in #motivation6 years ago


Hello my friends!) 

With the advent of the lightest and smallest devices, the people began to work more almost the whole day. I work all day. I work at my Desk, sitting at the computer, getting emails on the way to the subway, I answer them, sitting in the subway, scroll through new messages and respond to comments while waiting for food in the cafe, take an urgent call at work while eating. Again, letters and questions catch up with me during the day, I go back to the workplace to finish everything and finish, and then it's time to sleep. In General, work, social communication, all this during the day constantly haunts us. People in cafes - in phone, people metro in the phone, people on the road from the subway to the café too, in the phone, and here we sit at the meeting with friends and look askance at the phone, and suddenly there is something important happening without us?! And, in the end, I see very often as friends, sitting at the same table, like, communicate, but everyone looks at their device. And I have the same happen very often, that's terrible! It's part of modern life. And further all will only accelerate, so learn to cope with their time and filter time real from worker, too, need to learn already now. 

I'm really scared that I'm missing something while I'm watching the phone, sitting somewhere. When I rest in-between, and it is completely automatic mode, respond to email or solve any questions. I think it's really important to be able just to disconnect and remove the phone in the bag and drinking coffee, looking around at the people and the world around them. Filter your time and be able to tell yourself and others: "Now is my personal time, and everything else will wait." Because if you put all of this in priority (something that seems to wait can't), we just lose ourselves and our real life in all of it. It's part of a problem called "let it go." Do you know how much stress my friends have because someone didn't respond to email, that social pages aren't developing as fast as we would like, that the blog isn't becoming popular as expected, that someone hasn't commented or added to friends in response? Stress that then follows them all day because it is in their hands, in their phone, most often. And I get that too, and when I find myself in such stress, just scared. Why am I in it?

So I wrote today's post with those thoughts, that I identified myself, which I remind myself not to get lost in the work and affairs

Learn to disconnect 

And learn to clean the phone away in the bag. Nothing will happen while you drink this cup of coffee. This is your personal time alone with yourself or a friend. Our time is the most precious thing we have. We can buy a lot of things, we can turn the mountains, but we can not add extra time and earn. Therefore it is necessary to appreciate it now. And the sooner the better. Time with yourself, time with our loved ones, a time when the warm wind blowing in the face, and the evening light poured through the leaves. The time when hot fresh coffee smokes and fills the room with aroma. The time when loved ones laugh and tell you something, and you look at them and realize that you love them and how happy you are that you have them. The time when you notice someone in the crowd and realize that inside something clicked. Such a beautiful and priceless your time.

Body care 

About the eyes of, back, neck, all the body. Imagine how much you look at the screen in a day in total and how many photos your eye perceives during every minute of your work. When you run, you feel when it's time to stop because otherwise you will fall. With eyes, for example, such a not case. We often ignore their fatigue until they give up on purpose. And then we got hurt and sad that I had to be more attentive to myself. And why not bring your body to it. Let your eyes look at the world around you, looking at the sky. Go to the spine and the whole body will be in motion. Pull yourself together. The body you have one on your journey and it needs your help

Free time-free thoughts 

Why travel often come ideas about new plans and ideas. Because we are constantly looking around, we are constantly in motion and in the discovery of something new. When we just look at what is happening around - thoughts float quite differently than if we looked at the screen and read comments. When I can't come up with something, for example, a new post, I go into a restaurant, sit at the window and so I was visible to the hall. And just looking at the people, what's going on outside. I see how many things are done every second, what people are different, how much life around. And at such moments the process of creativity and thought moves by itself. And when I want to paint or dance - I go to the Park or forest. Nature has a different character that inspires something else. It helps to calm down, to ground, to calm down and to filter all superfluous. Free time the free flow of new thoughts or the new silence.

 Attention to friends 

Staying close to a friend-remove devices. No one knows what's going, with whom and when to happen, so you need to appreciate the moments when we are together. Really hear each other and be together when you're around. If you urgently need something to say, ask a friend for a minute, apologize, answer all and put the phone down. And then keep talking. Doing everything on the machine, trying to listen and respond to letters, you can miss something important in mind in both cases, and this in turn can lead to not very pleasant results. Be with loved ones when you are with them.

 Life at the moment 

To really see and feel what is happening to you and where you are. When I work at the computer for many hours, at some point I just like to turn on my favorite song, turn off the screen, take a Cup of tea and look out the window. And in moments like these, I feel like I'm starting to get filled with the moment, how the emotions of what I've done today, the feelings of remembering my friends, and realizing how much I love them and how much I miss them. A feeling of gratitude for everything that happens, for all the comments that you leave, for all the new readers. And it's so unreal, it fills from the heels to the top, this moment of what's now. What a delicious tea that cool song that tree outside the window so beautifully swaying in the wind. These moments are priceless. Everyone, every day, every hour, every minute, has their moment that fills their world. Feel it and appreciate such moments with all your heart.


And you have such the case, when you catch themselves on thought, that almost not breathe? Often, when we are passionate about something, we breathe in the "economy mode". That is quite a bit, but not full chest caught myself this? Breathe in for days, if notice, that entered the such a regime. Close your eyes and take a couple of slow and deep breaths. Immediately included a completely different mode of operation of the body, the head will become a little clearer and there will be a General ease in the body and energy to do something. 

To rest 

Give yourself real time to relax. To go to bed with phone in hand and with him to Wake up. And with yourself or with a loved one near. Stretch in the morning, look out the window, hug your family. Soak in the quiet before sleep, listening to music or making evening rituals like a small yoga, cleansing and other things. Let your mind rest and get ready for bed. Rest and sleep well, this is an important part of taking care of yourself. 

To see the life around 

This will probably echo what I already wrote above. But still, notice the life around. Already now, not when it will pass by and will remain absolutely a little. Be with family and loved ones nearby, often try to see them as much as possible, hug them and tell them how much you love them and appreciate. Pay attention to the nature around as it is changeable and diverse. Like a lot of things that you notice and appreciate. 

 I hug your tight and wish you a good day, dear. Appreciate your time.) 

Success is not what you do, it's what you represent





Yep, that's what I try to do every moment! :)

And how are you doing?

as a Scanner personality it is hard not to do anything at all. I often have the illusional Thought not to have enough time. So I try to save time, r.g. during transportation in the train, I read and learn something, when I walk to the station I listen to podcasts and the like. But at the same time I try to avoid theses things and pay more attention to the things that are right now in this particular moment. Listen to the birds, watching the sun rise, looking around and appreciating nature.

Thanks, @holgerwerner for your gift in my comment I am pleased
Regards @maujmasti

I simply share your opinion, that @margarita-de's writing ad great value to personality development discussion here on #Steemit!

I love the way you think!!) In Moscow, people always run somewhere. And their heads are lowered down on gadgets phones. Few people notice what is happening around him. I teach myself not to run, and always always have time.

That's a good way to start! I'm always split up between walking fast, in order to burn some fat, while moving from A to B and walking slow, to be present and appreciate and enjoy what's around me. Sometimes I people in Africa or elsewhere, where they have plenty of time to simply do nothing. Stay on a mat, chatting with others or promenading through town with their best friends, relaxing, talking, doing not much.

Hi @margarita-de you are doing very good blogging here
on @steemit keep steeming
thanks @maujmasti

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