Your Worst Habits Just Need To Be Reprogrammed!

in #motivation2 years ago

Breaking bad habits is like fighting a war
Breaking bad habits is a battle. It requires you to fight the urges to do things you would rather not do. This can be difficult because you don't know when or where the urge will strike. However, the best way to break bad habits is to start identifying the triggers. These triggers will differ for every person and you must find them before the urge hits.

It takes weeks to change
It is possible to re-program your brain to change your habits. Habits form from repeated actions. If you want to change your habits, you must replace them with better ones. The best way to do this is to train your brain to perform better actions.

It requires willpower
Many of our worst habits can be changed. You can start by removing the triggers to your habits. Throwing away the triggers that lead you to smoke, eat junk food, or watch TV can make them easier to resist. The environment you live in is also a factor. A bad environment makes it easier to form bad habits, while a good environment makes it harder to develop bad ones.

It requires knowledge
If you're having trouble breaking a bad habit, the first step is to understand what triggers it. Do you reach for a certain kind of food or a certain type of phone? You might need to put these things away or move them to a different area. By knowing the triggers, you'll be able to replace them with a better habit.

It requires accountability
The first step to reprogramming your worst habits is to realize what triggers them. Once you understand these triggers, you can change your behavior by blocking them, removing the app, or substituting healthier behaviors. The next step is to find an accountability partner who will hold you accountable. This person should be objective, honest, and without skin in the game. It doesn't have to be a friend or relative.

It requires systems that allow your subconscious mind to accept the changes
Your brain's ability to form habits is hard to break, but it can be changed. The key is understanding how your subconscious mind works and how to rewire it for better habits. Habits form as a result of repeated actions and cues. The goal is to replace the bad habits with better ones by training your brain to focus on the positive consequences of new behaviors.

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