Hello fellow Steemians, here is my post for Art Explosion Week 29 Theme: Awakening. Sponsored by @juliakponsford, information about the contest is [ here ]
This is what I came up with for the Theme Awakening.


Isaiah 43:7
Everyone who is called by My name,
Whom I have created for My glory;
I have formed him, yes, I have made him.”


My Creative Process

I used the Procreate app on my iPad and the following movie shows the drawing process.

Great Awakening

Three and a half years ago, I am almost fifty-nine years old now, I experienced what I like to call a miracle, and a great spiritual awakening. I claim to know for a fact that God is with us, just like it proclaims in the Bible. I will tell you my testimony of when I first heard God’s voice speak to me. Since then I’ve met numerous people who’ve said they’ve heard His voice as well. And these aren’t crazy people. In the Old and New Testament it is written many times that the voice of God was heard by many people, well He’s still talking. Since then I’ve become one of God’s loving soldiers who speaks about God’s ways and truths, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, while very focused on sharing my love towards others.

Severe Pain

Now to begin my testimony. I was home alone approximately three and a half years ago, my husband was away for the evening. I had started having some pain on the right hand side of my rib cage, under my breast. I had some gallbladder problems previously, but did nothing about it. This time it was different, this was a kind of pain I had never experienced before even with natural child bearing. I’d always seemed to have a high tolerance to pain, but this type of pain I couldn’t handle. It kept building, and building rapidly. I quickly stepped into the shower thinking hopefully that somehow the hot water would subside the immense pain that started to wrap around to my back like a Charlie horse. I was just contemplating calling 911, until the pain got so bad I started to black out. The room started getting dark my knees started to buckle I fell up against the wall and I knew I was going down on a marble shower floor with a small marble shelf to one side that I knew could cause some major damage to my skull if hit. As all these visions were going through my head I really became terrified, helpless, I thought I was going to die.

God Help Me

I had never prayed to Jesus for myself before this day, I heard in my mind, pray, pray to God for help so I screamed out loud “God help me, please take away the pain please God! ”, at that moment the pain just instantly stopped. It felt as though someone turned off a faucet. The flood of horrendous agony just stopped. My eyes were instantly cleared I stood straight up, I was in complete shock and I said out loud again, God is that you? Suddenly I heard a mans gentle voice which filled my head saying “ yes I am, now step slowly out of the shower grab this towel” which I did, still in shock, then He told me “now I want you to lay down and get some rest”. I laid my head down and fell asleep before my head even hit the pillow. When I awoke twelve hours latter, and all I could do was fall down on my knees and thank God for His mercy crying profusely! Found a good Church that really delves down into the Bible, and the rest is history, I found Jesus who I never cared about before. So that’s my Testimony and story, I’ve continued to have a loving relationship with my Father every since. Many more incredible miracles from God have happened in my life since that evening but that’s another story. May God bless you!




Oh wow @lildebbiecakes, this is an intense story, amazing. This illustration is really awesome! You should have your own merch, for real, the stuff you draw I can just see on cards, shirts, mugs, you know! This one is really nice, and the message is really sweet.

I am so blessed at the amazing kindly response that I am receiving from this particular post. This is my main goal here on Steemit to share these kinds of miracles I’ve witnessed, spreading love and kindness towards others, building beautiful relationships with other artists, and glorifying God through my artwork. I pray for these things to happen each and every day when I wake up in the morning and also several times throughout the day. And praise God its happened. I want to thank you @renascence for making my time here on Steemit so fulfilling and for supporting me. It’s such great fun talking to you, it’s a blast joking with someone who has the same sense of humor that I have! I know I can be long winded, like now, thank you for your patience, love talking with you friend just luv ya!

Love this story, I think he speaks loud and clear everyday, I found Christ when I was forty I am now 55 and still rely on his word, have studied his word with passion. I think I have read just about every version available. This picture is great, will make a cool T shirt.

Aw @losthippie I’m so blessed that you told me these things, and that you know him. That’s wonderful that you’ve studied and read so many versions brother. And this design would make an awesome T shirt, so would yours. Hey we’d make a great team glorify God with T shirt designs! Thank you so much for your viewing, I pray that others will read my post and God would touch there souls with it to want to seek him. He’s more than willing to help. Bye

Oh my ~ your experience sent chills down my spine.

