Are Canadian Banks INSOLVENT? If People Withdrew Their MONEY, Is It GAME OVER!?

in #money6 years ago (edited)

I thought I should take a quick look at Canada's solid banks to see how well they might fare if 20% of their deposits was withdrawn in one day. It shows that they would have to close quite fast as they have 90% or less of the deposits available in cash.

To elaborate on why that looks at how fractional reserve banking works! Out of a $100 deposit, the banks can through fractional reserve lending create $1000 now what is the $100 in a percentage of $1000? 90% and that entails that the Canadian banks are way beyond fractional reserve lending. They use what the Bank of Canada calls a zero reserve policy which I mention in my latest book on the Canadian economy:

With Canadian banks looked upon as some of the strongest in the world. I wanted to show you how they operate and don't have any of their liabilities your deposit available for withdrawal if 10% or more took out their deposits at once. It would create a bank run which has happened 1000's of times throughout history and the movie It's A Wonderful Life gives us a tale of how a bank run starts and how they can and most likely will bankrupt the bank as their scheme is exposed!

Below is an expose of the bank's holdings pulled from their most recent available balance sheets!

RBC Deposits:
RBC Cash on Hand:
Cash To Deposit Ratio:
95.61% of Deposits not covered

TD Bank Deposits:
TD Bank Cash on Hand:
Cash To Deposit Ratio:
99.55% of Deposits not covered

BMO Deposits:
BMO Cash On Hand:
Cash To Deposit Ratio:
90.76% of Deposits not covered

CIBC Deposits:
CIBC Cash On Hand:
Cash To Deposit Ratio:
97.90% of Deposits not covered

National Bank Deposits:
National Bank Cash On Hand:
Cash To Deposit Ratio:
96.42% of Deposits not covered

Caisse Populaire Deposits:
Caisse Populaire Cash On Hand:
Cash To Deposit Ratio:
95.09% of Deposits not covered

Bank of Nova Scotia Deposits:
Bank of Nova Scotia Cash on Hand:
Cash To Deposit Ratio:
98.66% of Deposits not covered

Desjardins Group Deposits:
Desjardins Group Cash On Hand:
Cash To Deposit Ratio:
98.83% of Deposits not covered

HSBC Bank of Canada Deposits:
HSBC Bank of Canada Cash On Hand:
Cash To Deposit Ratio:
99.91% of Deposits not covered

canadian_western_bank.jpgCanadian Western Bank Deposits:
Canadian Western Bank Cash on Hand:
Cash To Deposit Ratio:
99.92% of Deposits not covered

Laurentian Bank of Canada Deposits:
Laurentian Bank of Canada Cash On Hand:
Cash To Deposit Ratio:
98.86% of Deposits not covered


Fractional reserve means they have about 5 - 10% on hand to handle withdraws. The derivatives exposure if I remember correctly is between 3 to 5 times the net worth of the banks. Derivatives will bring these banks down so quickly when the interest rate goes up and the chain of default starts.

I was looking at Canadians banks on balance sheet derivatives and they are big enough to topple them alone. The worst part is of course off balance sheet Derivatives in SPE and SPV's. Also Canada is using a zero reserve banking. Meaning the banks set their own reserve ratios as you can see!

Thank you I didn't know the reserve can be down to zero. Do you think credit union is less risky without the Derivatives time bomb?

I haven't looked too much, but I have seen on the balance sheet of one of Winnipeg's biggest CU MBS from their highest risk mortgages. $159M I think

I am working on doing CU and banks in other countries that will come in the coming weeks. Took about 4 hours putting together the above info.

I know how the derivatives work as far as stocks and options but how are the banks using them? Are the Canadian banks better or worse than the US ones?

Credit Default Swap is like insurance bet on some bond, mortgage backed security or credit instrument default. Investment Banks would act like a bookie taking bets and if nobody defaults that is great extra income to pay the big bonus to executives. The potential payout is usually many times the banks assets so if a lot of these bet go sour banks will go bankrupt, at that point all the money the banks spend lobbying will pay off as it is bailout/bailin time.

It created the Bailout of AIG in 2008

That makes sense. The banks buy cheap insurance and the investment banks make easy profit until things go against them.

Canadian banks issues MBS's! BMO issued AAA rated MBS's last year.

Well if I understand correctly the bank bail-in is supposed to convert all bank issued bonds to "then worthless" shares. Turning dead banks to zombie... IIRC bank bonds are owned by the likes of ETF, mutual funds, pension fund, insurance company asset so it is just a round about way to ding all savers.
Globe and mail article on bank bail-in
I think crypto is not a bubble, many more will be fleeing the sinking fiat/banks.

Oh man those cash to deposit ratios look precarious

Welcome to the Fractional Reserve Banking system. Actually in Canada it's Zero reserve banking!

So crazy, it's all there to read but nobody cares. At least there's an appendix that outlines the process by which reserve requirements were phased out in Canada, the idiocy is well documented ;)

This is sad, solid information man thanks!

I'm working on exposing credit unions and several big global banks as well. People need to know this!

Disappointing since banks are foundation on which a country's financial structure rests.

I’ve always wondered what would happen to Canadian banks if Canadian real estate were to collapse.

Had a mortgage broker friend of mine mention how a local credit union customer couldn't withdraw $1M in cash from a local bank!

How long ago was this?

What city was this in?

I’m in Alberta. I’ve heard a few rumours on ATB Financial. I can imagine ATB May have over leveraged themselves during the Alberta oil boom.

Great! I’m about to check it out!

Don't wonder, instead wait. :)

Doesn’t bode well for my fellow Canadians.

O my lord, wth our banks are 90-95% empty? Nobody is talking about this, they’re more concerned with Justin makin a damn joke. This isn’t a joke, our citizens are basically bankrupt and they don’t even know it. We need to solve this. What are these politicians all blowing it on crack or something now? Like I’m absolutely terrified right now because of this. As a Canadian, I’m furious to the bones. Where are our manufacturers where are our resources going how is one of the biggest countries in the world, full of resources completely insolvent? It doesn’t make any sense. We need to force government to adhere to a completely transparent platform. We need our systems to be verified on a Blockchain so we can’t be bought and debted out of house and home.

It's probably just a matter of time before the Central Banking system collapses. Banks are not worried because they know Trudeau will bail them out with Tax Pay $$. The Central Banking Cartel is really a very fradgile ponzi scheme and will collapse.

We will see Bank Recapitalizations aka. Bail Ins :)

I suspect that would apply to all banks everywhere in the world.

Thanks for the stats. At least on paper BMO is less insolvent.

They are close to a fractional reserve banking. The rest is using a zero reserve policy that BOC implemented for Canadian banks.

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