Quote of the day: "If you learn from defeat, you haven´t really lost."

Dear Steemit friends and followers,

I would like to share another interesting quote with you today.

Source: success.com, author: Zig Ziglar, renowned American author, salesman, and motivational speaker

"If you learn from defeat, you haven´t really lost."

What do you think of this inspirational quote? What is your attitude to defeats or failures in life? Have you experienced a defeat that later helped you achieve something that you would never achieve if there had not been for that defeat?

Let me know in the comments, I am looking forward to reading your opinions and stories :)

Have a wonderful day and Steem on!

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the sad part about people is when they lost they gave up, once they gave up they never learn their lesson and they stop climbing to the top(you know what i mean)

the reason why Thomas Edison invented the bulb is he figure out the 1000 ways that doesn't work, without learning from it he would have never invented it. failure can be a blessing if you learned from it, and it can be a curse if you haven't learn from it. :)

Failure is an early foothold for success. If we are desperate and give up when we fail, we lose our footing to succeed. The failures that we experience are a stepping stone to success. So it depends on how to respond to failure. We will completely fail forever if we stop and give up, or we will achieve success if we continue to fight tirelessly and never give up when faced with failure. Do not be afraid of failure, but be afraid if we give up when faced with failure. Because we will really fail if we give up in the face of failure.

Great motivation. If you learn a lesson from defeat you have not lost. Those who believe they know everything are usually the ones who could stand to learn something. Thanks for sharing!

My pleasure! Thank you for stopping by and reading the post!

Too err is human. We do a lot of mistake which cause defeat. But defeat is not the end of world it give you new lesson which help you to become successful so as long you learn from your defeat you are on right track. Defeat is the first step of success. All we need to show patience and don't commit same mistake again and again. In my honest opinion no one defeat in life unless he accept the defeat. Have a nice time @czechglobalhosts

Absolutely agreed. Have a good one!

Every defeat is a victory if you learn from it. also we can say that defeat can be a device, if you just learn from the last one. By the way keep sharing valuable posts like this. stay blessed <3

Absolutely! Thank you for stopping by. Tomas

Failure is common in human nature. We are all wrong in something. People who have reached the top have failed in many ways. There is a simple example: how do you know about joy if you have not felt sadness? What is really going to teach you are the mistakes, you will not only learn but you will become stronger and more resistant.

Nicely said! Thank you for sharing some aditional thoughts on the subject! I love it. Tomas

One of the most finest cricket Captain the world has ever seen Great Imran Khan once said,

“It is not defeat that destroys you,it is being demoralized by defeat that destroy you.”

I do 100% that it is not a big deal or loss if you have bee defeated in your life. Actually you discover different way to achieve your milestones in the life. It is not success that teaches you rather it is defeat which helps to build stamina to win :)

Very true. A lot of people are too scared of failure, try to avoid it, and are broken down when they do. I am not afraid to lose, because I know with every loss I learn one thing to avoid on my way to success. Thanks

I am very happy to hear that you go by that rule! Great job.

The quote is so inspiring and it can be taken by 2 points pf view
1- if i want to be optimistic and to lie a little bit on myself i can say that i didn’t lose i learned from my defeat but that doesn’t mean that i didn’t lose literally i’de rather ti say i lost this round but i gained more experience and i will win next time.

2- i can be also optimistic and confess by this defeat and remember that tomorrow is another day and life most go on.

But ofcourse i have not stop at this point and give up i have always be optimist even if i lost

Thank u @czechglobalhosts for sharing this post

Keep the momentum going and your optimism high and you will go a long way. Kudos to you!

Thank u for sharing such nice quotes great job

I believe that we always get out stronger and wiser after a defeat, that's the way I see it.
I've had so much defeats in the past that helped me learn soo many important things in life.

Thanks for the quote @czechglobalhosts, it's a really inspiring one!

Glad to hear you were able to learn from you past defeat and mistakes. The learning curve is long and difficult but it does pay off greatly in the end.

For sure my friend! But many people only see the negativity, right? I see it a lot in relationships and it happened to me in the past...

Relationship ends, but people only focus on the bad situations in which culminated to the break up. I did the inverse, I focused on all the great things I've learned from the relationship, like becoming more confident for example.
I've written in some of my travel stories about how I put myself into difficult situations, on pourpose hahahhaahaha, that way I can analyse and learn how to deal with myself and the situation.

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