Monochrome Monday - Salt Chandelier

My Monochrome Monday entries this week feature a couple of photographs of a chandelier carved from salt.

I took them during my trip to Krakow when we visited the Wieliczka Salt Mines.

I've written a number of posts from that trip which I have listed below so you can find out more, if you missed them. 😁

salt chandelier.jpg

Be sure to click on the image to view it full screen!

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Looking up through the chandelier from the bottom.

salt chandelier bottom.jpg

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More posts from Krakow:

Train to Wieliczka
Salt Mine Architecture
Krakow Street
Salt Mine Artifacts
Krakow Street Scene

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Thanks to @old-guy-photos for this fun initiative.


Very good photos. I like the rays of light streaming out from the lights in the first pic.

Yeah. I hadn't noticed that when I looked at them previously but I thought it worked really well too @steven-patrick. 😊

Surprisingly, I would not be able to distinguish them from ordinary chandeliers. It's art! Thanks for the photo

I know. It's very clever isn't it @madlenfox? All the aspects of the carved chapels were very impressive. Well worth a visit! 😊

thank you @billykeed. They are are unusual. Glad you liked them. 😊

That Chandelier is amazing!

I thought so too @viruk. Thank you for visiting. 😊

Carved from salt... That's pretty extraordinary. Beautiful stuff, m8!

yes. The whole thing was really extraordinary @k0wsk1. Thank you for visiting. 😊

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