I got BRAVE on Whatever Wednesday - MAC Day 1 - Aug 1, 2018

I had a very used laptop that was collecting dust. Honestly, I'd probably still be using it as my main laptop but a lot of things were going wrong for my old ASUS but I wanted to do something BRAVE with it before she went off to the digital playground in the sky.

Meredith Loughran blogs on Steemit

Firstly, my ASUS is old.

Secondly, about a year ago I had accidentally spilled some coffee on the keyboard. I tried to dry it quickly but I have a feeling the dark brew probably covered up some important elements. After 48 hours off any power source, it began typing crazy and mysterious things on it's own - rarely letting me get a word in!

Thirdly, the battery completely died well over a year ago which means that if it's not plugged in then it shuts down. There's no pretty shut down mode; no taking its time to close programs. It's just OFF.

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The last few days I've been going through the files, moving important pictures and files to a flash drive and made the decision to reformat the hard drive. But I wanted to take it a step further. I wanted to break away from Windows and installed UBUNTU instead.

Why not?

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If something was to go horribly wrong, then my old ASUS can be retired to a drawer or parted out. No big deal.
Once I created a bootable flash drive, I began my UBUNTU installation. I wasn't going to try having a dual boot installation. I went all in.

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Ta Da!

Meredith Loughran blogs on Steemit

Wait... is that a... beaver?

please tell me there's an off-color inside joke about this desktop screen!


Installation was surprisingly easy and I quickly learned to navigate the desktop to find pre-installed apps. That's when I saw it... The lion. The BRAVE lion. This is what I was after!

Meredith Loughran blogs on Steemit

I remember reading about the Brave browers; how it's open-sourced with built in micropayments to my favorite sites. And then I saw a cool thing about becoming a verified publisher and thought again, WHY NOT?

Let's see how deep this rabbit hole really is.

Whatever are you doing on this Wednesday?

Participating in the #monthlyauthorchallenge (MAC) launched by @future24
#WhateverWednesday is part of the daily prompts to help you through writer's block on any given day!

all images are my own unless otherwise cited

Meredith Loughran builds websites

Check out my site for a growing list of Steemit Challenges & Cool Links


@ merej99 it's good to know that you have joined the author of the month, a very buna slogan to stay active.
I did not know this operating system, since I started working with computers using the windows
Good to Know!
I wish you a happy rest

I'm slowing adding more and more bookmarks and getting used to the system. I'm not so tied to Windows anymore, especially since my word documents and spreadsheets have been migrated over to OpenOffice. I'm told Ubuntu is a more stable operating system and not as easily hacked. We will see! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. :)

Good call on the repurposing of the old Asus. I bet it flies along now with Ubuntu loaded and bloated with OS whatever number it was on.
Brave is also a smart move. No ads except the ones that pay you to engage with them. Winning ;)

It is a lot faster but it managed to wipe out the driver to my Netgear wifi adapter and I'm still searching for a linux-based fix. In the meantime, I'm plugged in like a damned umbilical cord but I'm quickly falling in love with the setup. I've still got to read up on how Brave works. I'm sure I'll find more info in the BAT whitepaper.

I've got an older laptop which I'm going to setup with Ubuntu when I get a spare minute. Glad you are enjoying the speed improvements. :)

I love the concept behind Brave, unfortunately I don't use it as much cause it's kinda glitchy on my computer. I dunno if it's just me or if a number of other people have similar issues. But.. I'd switch over 100% if it didn't give me so many issues.
However.. I think they'll sort it out in time, and hopefully in time it becomes one of the next big browsers! I think this is a trend we're going to see where more and more companies reward their userbase/customers more and more. Which I think is definitely a good thing. ._.

After the storms, it seems our internet and a few of our home computers are a little glitchy. Thank goodness that laptop was off so anything kooky going on will be attributed to being an old gal.
I'm still getting used to a Linux-based operating system. It's just different enough where I'm hunting and pecking for things, but familiar enough that I don't mind. Since I'm starting to learn Python I thought the switch might be the smart, more proactive way to go :)

I finally deleted Chrome the other day and just used Brave but with some things like Youtube and also a few other sites were a little different so I ended up back at Chrome but really want to use Brave more, it is hard for me to use one half! I loved how many ads blocker they tell me and other stats, cool! :-)

I know what you mean! I'm Chrome addicted and slowly figuring out what I want to bookmark on Brave. I guess, like Steemit, the early adopters are going to go through some trials.

Right! Well, one day we will have one do it all, until then using both, lol! :-)

I have...

I installed Ubuntu on a USB stick few weeks back but have got to pushing it. :-)

Oooh. That's a pretty desktop. I'm still figuring out how to adjust my desktop settings. I'm beginning to wonder if it is my version. I installed Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS (Bionic Beaver? LOL)

That is from the Brave.😎

Have fun with that :D

I've been thinking about that thing with Brave as well, but haven't gotten around to actually doing it yet (got so many things to do already DX). It's still installed and I do use it from time to time (mostly for things that collapsed in a heap because NoScript is too good at its job) but I couldn't quite get it to be the default browser.

Are you going to do an update on how you went with the new browser and OS and some point in the not too distant future? Assuming the poor computer doesn't kark it before then :)

I'll definitely be sharing my experiences and hopefully getting feedback from Linux pros who know their stuff. I kind of wish I did this a decade ago. LOL

Did what a decade ago, switch to Linux? As I don't think Brave has been around quite that long :) Now is probably not a bad time to switch to linux anyway as it's more end-user-without-the-knowhow/inclination-friendly now than it was a decade ago.

Didn't Brave get released around the time of the BAT ICO? That was earlier this year, I think - or end of last year.

A decade ago (probably longer, now that I think of it), a friend from work gave me a bootable disk for Linux. I wonder if I still have it in a box somewhere. LOL

Haha great post @merej99 ! that must be a Canadian beaver lol! You know I know very little about these things, but My Chromebook I got last year from selling some steem is also made by Assus , my son actually picked it out because I love touch screens , so easy for me to use lol! Good luck with it my friend! upped and resteemed!😀💕✌👍

I love my ASUS products! They've been really reliable and can take some punishment as I'm not usually very kind with them. lol
I've got two touch screen items, my old iPhone (for apps) and my 7" tablet to test website responsiveness. I used to have a touch screen computer when I was taking online classes. Imagine how crazy I got when I was writing a paper and realized that a stupid fly would land on my screen and my mouse just followed it. LOL OMG, I'm laughing about it now but I wanted to kill that fly with that monitor!

Haha that's funny @merej99 🤣 mines only a year old , about 10 inches , I was using only my little Samsung tablet before that it was driving me crazy trying to post on Steemit. So much better now.I don't even know how to work my son's computer lol🤣😊😎

Posted using Partiko Android

howdy this fine Thursday @merej99..yes I've always heard wonderous things about Unbuntu like it can't be hacked and so forth but I didn't know about Brave until now. It will be interesting to see how you like it!

I'm still learning my way around it. So far I really like Ubuntu and for a really long time I've heard that anything Linux is better than Windows. The jury's still out about Brave but I need to spend more time on it to really get a feel for it's benefits and pitfalls.

howdy this fine Monday @merej99! thanks so much for getting back to me. I'm really glad that you switched because we've talked about it here but weren't sure. Now we can watch how it goes for you, assuming that you will be posting about it! thank you Ma'am!

Omg... i've never head about ubuntu nor the brave... 😨😂

Ubuntu is a linux-based operating system. I think I have a first generation boot up disk but always rejected switching over because Windows is everywhere! Brave is a new browser and I'm still figuring out it's micropayment options. It's just another step down the rabbit hole of information. lol

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