I am 52 and in June 2016 had a spiritual epiphany. I now speak to spirit and have heard the voice of my guardian angel.

This stuff is real!

(I am an artist/writer/lightworker and although conventional religions still leave me, personally, a little cold I am completely open to all views and interpretations. I myself am simply spiritual.)

Happy to have stumbled upon you here and looking forward to getting to know you over the coming months.

I saw your entry for the @cabelindsay contest which was beautiful.

Love this one too.

Upvoted/Followed ~ please feel free to pop by mine, I'd love to connect more.

With Love.


I’m sorry @ ldacey-laforge, I looked and wrote to you about looking at my blog here, I was scrolling down on my replies and was replying back to them, and I didn’t come to this one yet. Thank you so much friend for viewing. I wish the same, I’d love to get to know you better, I certainly don’t want to scare you or turn you off. God is with me, and he wanted to speek to you through me. I have prayed for it. The Bible tells us that God will do this through us with prayer. God says the angels watch us and help us. So I definitely believe in Guardian Angels. Also Satin, the devil, is a “ fallen” angel. One of God’s good angels would never lead you away from believing in God would he or she? The good angel God created them gave them life would ask you to seek God. Not anything else. Please know, God and I care about your soul, and your life right now here on earth, He has told me our soul never dies, but Satin and other demons can lead you astray to never know Him. As you have seen here on this particular post, God blessed me and took away that horrible pain instantly, Satin does not have the power to do this it says in the Bible, God was his creator. May you find perfect piece!

Just to clarify ~ I believe in God but prefer to call it Heavenly Father/Mother infinite creator. I imagine this creator as an incredible, abstract, energetic source.

I am simply not drawn to any organised religion ~ I have always been a free spirit and thinker.

With love.


I understand what you are saying here, I felt the same way with organized religion. I have felt that some Christians that proclaim to be Christians do not follow Jesus and his teachings. Jesus said “you are to love your neighbor as yourself”. One of the golden rules. If all Christians really followed Jesus like they proclaim that they do, then they would want to pray for more love, kindness, patience, forgiveness, towards all men women and children. They would want to strive to become a better human being, to be more like Jesus. I pray that more of them would just ask themselves, before they acted mean towards others with harsh words “ what would Jesus do in this case”. Unfortunately, I’ve seen many so called Christians stab there christian brother and sister in the back with gossip and other methods of unholiness, If you truly follow Jesus and his ways you would want to treat everyone with kindness and respect like you yourself would want to be treated. That’s the gospel of Jesus. So I can understand completely where you would be turned off by organized religion. When Christ spoke the gospel he spoke it sometimes outside, sometimes in people’s houses. And that’s beautiful. One thing I know is that we need fellowship to be with like minded people so we can pray together for people and ourselves. It says in the Bible if one or more come together in prayer it works miracles. The thing is people forget that is told in the Bible many times, we are the “ Church” not the building. So when people say to me “ what church do you go to” I say sometimes what do you mean, I am the church. It’s a great conversation starter. I can completely understand you. Christians have made Christianity a religion, and it’s not. It’s a way of life. Bye

Love the artwork and the story. You are truly blessed to have heard His voice and have Him help you in a time of need. Like you've said, I don't think you're crazy but often lunacy can be the flip side of enlightenment. I'm quite moved by your story and respect your beliefs. Congrats on an excellent post!

Thank you so much @soulturtle, I looked at your Introduceyourself post, your an amazing loving person I see and very educated and smart. You have lived a colorful life and have learned many wonderful things, and it’s so wonderful that you appreciate the beauty in nature. God has given us many gifts here and we should take care of them. So I would like to know more about you and your art, I have started to follow you and I hope a beautiful friendship will blossom from it . Thank you friend for your kind vote, and I pray that God may bless you with his almighty wisdom, we all come to God in different ways, it is definitely a life long journey!

Wow, very cool art and equally great story, thanks for sharing!

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