Movie Review - Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 - Beer Mentions Included!

in #movies7 years ago (edited)

Looking for a movie worthy to see while tipsy? Search no more my friend! Laugh it out!

James Gunn brings yet another adrenaline-filled, comic-inspired movie to the big screen. This time we see all our heroes cooperating in their quest for cringy jokes and salvation of the galaxy.

The plot is secondary here to the awe inspiring metaphor of everything that is broken in a man. Whatever superpowers our heroes might have, something holds them back.

Star Lord’s superhuman luck has had its origin in his unfortunate lineage. Walking around as a son of a planet devouring celestial being would put anyone in a precarious position. He is just destined to have daddy issues. We find it cute since it gets him into so many failed relationships. Also, he is quite pretty. A decent boon.

As one of my friends said: 'The pretty also cry, but the ugly cry more.'

Gamora’s acrobatic skills and superhuman stamina is often nullified by her inability to sustain close interpersonal relationships. She just can’t make it with her sister or her love interest. If I looked like a green supermodel I’d be a class A slut, no doubt.

Rocket - my favourite. A rat, or a raccoon with a superhuman intelligence and agility acts like a vengeful steemit whale! You will tell me what to do? BLAM! Here is a flag for you. Eat it! Anyone comes to mind?

I have to note that he is a bit underdeveloped in vol.2, the resolution is just too... meh.

Baby Groot might be indestructible but is dumb as a log. Wait! It is a log! Cuteness level 100, of course. A good trick for girlfriends who hate sci-fi is to show her a trailer of young Groot dancing. Mine overslept only a third of the movie. Beat that!? :)

Drax - who doesn’t understand metaphors. Did you notice HOW MANY people around us don’t understand metaphors? I love how Owen Cook aka Tyler Durden of RSD explains the difference between ‘simple truths’ and ‘nuanced thinking’. Brilliant guy I learned a lot from. But I digress.

Enough words. Go see it! I command you!

Does Yondu look a bit like @meesterboom or is it just me?

Noteworthy! I AM BREWT! is the 2017 Denver Comic Con beer

If you get me that you’ll be on my auto-voter forever!

Credits: pictures of superheroes are from wikipedia
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Don't miss Top 5 Lesser Known But Very Good Sci-Fi Films list by @calaber24p

Baby Groot dancing for a nice end!

Who is your favorite anti-hero?


Which one is Yondu!! Am I missing it!! :0)

Yondu? It's this guy. A valiant outlaw father figure.

Well whatdya know, it is like me! Outlaw father figure. lol. I like it!

Definitely a good follow up to the first one. A better villain this time around even if he did fall into the whole "take over the universe" trope. It did fall into the trap that sequels often do where they take the good things from the first and dial it up to 11. A lot of times those good things are only good because they're organic and fit within everything else. Some of the jokes in this one felt forced and IMO there was too much Baby Groot being Baby Groot. Still a lot of fun though and everyone on the team got some solid screen time. Can't wait for the next one!

Wow! Thanks for taking the time. Expand on this in your post and link mine, hehe. Could get you more than a few cents. I agree on everything. Bit repetitive but this borderline humor kind of hits my sweet spot :D

Somehow we couldn't enjoy this movie as much as the first part.

It's hard to beat the first parts. Terminator being the exception!

Fun and entertaining... nice post. Thanks for sharing. Followed you.

Thanks! I'll do my best to comment back!

Oh thank you too... Stay awesome!

Good movie with lots of laughs. Just not as good as the first.... still, happy that I saw it!

It definitely has its moments!

I've already seen this twice and I got an awesome pint glass (which I think you saw). Very fun, and even better with a beer in your hand. Now that I know about the I Am Brewt I really want to go to Denver for that comic con. Doesn't hurt that Colorado is already one of my favorite places. It's probably unlikely that I will get up to it, but if I do I'll grab you a bottle.

Rocky Mountain Empire? How could it not be! Too bad we are as distant as you can possibly get. I hope to visit a comic con once in my lifetime. Geek wish! Thanks for mentioning it!

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