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RE: Steemit Vision Quest - Week 4: Bliss In Stillness: Thinking About Zen ~ A Contradiction in Terms & an Animated GIF

in #motivation6 years ago

Hi @ ldacey-ldacey, wow I was shocked that you voted for me here on this Steemit Vision Quest. Just because my post talks about God, and you believe differently. I’m so blessed that you did, thank you. It’s wonderful that you looked past that and saw the artwork itself. Maybe you didn’t watch the video. Anyways I voted for your artwork here as well. I do not believe what you believe, I have read in the Bible that the devil can come into ones mind and lead a person away from God. I urge you to read about these things happening in the New Testament. Jesus cast demons from many many people. I know for a fact that I had a demon with me at one time Idacey-laforge almost seven years, and he spoke to me as well. The devil can mimic any voice friend. The Bible will tell you this. 7 years ago I had a nervous breakdown because I was watching the downfall, and all the hate of this world, and I felt so helpless to do something about it. I loved people so deeply, and didn’t want my two children to face another word war they were at the age to both be drafted. So I lost it. I was not a Christian, I didn’t believe in Jesus at this particular time. But I did however believe that someone or something was always watching over me. And I thought it must be God. I never knew anything about Jesus, I was not raised like that and also I thought that Christians were hypocrites, and some of them are. But as the devil was telling me that he was my friend, God came in and intervened. I prayed to God to show me the truth, he did threw the Bible, reading about the demons that Christ cast out. I started to go to church, God told me to seek him. Again that’s exactly what God says in the Bible. I was Baptized, and saved. I urge you please friend, God and I love ❤️ you dearly, please read a post that I and the Lord created recently. I had entered an art contest [ Post Link ]
dear @ldacey- laforge I imagine that Kerrie and you have built up a relationship, I have known others who have heard voices also speaking to them. One voice was telling a young female friend of mine that she should quit eating, she was to heavy, the young girl starved herself to we’re she became very anorexic. Through God’s blessings she came to Christ and has been blessed, and lives a wonderful normal life. Ask Kerrie about what she thinks about this. Notice very carefully her response. If she gets angry you I wouldn’t consider that a good thing, and you might want to find a pasture to tell so he can minester to you and cast out hopefully the Demond. Thank you 🙏


I try to keep an open mind and suspend judgement ~ I did watch your animated video and found it very calming; loved the music too.

Thanks for your concern :)

As you kinda say here the dark is real and I have witnessed it.

There is light and dark in all realms and I can assure you that the spirits I talk to are of the brightest order ~ their love, guidance and protection is always loving.

To be honest I feel that it is super easy to differentiate between light/dark spirit communication ~ the energy feels completely different and the messages are easily distinguishable one from one another.

I have never experienced love like I do from my spiritual team.

Each to their own eh.

There are many paths to love and acceptance.

Be well.


Thank you so much @ldacey-laforge, I’m blessed that you are not angry with me. I pray that all is well with you. I truly know that OUR FATHER lifts his children up, in different ways. To seek him through the Bible and to follow Jesus and his ways. Everyone that loves Christ has had there own journey to get there. Thank you for your kindness.

Awww! A gift to me ? It’s beautiful. And your a beautiful woman !💘 look you got me. Love striking my heart. Thank you 🙏 friend.

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