Andrew... I use to tune in to the atheist experience everyday, but as you know that one got one sided really fast, and some of the people who called in, could not get their ideas thru...

Dillahunty? He's more a debate kind of guy...That's not what I'm after. Just talking and sharing ideas respectfully especially when there is disagreement. Let me know If you know of any atheists who would consider this...Cheers!

Bummed that I missed this! I was coincidentally streaming on DLive, working on a remix for @soundlegion 😆. Really great interview though! Well done to both of you.

And no worries Bonnie, I drink enough coffee for the both of us.

Havent been a coffee fan, but I sense an addiction in me if I keep forcing it down. lol I am stoked as hell to hear your remix of STrain just fucking blitzed for that one.

Yes! I'm going to hit you up on Discord so we can talk logistics before I put it anywhere, just to make sure everything is good to go!

My Bonnie my Bonnie!! One Bad Babe!!

@meno I had a sheer blast being on your show. You are easy and fun to communicate with, you boosted me with tons of love and encouragement and I really appreciated the energy you put across, I felt pretty good after the show, a nice little mind buzz. I was so damn tired when we started was worried I was gonna fog out but we pulled through darn nicely. I appreciate you sharing my songs with the audience and also the awesome audience. Futures so bright man!! better get them shades. ;)

Loved hearing you on the show @soundlegion and added a long comment to this post in response for you to read.

It was an awesome show @meno! I enjoyed every second of it

This was totally kickass! Sorry I couldn't stay for the whole show but I'll be tuning in to the replay first thing in the morning. Thanks for sharing your war stories and giving us a window into your world. Cheers!

Had a gig during the show, but I'm listening now!

music is good

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