10 years later

in #monsterhigh7 years ago (edited)

10 years since he left. 10 years since he left it.
Much has changed. Much has turned around. That past Deuce with green snakes on his head and sunglasses, every second word of which was "Hey, man!" and skate is your favorite means of transportation. All that has not changed since then is his smile.
Now it was a completely different guy. Instead of snakes, on his head was a well-groomed chestnut hair. Instead of the usual type of rebel, now was the image of a calm, balanced and confident man. and instead of mirror glasses, there were filtering lenses in front of them, which allowed to keep his force under control.
In the hands of Deuce was a letter. Invitation to a meeting of graduates. Surprisingly, ten years have passed since he left the walls of Monster High and went home to Greece, but friends still remember him. Of course, he will go to this event. It's a great opportunity to see Claude. One correspondence in the monster-net, a lot not talk. Maybe he'll even see his godson - a little wolf with pointed fangs like a vampire, see the other friends and see her. For ten years he had not seen her. And therefore, he will do his best not to miss this meeting.
Familiar places. The catacombs of Monster High are a common place for such events.
When he entered the hall, not all monsters recognized him immediately. He has changed so much that even the closest friends have begun to doubt.

  • Dews, bro, how is life? - Claude asked first - 100 years did not see.
  • Hey, come down. How? How are Draculaura, Claudine? I can not wait to see them.
  • They're all in the room, come on, werewolf answered and led Deuce to his friends.
  • Dews? Cried the friends after seeing him.
  • How is your life? You have changed a lot. Are you for long? questions sprang from school friends.
  • The day after tomorrow I'm flying back. And you have changed as well, "remarked Gorgon. That there is only one Heath, who quietly clings to his hand with Abby and does not get up!
  • How do you live, Deuce? - Claudine asked with interest.
  • А restaurant in Greece. - he answered, looking around - And Cleo has not come yet?
  • She promised to stop by - Laguna answered - But her boss is such a freak that she can not even let go an hour earlier.
  • Wow. She works? What about the throne, the privilege? Deuce asked in surprise.
  • Here it is, come, look - said Draculaura, pointing to the entrance.
    Looking at the front door, Gorgon saw a completely unfamiliar girl. She stood in a short light navy-colored dress. Slightly visible makeup in the form of light arrows and pink lip gloss. But she looked absolutely PERFECT. Deuce was breathless.
    Entering the hall, Cleo De Nile, immediately saw in the crowd of her friends and headed towards them.
  • Cleo, that's a fine fellow." Frankie sparkled.
  • Drop it, as if I can not see you any other day." Cleo looked at her friends.
  • Dews? She asked uncertainly - It's you, is not it?
  • Yes, Cleo, this is him - Draculaura joyfully declared - Oh, my favorite song, I went!
    Claude invited the vampire to dance and took her to the center of the room. Taking from his example, the rest of the monsters also invited their friends to dance. It was like in the old days, Claude and Draculaura, Laguna and Gil, Heath and Abby, Frankie and Jackson, even Claudine was dancing with her buddy Ted. Only one pair was missing, and realizing this, Gorgon invited Cleo to a dance.
  • How is your life, Cleo? - Tell me everything - asked Deuce.
  • I have everything exactly. I work as an administrator in the office. It's so boring.
  • What about the throne and the work of the father? He asked with interest.
  • It did not work out - Cleo replied - And how are you?
  • Opened the restaurant "Athens". With time off from papers, I also work in the kitchen.
  • Of course, you just love to cook. You know, Deuce, I did not recognize you at first - Cleo admitted - Where are your snakes and glasses? Learned to control the force?
  • Some years ago, I decided to change the image. And glasses, replaced by contact lenses.
  • Yes, your eyes. I've longed to see them for so long - Cleo confessed.
  • You have changed yourself. So simple now. Without gold jewelry and dresses you do not know - remarked Gorgon - But this does not mean that it does not suit you. You're beautiful.
    There was a silence. Not awkward, but so strange, pleasant, exciting you whole. They danced in this silence, looking into each other's eyes, as if words for conversation were not needed at all. When the music changed, they recoiled from each other. The guys were again in the circle of friends, in particular Gorgon, whom the guys have not seen for so many years. The guys had something to discuss. They remembered matches, parties and generally exciting events.
    After a while, Deuce was standing next to Cleo, who somehow nervously dismounted the room. Everyone around was so happy to meet old friends. Cleo, too, could not rejoice, because the one she had nearly forgotten with so much difficulty, again stood before her and made her heart beat faster.
  • Why are you sad? - heard a familiar voice from the back.
  • I ... I'm not sad. I do not know what to do. Cleo answered, turning to him.
  • Let's go for a walk - suggested Deuce, taking her by the arm, headed for the exit, shouting something inaudible to his friends. All the way they were silent. Cleo silently walked side by side like a dumb, and Gorgon did not know how to talk to her. When was the last time they walked side by side? It was like ten years ago. Then she could talk for hours without stopping to tell him anything. Since then everything has changed. Tears began to appear in Cleo's eyes. Deuce blamed himself for being in such a state. For these few years, he realized how much she could love her heart. Gorgon just hugged her, trying to admit his own guilt.
  • Cleo, I'm sorry - I'm such an idiot. Please do not cry. Cleo, do you hear me? Please stop - But her tears were now flooding at once, even his shirt was wet.
  • Cleo, I did it for you! I just wanted you to be happy.
  • Give me a hand, Deuce? You left, fled from me. You did not even ask me what I wanted! Cleo cried through her tears. - And most of all I wanted you to be around. I was happy with you, you know?
  • I could not let you lose everything because of me. I did not stop loving you! But your father let me know that you do not need me at all. It was your fairy tale, Cleo. There was no place for me in it. Beautiful princesses always fall in love with princes and live with them happily ever after.
  • When I learned that your father forced you to do this, it disgusted me to live in his house - De Nile trembling voice suddenly heard - I was disgusted by what I had/ I could not continue to exist normally there. The palace became completely stranger to me. In one day I just packed the suitcase and moved. I left everything there: father, servants, everything that I had. I called you every day. For three years, there was no day, that I would not try to contact you. Until I realized that all is useless. Do you think that my feelings finally cooled down? This is not true. I still love you. I did not stop. But the girls helped me live on.
  • I know. I've read your every message, Cleo - Gorgon whispered to her ear - I was hurt by the fact that I broke your heart. Forgive me. I do not know how you have the guts to talk to me. But I want you to know, Cleo, that even now my heart beats in unison only with your name. Sorry.
  • I'm sorry ... - she said softly and, as always, touched his lips first
    The rest of the evening they spent together, not letting go of each other's hands, as if they were afraid to part again. They did not sleep all night, wandered through the streets of the deserted city, visiting all the memorable places for them, trying to fill this gap with a length of ten years.
    And the next day was the brightest and happiest, in the last few years of their life. All day they just lay all day on the bed, next to each other, talking about everything in the world, and Gorgon already clearly understood that no power on Earth would force him to leave her again.

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