The Heart of A ChampionsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #motivation7 years ago

The Heart of A Champion

Through life's challenges, we essentially have two options. We either allow ourselves to become deflated by that which arises and adopt a defeatist attitude, or we acquire in the trenches of life's struggles the Champion's Heart.


A true champion doesn't give up when they face obstacles; They welcome experiences that will sharpen them into becoming more effective, determined, and resilient.


Anyone can grow the heart of a champion within because is an attitude that one adopts in order to face what life throws at you. So never sink into the trap of self-pity and deem yourself unworthy. You are a winner just by existing!


Identify what fulfills you in life, and pursue that. Cultivate a powerful focus and don't let little things get in the way of your dream. Persevere and eventually you will achieve your goal!


The more times you fail along the way, the more satisfying it will be once you finally reach the destination. So learn from every setback and don't lose hope.


Life is a magnificent journey, so enjoy the path you have chosen. By taking responsibility for all aspects of your existence you claim personal empowerment that will propel you through difficult situations.


Don't forget to celebrate as you experience the little joys of everyday life! As you attain success you will blaze a trail and encourage others to pursue their passions as well. Gradually we nurture the Champion's Heart within all of humanity.


Take heart! Be encouraged today!

May we all realize the Heart of A Champion within us.

By Daniel Pendergraft

All images are free domain use.


When the going gets tough, the real stay legit,
Never learned to stop or when they should quit.
When no one comes to help, they do it anyway,
If life is a game, why is everyone scared to play.
Jump in the deep end, with your buddy d-pend,
We need similar people on who we can depend.
So when others quit and they don't give a shit,
Just go full on Bruce Lee, goals get annihilated.

@d-pend this was a timely and wonderful post. It made me smile and take heart. I actually had a breakthrough today and got back my "mojo" . I made a decision to to write exactly what I felt and did. It was a huge burden off my chest. Just how you write your poetry and/or articles to express an inner passion, I did the same and feel wonderful. You did something for my post which was something very special. The gesture touched my inner spirit. Thank-you! I loved what you wrote in your piece, "The Heart of A Champion." It had meaning and purpose and I thank-you for writing it. I think this is good for many people who get close to giving up, who hit rock bottom, who lose drive. Your advise is excellent and meaningful. Thank-you! Have a wonderful Sunday!!! :D

"The more times you fail along the way, the more satisfying it will be once you finally reach the destination. So learn from every setback and don't lose hope."

That is my gospel.

Yes! Indomitable optimism! (With a healthy dose of sobering realism ;)

Saw this post and started to read it. Then I realized it was time to go pick up my wife. I got in the car and turned the radio on and out came Queen:
"we are the champions, my friends
And we'll keep on fighting 'til the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions of the world.
Universe in synchronicity with your post or visa versa. Nice!
I like occurences such as this.

That is excellent! Cheers to synchronicity! It certainly inspires awe whenever we experience such things. Sometimes it's even a bit scary lol...

Thank you @d-pend. Yes, our perspective determines whether it's synchronicity, coincidence, confirmation or woo-woo.

Well-said. I agree.

I want to share this post with my students. Very inspirational. It is all about our mindset and attitude. If we are willing to work and stay positive, we can overcome any lack of talent or resources. Thanks!

Exactly! When I was a kid, I remember being very skeptical about the posters I would see in my elementary school which said that Life was 95% attitude, 5% situation. It seemed unrealistic and I didn't think attitude could make that big of a difference. The older I've gotten, the more I've discovered the truth of it! Mindset is a very powerful tool. Hope you can help convey that to your students :)

I try everyday

Cheers! What age students do you teach?

Mostly high school juniors, 16 and 17 year olds. I teach English, literature, writing, stuff like that. A lot of students say my classes are more like philosophy courses though, which I take as a compliment. Cheers to you!

That's fantastic! Conversations and teachings tend to meander to the areas of our inner reflections. So it doesn't surprise me that your teaching would be quite philosophical in nature :D

That's kind of you to say and I agree. That's what I'm loving about people like you on Steem too, sharing thoughtful stuff and looking to have real conversations instead of just posting crap to impress people or pimp themselves.


Exactly, perfect, very inspirational words. I feel it within me becuase It talks to me directly in my life and my situation right now. 101% motivation

Life lasts for a long time and it's hard to keep going when the going gets tough. I think it's important that we encourage each other because when you are down, there will always be someone else that's still in a focused mindset that can help get you back in the game! Hope you have a great day @jacksonoskele

Some great inspiration! This is very true: "The more times you fail along the way, the more satisfying it will be once you finally reach the destination."

Absolutely... we have to cultivate this indomitable attitude so that when we're experiencing failure we know how to contextualize it and don't become totally overwhelmed. Then we can move through it and continue to thrive! Also, we can glean a lot of wisdom from what we go through that way instead of rejecting it because it's scary.

All of us here are champions, no?

Precisely. Cheers @buzzbeergeek!

No truer words can be spoken excellent post! So inspiring! Loved🌺😊 enjoy your day!

Great, I'm glad! Have an awesome day :)

yo bro! love your motivations! i have mentioned your name and profile on my giveaway! Goodluck !

Thank you so much man! That means a lot. Have an awesome day and congrats on the 540 followers :D

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