Taking risks: it gets easier with practice

in #mountains5 years ago (edited)

I was having a silly argument with a couple of hillwalking friends a few weeks ago. I'd said I did not want to climb the "Needle" on the summit of The Cobbler, a distinctive 898m peak not far from Glasgow in Scotland.

The Needle (pictured above) is a rock chimney on the top of the mountain, known as the "true summit". I've been told that it's not too difficult to climb, but there is a massive drop below, and not much margin for error.

I've climbed The Cobbler four times, but I haven't "threaded the Needle". It's described as "threading the Needle" because there's a rock window that you walk through on your way to climb up the thing. I have looked through this "window", and I decided that this was as far as I would go.

It wasn't a long, drawn-out decision. I thought I could probably do it, but that the risk was simply not worth a photo of me standing on top.

What surprises me is how much passion my decision often provokes from people who have "threaded the Needle" (and there are many of them!). They raise their voices an octave higher, and say "You'd easily be able to do it!".

People on top of The Needle, the "true summit" of The Cobbler.

And it seems many people do feel they have to do it. On a dry, sunny day at the summit of the Cobbler there are always people standing on the Needle, many of them relatively inexperienced climbers.

I've even seen a film on YouTube of a man coaxing his terrified looking teenage son up the Needle.

I also received a bit of criticism from friends when I decided not to go on a trip to An Teallach, a fantastic mountain in north west Scotland, in 2017. The reason was partly financial, as I was doing another trip the same month, but also because I didn't feel I had enough scrambling experience to really enjoy it.

An Teallach is known for being a technically difficult, but highly rewarding mountain to climb. I'm sure I would have been able to climb it at that time, but I might have felt a bit nervous and out of my depth, and I wanted to do it once I had built up more experience and felt more confident.

I like to plan and prepare – that is my nature. It's odd, because I'm also quite an impulsive person – I often do things on the spur of the moment. But I won't do anything I don't feel comfortable about.

I was interested to find out that this is also Alex Honnold's philosophy.

Climbing without ropes

For those who don't know, Alex Honnold climbed El Capitan, a 3,000-foot sheer rock face in Yosemite, solo, without using ropes. I watched Free Solo, the feature film about Honnold's climb, on Christmas Eve – which was the only time I could book a seat for the film. It was so popular that most of the screenings were sold out two weeks in advance in my town.

What Honnold did seems totally crazy to me. Not surprisingly, "free soloing" – climbing without using ropes – has a very high death rate. But I find Alex Honnold's philosophy about solo climbing very interesting. You'd expect someone who climbs vertical rock faces without ropes to have a wild, devil-may-care attitude, but Honnold is thoughtful, introspective and methodical.

He spent two years preparing to solo El Capitan, climbing it with ropes repeatedly, getting to know the rock intimately and practising every single move.

In a compelling radio interview with the BBC, Honnold compared his solo climb of El Capitan to a solo climb he did previously, of Half Dome, also in Yosemite, where he almost messed things up. He decided not to prepare for the climb, and he experienced a few moments of terror during his solo ascent.

Half Dome, where Alex Honnold nearly came to grief. Source

When he was not far from the top, attempting what he describes as the last difficult move, he became uncertain about foot placement and started to panic. When you're hundreds of feet up a vertical rock face with no rope, there's no going back. Luckily he eventually managed to steady his nerves and complete the climb.

Honnold claims that free soloing deaths have mostly happened on mundane, easier climbs and that complacency could be a factor. After his Half Dome experience, he put in two years of intense preparation for his solo climb of El Capitan.

Building up so much experience and preparation as a climber, Honnold says, makes such feats seem less scary. He compares it to walking on a pavement, or sidewalk – everyone does it, and we are so practised at it that we know we're not going to fall off the kerb and into the path of traffic. But there's always the chance that it could happen.

From healthy fear to confidence

I would never dream of climbing "solo", without ropes. Yet I love rock scrambling, and that is a kind of climbing without ropes – only not on sheer vertical rock.

When I started scrambling, it terrified me, and I see that as healthy. At the time, I didn't have the experience or the physical strength in the relevant muscle groups to feel safe climbing over rocks.

As my experience grew, and as I built up my strength and flexibility by doing indoor climbing and bouldering, my confidence increased. Now I happily skip over rocks that other people find terrifying, and it's easy to forget how nerve-wracking I used to find it.

I realised how far I'd come a few months ago, when I was climbing Ben More, a mountain that I'd first climbed two years earlier. At that time me and my two friends took a small detour in order to avoid a steep rock wall – because there was no way we could get over it! When I met this wall again, a few months ago, it seemed so easy to pull myself over it.

The scrambly rock wall on Ben More (when ascending from the south).

