Power Rangers (2017) Movie Review

in #movies7 years ago (edited)

Hello movie marauders! I just recently watched the Power Rangers reboot. It was a disappointment and proves that Power Rangers will never be taken seriously. This movie made $140.2 million and got a 46% on Rotten Tomatoes. Even though this movie did not do well, a sequel is being planned because of the money made from merchandise. Apparently 2 days before Power Rangers was released, Creator of Power Rangers Haim Saban said that he and Lionsgate are planning for 6 movies (Oh no). If you haven't seen this movie yet, you should watch it before you read this review because of SPOILERS. I know you are thinking that the movie didn't look that bad, but that is exactly what I thought before watching it. I didn't hate the whole movie, but certain choices that the filmmakers made are questionable. Let's take a look at what went right/wrong in this movie:


~Rita Repulsa~

Rita Repulsa is one of the few things that I liked in this movie. The problem with her is that she was not used correctly. Honestly, I would love to see a dark Power Rangers movie. Rita seemed like an intimidating character when I watched the trailer (the scene where she confronts Trini in her house). That was a very cool scene since Rita was on the ceiling and then she fought with Trini. I wanted more of that type of Rita in the film.

All she did in the film was create weird CG rock monsters and Goldar (who did not look believable at all). I wish that she was more badass and actually fought the Rangers herself. The only way to make Power Rangers not cheesy is to make it super dark. The villain should be more menacing. Rita was just kind of menacing. I really wanted to see her go against the Rangers instead of just tying them up with rope and zapping Billy with her staff. Also, in the final battle scene when the Rangers' vehicles came together to create Megazord her line was SO cheesy (her mouth was open in astonishment and she said "what?"). It doesn't make sense that a big bad like Rita would say something like that. My improvement to Rita would be for her to be more of a villain and to actually fight the Rangers herself.


Billy was definitely the most likeable Ranger. He was the first one to morph, and is very smart. He was pretty funny in the movie and was very tech savvy. His line "Come at me bro" was very cringey because the writers were trying to be cool, but it turned out to be extremely lame.


I didn't really see how Jason was the leader in any part of the movie. Him saying "Hold the line" in the final battle scene does not make him in charge. The story was mainly focused on him, but I didn't really see his character change at all. I wish he had more of a personality and actually lead his group.


They tried to make him seem like a rebel, but he really wasn't. His character just annoyed me because they pretended like he was a bad boy and a super cool guy. The line where he shouts "My mom is the best" was so cheesy/cringey. His story was very sad with his mother being sick, but at least his character made a change at the end when he got over his fear of hanging out with his mom.


I feel like Trini should have been focused on more. She is a rebellious teen who has actual serious family issues. She seems pretty headstrong, and she didn't say anything too cheesy. I wish she was focused on more instead of it being all about Jason. 


Kimberly was not my favorite character. She has no backstory except that she sent nudes of her friend and punched a guy. She was trying to make it like it was her fault the Rangers couldn't morph because "she is a bad person for betraying her friend." It was kind of dumb that that was the only thing we really knew about her. Also, during the final battle scene when her Zord was burning she didn't do anything and was just letting the flames engulf her. I didn't really understand why she didn't do anything about it.


In the reboot, Zordon is definitely a snake. He just complains about how the Rangers can't morph, and his only answer is for Alpha 5 to take them to the pit. The only reason he is mad is because he wants to come back to life! He is so selfish and just wants the glory of defeating Rita. He had his shot, and he should've just mentored Jason to become an even better Red Ranger. He was very unhelpful throughout the whole movie. At least he did the predictable thing and decided to give up his life for Billy (since Billy died when Rita zapped him). Overall, I just wasn't that impressed with Zordon.

~Alpha 5~

I really liked Bill Hader as Alpha 5. Alpha 5 was definitely a better mentor than Zordon (he showed the Rangers the move that ended up defeating Goldar). Alpha 5 was pretty cute looking, and he made a cool entrance into the movie when he showed that he was stronger than the Rangers. If I were him, I wouldn't listen to what Zordon says. This is because Zordon really didn't do anything to help the Rangers prepare to defeat Rita (they only had 11 days).



I liked how we got a look at Zordon hiding the Ranger coins. It was pretty cool to get a glimpse of what happened when Rita and Zordon were Rangers. This scene made me excited, but not for long as the movie progressed.

~Becoming Power Rangers~

The beginning of the movie wasn't that bad, but it was just too long. I really don't want to watch more than half of the movie of the Rangers discovering and coming to terms with their powers. It was fine for a little while, but then you just want the story to move along. It was cool to see how it all happened, but it should have been a lot shorter. Also, the Rangers only fought for the final battle scene, which was very unfortunate. I liked how the Rangers' headquarters were in an air bubble in the crevice of the mountains. Also, as you keep watching the movie it kind of gets worse.

~The Final Battle Scene~

I have SO many problems with this scene. 

1. WHY DID THE CHEESY POWER RANGERS MUSIC COME ON IN A SERIOUS PART OF THE MOVIE??? I really question what the filmmakers were thinking. I thought this reboot would be an upgrade and more serious but apparently not. 

2. RANGERS BARELY FOUGHT! They fought the rock monsters that Rita created for about 1 minute, then switched to using their Zords. I thought that there was going to be a lot more battle scenes in this movie. Also, the Rangers still sounded cheesy when they were fighting (even if some of it was in slow-mo). 

3. THEY FELL INTO THE PIT OF HELL THEN BECAME MEGAZORD??? So basically their entire plan while getting shoved into this giant hole in the ground was to stay together??? Come on that's so dumb! Their "leader" Jason only kept saying to hold the line. Clearly that didn't work out when they were getting shoved by Goldar. We see them all fall into some fire and then pop out as Megazord. Hmmm I didn't know that a little fire could just create an awesome giant robot where everyone is conveniently placed to control an arm or leg. 

4. IT WAS SO ANTICLIMATIC! The entire scene we have been waiting for was about 10 minutes, and was anticlimatic. It ended with Megazord using the technique that Alpha 5 taught them. Then it was over. I just feel like we were waiting for this really big moment to happen and it was just so disappointing.

~Green Ranger Tease-Post Credits Scene~

This was a very cool scene because in detention the teacher calls out for Tommy Oliver. All we see is a green jacket (and we hear an explosion), indicating the Green Ranger. If the sequel ends up being confirmed, we know that another new Ranger is going to be added to the team. 

Movie Marauder's Rating

~I give Power Rangers a 38/100.~

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I don't have any desire to watch this movie, but I upvoted you because you took a lot of time and effort to give this review.

Thank you so much @hoss403 I really appreciate it!

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