Steemit's Favorite Movies! - The Top 7steemCreated with Sketch.

in #movies8 years ago (edited)

Thanks everyone for participating. There were a total of 25 participants and 242 samples - just enough to make a Top 7 for Steemit's Favorite Movies!

Do check out the submission and introduction post for more details.

Thanks @kevinwong for the snazzy banner!

Without further ado, our Top 7...

#7 - Life of Brian

Entries: 4

Life of Brian may be the most expensive movie ticket of all time. In 1979, no one was willing to finance a film as bold as Life of Brian. George Harrison stepped in, and financed the film with $4 million of his own money. He simply wanted it to exist so he could watch it. Thank you, late Mr. Harrison for giving us one of the funniest and most insightful films ever made!

#6 - Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Entries: 4

I must admit, I haven't seen this film in nearly 20 years, so I don't have much to say about it. I have made a rewatch a top priority since it made our list though :)

#5 - 2001: A Space Odyssey

Entries: 4

#6, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, is the only one of two films Spielberg has written and directed. The other one is AI: Artificial Intelligence, also a sci-fi film, a project initially conceived by Stanley Kubrick. Close Encounters of the Third Kind also shares its masterful Visual Effects Supervisor - Douglas Trumbull - with 2001: A Space Odyssey. Fitting then, that #6 would be followed by it's obvious influence - 2001: A Space Odyssey.

2001: A Space Odyssey will remain a milestone in cinema history, the film that influenced a generation of filmmakers. The film that showed that cinema could be much, much more than just a story and actors - a visceral experience.

#4 - The Matrix

Entries: 5

Nothing is original. But The Matrix is perhaps the best example of how remixing material from a vast array of different sources to create something truly original and special. Millennia old philosophy, Asian martial arts movies, the information technology zeitgeist (and a lot more) combined to make for a classic action sci-fi film.

#3 - The Shawshank Redemption

Entries: 6

Released in 1994 with a modest box office collection, this small film has grown to become first a cult classic, and then a unenduring favourite. It has held #1 on IMDb for the longest time, and for good reason.

#2 - Star Wars (Original Trilogy)

Entries: 7

It's easy to forget that in 1977 Star Wars was damn near an experimental movie. Though the basic plot was familiar, it was set in a world so unique filled with characters so colourful, it was truly visionary and like nothing seen from Hollywood before. Culturally, the Star Wars Original Trilogy has probably had a greater impact than any other film on this list.

#1 - The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Entries: 9

The Lord of the Rings has always remained the defacto seminal good-vs-evil fantasy tale. Despite several failed attempts, it took nearly half a century for cinema to realise this beloved book, and how! I had a strong hunch The Lord of the Rings would be #1, and so it is. Allow me to embed a pretty cool "trailer" recapping the entire trilogy -

There you have it, folks! It's hardly representative of Steemit at large, but I think we made a good start.

Due to the relatively low rewards on the post, the total liquid reward came up to only ~36 Steem, which is 1.44 Steem per participant. I have rounded it up to 2 Steem and sent it out to all participants. I apologise it's a negligible amount, but I hope you'll accept it as a small token for participation. :) Thank you for playing!

I hope to do this again, perhaps the 7 day period in the upcoming HF17 will help give Steemians more time to discover and participate. Next time, hopefully we can get more submissions, and make a Top 10, or maybe even a 25 or 100! Of course, it need not be movies - please leave your ideas!

All images sourced from Wikimedia


Thank you for the rewards, I'm happy to participate. Followed.

It might just be me, but I feel Shawshank should be higher. ;-)
This may also just be me, but I didn't really get into the LotR trilogy. I tried.
I should've been paying closer attention, because I had no idea this was even a thing. lol

Shawshank is in the Top 3, can't complain! I have a few friends who were never able to get into LotR either - I suppose it's the fantasy thing that turns some off.

Yeah, the submission post didn't get too much attention, but I'm glad that we got enough entries to at least have a Top 7! I'm certainly looking forward to doing this again, maybe collaborating with authors whose posts get more visibility.

Indeed, collaboration with high profile authors is the way to go! Include a schedule for ReSteem (by the high profile supporting authors, ie not all ReSteem at the same time), and maybe a schedule (eg each day) through a new posts as a reminder of the initial post with the call-to-action. Maybe also duration for voting a bit more days, eg 7 days. See also my other comment regarding top x for music/bands/singers and electronic DJs.

All good ideas! Definitely 7 days as that's what the new payout period will be.

I'm actually a bit surprised Memento is nowhere to be seen.

Yes, no one mentioned it. That's why need a bigger sample next time! Let's aim big for a 100 participants :)

@winstonwolfe yes! I feel the same :)
but just because I love the message of that film hehe

@liberosist thanks for the gift!

Keep them going, movies from different decades, series, music, games... With time it will get more popular and you will have 100s of participants every time :)

I certainly like your ambition! Noted. Just waiting for Hardfork 17 (14th March)!

Thanks for the Steem.
2 of my picks are in the top 7; nice! :)
Unfortunately no David Lynch in the top :(

Yeah, very few Lynch entries! But I'm sure with more participants and a Top 25 or 50 a Lynch movie would sneak in. Probably Blue Velvet!

I really like your initiative. Maybe in some time again a new vote for the top x. Could be a monthly poll?

Such top x would also be nice to get done for music, maybe not on tracks to start with but on favoriete singers/bands/groups?

I would like to try to arrange a Steemit top x for electronic DJs, but need some support for the call-to-action to get noticed. I personally have less than 100 followers, meaning very limited exposure. Also, I do not have any idea how many of our fellow Steemers are into electronic music, but a good way to find out :) Interested to support?

For the developers amongst us; I think it is an interesting idea to develop a tool to get polls executed, so we do not have to do things offline in spreadsheets. Such tool will support interactivity and engagement here on Steemit, something that we DO require! Unfortunately I'm not a developer, but I'm able to support getting specs done towards such tool.

Monthly poll for the same topic is probably overkill, but I do want to try out again after March 14th once the 7-day payout and flatter curve take effect. After that, sure, music sounds like a good idea :)

We could keep re-doing the polls if there's a growth in user base etc. For now, I'd say it's best not to go for niche subjects. I'm sure there are people into electronic music, but probably not that many. Still a fledgling community!

There's a SteemPoll app already, but yeah, it'll be cool to build something more interactive.

You maybe right regarding electonic music being too much a niche here on Steemit today. With only a few thousand active users, probably only a few really interested :)

Ok, lets touch base after the hardfork 17 to work out how we can do a top x for music.

Will check the SteemPoll app out; Thanks for the information. Will include a link to the App in my Steemit Link post I created a day or so ago (

Thank you for posting @liberosist.

Appreciate the Steem. Very kind of you to round it up.

The fun was had by all in the participation with your post....great fun indeed.

All the best to you. Cheers.

Cheers! Hope we can play again soon.

Thank you for the Steem, it is appreciated.

Have a nice weekend!

Great! I have one from the bunch that I've not watched or heard of before :) - Life of Brian

That said, yeah the 7-day payout period ought to change up and allow for some new posting format!

Watch Life of Brian already! And again, and again :)

I just discover this post.

I like all these movies. In fact I own them personally.

The Shawshank Redemption is pratically completely unknown in Europe, at least in France where it is known as "Les Évadés".

Quiz: In which of the seven movies is French director François Truffaut playing a role?

Close Encounters, of course! I hope to do this again when Steemit grows. Next up will be Steemit's Favorite TV Shows, but will wait for Hardfork 17 before that happens.

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