Preparation, practice and rehearsal builds confidence and reduces risk, and this is true in just about every aspect of life. I like doing things when I feel fully confident in my ability to do them. As another illustration of this, my mum tells me that when I was a tiny child, she became concerned because I was quite late in learning to speak. I would not say anything apart from the odd baby noise. Then one day, I suddenly started speaking – in sentences.

I clearly didn't want to start speaking until I felt fully confident that I could do it properly!

The same goes for "threading the Needle" on the Cobbler. I don't think anyone should feel compelled to do it until they feel fully confident about it – and if that never happens, fine! No one should feel embarrassed or inferior about not threading the Needle.

However, I'm starting to think I might be ready to climb it! I won't rule it out anyway.

What's your attitude to risk? Do you put in a lot of practice, or just go ahead and hope for the best?

All photos taken by myself unless indicated.

The main photo shows a very experienced climber who made a roped ascent of The Needle in icy conditions.



Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://ramblingandscrambling.co.uk/thoughts/taking-risks-it-gets-easier-with-practice/

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complacency could be a factor

This is so true! I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and can fall over nothing. I have done it many times. I try hard to watch where I am going and pay attention always. It's in the moment I am distracted that disaster befalls me.

I have another example of your thoughts on practice. I tutor people for big exams in Accounting and Finance that go over a few days time. The people who take my advice to take lot of timed practice exams normally do well. Those that do not - often fail. Some people think the practice is not worth the effort, but they are usually wrong.

I am also someone who talked late and in full sentences, so we have this in common.

As the same in all your posts I see - never would I ever do what you do on these mountains. But it is really fun to look. You have wonderful photos on this one and just tell those people to mind their own business and leave you to your fun!

Thanks for your interesting comments @fitinfun. I'm the same actually - I don't have arthritis, but I still used to be able to fall over my own shadow! I had a terrible fall 18 months ago where my face smashed against a rock and I lost 5 teeth, and had to be airlifted to hospital, as it happened at an altitude of 3,000 feet. I was running at the time, and I'm convinced it happened because I was distracted by the beautiful scenery. I always use walking poles now, to help me focus.
But I don't use them when I'm scrambling, as you need your hands as well as your feet - and that means your attention is fully focused all the time. Maybe that's why I love it so much. It's a mindful activity.
That's also a great point about the Accounting exams. I'm hoping to do my Mountain Leader assessment in a few months time, and I'm putting in all the practice and preparation I can now. Hopefully it will pay off!

I am sure you will pass with flying colors.

So sorry about your fall. My worst one was in a bedroom, so it can happen anywhere. I can see how the beauty could be distracting though.

The important thing is to do what you love. Your love of this climbing always shows though.

Risks do become easier with practice but I would not want to be in that guy shoes and climb without a rope, even if I knew the rock perfectly. For me, it is just too risky and I value my life too much. Then again, same could be said about sky-diving and I did that. I guess we all have our reasoning lol. Anyway, good look with your goals, I am sure you will have enough of determination to achieve them. Just be careful along the way 💚

Thanks @zen-art. Wow - sky-diving sounds very scary! I don't think I could jump out of a plane, even if I did have a parachute strapped to my back! I'll stick to scrambling :)

I don't know @natubat...you have much more courage than I do, lol I love hiking and climbing, but something that requires ropes...geesh! My daughter has done quite a bit of rock climbing using all of the gear but not I. Threading the needle would certainly be exciting but if you're not comfortable with it, trust your instinct. Solo climbing sounds really terrifying. Beautiful views from up top to be sure :)

I used to be the same way - I used to watch outdoor climbers with fascination, thinking "I'd never want to do that". I only did a climbing course because I'd been persuaded to participate in an obstacle course race and you had to jump off a platform onto a big mattress at the end. I thought climbing using autobelays might help me overcome that fear, and it did - but more importantly, as soon as I tried climbing, I just loved it and it went from there! The rope now makes me feel more secure because I know how it all works.
Solo climbing though – no way!

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We all are different and perceive risk differently. I also prefer not to take much risk unless I have a lot of experience and I'm sure that I can do it. I'm surprised that you get such reactions from people. I think that everyone should decide what they are capable of and no one should pass a word about it :)

I'm glad that you built your confidence and experience and now you're climbing rocks that you would never imagine climbing before. It's a motivating story :)

And my brother was the same with speaking. He didn't speak until he was 3 years old and then he started with full sentences - a perfectionist :)

Thank you for sharing!

Thanks for your reply @delishtreats! Glad you found it inspiring. I do think it's important for people to build up their confidence gradually. I know some people who have become terrified of steep rocks because they were persuaded to do difficult climbs when they weren't ready for it.

And then they are scared for the rest of their lives.. well done their friends/climbing partners! :)

Everything about this just says a resounding.. NO!
Scares me to death this stuff.

I think that's quite a sensible attitude.

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